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  • Rick perry signed the dream act and in 2001 gave a speech advocating a joint cross border public health system with Mexico. He is an open borders laraza candidate.
  • Maybe.  But this is Mitt's call and his personal decision is to focus on matters other than Barack's eligibility.  There are others in positions of power who should question this.

    It is impossible to understand how Barack has been able to rise to such prominence without being required to produce a legitimate birth certificate, sinister infiltration of the US political system by her enemies would seem to be the only possible explanation.  

  • We cannot put that responsibility onto Mitt :-)  He is doing the best he can for America, if he is elected he will have the power to do more.

    Why have not the American people supported those who have tried legally to do something about Barack?  Why has not there been an uprising against him?  How is it that Barack has been able to increase America's debt.  There is no reason why America should have ANY debt. why has this disgraceful situation been able to happen?  Until recently until the Socialists took power in Australia we had a credit surplus, no debt, we now have some debt but very minimal. 

  • Mitt is a genuine guy who is deeply concerned for the America he loves. Mitt can and will personalize his objections to ObamaCare by drawing contrasts to his own experience, he is competent and knowledgeable in interviews and debates especially when discussing core issues such as economics or health care.

    Mitt has consistently and forcefully denounced ObamaCare on grounds of Federalism. He’s said from the beginning that MassachusettsCare would not work for the whole country nor should it be implemented federally even if it would work. 

    It was not Mitt's Health Care... it was crafted by many. Mitt was not a Dictator but merely a Governor. Much of Mitt's input was not accepted by the others and was not included, and some sections he was against were.  All Massachusetts factions, parties, concerned groups of doctors, insurance companies, patients, were invited into the crafting of the bill, and this was a broad consensus and a worthy experiment. The legislature of Massachusetts at the time was 85% Democrat. The bill that passed had eight sections that Governor Romney vetoed, and the legislature overrode all eight vetoes. The bill that would have been written had Mitt been working with a more balanced legislature would likely have been very different.

    The Heritage Foundation helped craft many key portions of MassachusettsCare, including the individual mandate. Two years was spent working toward a consensus. There was overwhelming public opinion support, input from the entire political spectrum, from The Heritage Foundation to Ted Kennedy, and finally passed a 72 page bill with a vote of 198-2 in the state legislature . . . getting whopping majorities from Republican, Democratic, and Independent lawmakers. 

    Contrast that to the bill Obama rammed through Congress in a matter of a few weeks and foisted upon the American people . . . a 2,700 page monstrosity that we were told would have to be passed before we could know what’s in it. A bill that squeaked through Congress by the slimmest of margins 219-212... meaning that it would have failed if only four Representatives had voted differently... and only after well-documented strong-arming and promised political favors . . . all this with not a single Republican voting in favour of it and 34 Democrats voting against it.
  • Great.   Mitt is the man.  Read his book No Apology.  Mitt's concern is for the welfare of the US and her people.  He is guided by the Lord in all aspects of his life.
  • Carol, the left are going to vote in our primary for the weakest Candidate.

    Obama got elected by bringing out the black/hispanic votes in a few states.

    He goes into the black areas, gives a handful of speeches, makes a few promises and

    they vote. In spite of what his numbers say, they will come out again.

  • Do you honestly believe independents will vote for a Michelle Bachmann on the ticket? I am not so sure Rick Perry will be able to pull it off either, he seems to be 'our Biden' and will say things that scare off moderates. I can almost hear ' Who cares about moderates', this is about true Conservatism, who cares what those RINO's think...........We HAVE to care because it is not OUR vote who will take Obama down but the moderate, the RINO'S, the BLUE DOGS that will if THEY vote Republican.
  • My hope is that we do not have any 3rd party ticket, dividing the votes between the Republicans and a 3rd party, thereby insuring Obama re election. One good thing about Perry, he speaks up and says it like it is.  WE also need to be sure we cut down (out) voter fraud and insure an honest election. I live in the midwest and I do not know anyone who supported Obama - how did he ever get elected???
  • Perry for President, Bachmann for VP, Cantor for Speaker! American values will be restored and this country will prosper again. These candidates are not afraid to admit their errors and move on. The damacrats refuse to admit that the patriotic wealthy people of this country are the ones who invest in this country and provide the jobs. Nobama's attempts to tax them are destroying the stock market. Check today's DJIA!
  • Rick Perry may believe his interview with a local radio station in Iowa will put to rest the avalanche of evidence that he is anything but a good old boy from Texas, a dyed-in-the-wool conservative, a Tea Party patriot and an avowed enemy of the federal government.

    Now that he has grabbed center stage and will likely emerge as the establishment Republican candidate to challenge the establishment Democrat Barry Obama, the corporate media will oblige him and only throw softballs in his direction.

    Corporate media Bilderberg members don’t disrespect fellow Bilderberg members.

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