When the Republicans bought into the democrat bait and decided that they would be against “tax increases for the rich” they set the stage for when Romney “the “rich man” would become their candidate and the republican party would appear to be for rich people. And so the Obama propaganda machine convinced people that the republican party is for rich people and has disdain for the poor and middle class. Of course this is ridiculous, but the ignorant voters drank the Kool Aid and believed it.
Now this has become the main sticking point in the budget negotiations; the seeming stubbornness of the republicans to look after the welfare of the rich, when they're really trying to bring sanity into the government by restraining profligate spending.
Of course Obama is hypocritical in that he has many millionaire “rich” donors and members of his administration; for example Warren Buffet who says he should be paying more taxes; while at the same time fighting in court NOT to pay the taxes he already owes.
The Democrats are trying to co-opt the tea Party conservatives by coaxing them to compromise on their commitments not to raise the taxes, reminiscent of George, “read my lips” Bush Sr. That betrayal cost Bush the presidency.
So now it appears that the republicans are over the barrel as they’re coming to the dubious “cliff”. They must now either back out of their commitment not to raise taxes or be accused of being the one’s who’re bringing the country over the cliff. This clever democrat ruse not only makes the republicans either liars or fiscally irresponsible; it also will create divisiveness between republicans.
Nick Fortunato