The Fed Has been stealing the wealth from this nation since 1913, thanks to Woodrow Wilson and the others who conspired with Paul Warburg on Christmas eve 1913. Since then Congress, Senators, Fed Judges have done everything in there power to keep that bunch of crooked bankers in our pockets. Naturally they are being paid off and answer to them daily. Check this out Lincoln was shot not for slavery but for printing Green-backs, U.S. dollars. He didn't want central banks in this country. Andrew Jackson didn't either, he had four assassination attempts on him. John F. Kennedy wrote an Executive Order to end the Fed in 1963, actually had some U.S. dollars printed. Go to any coin collector they will show you originals or copies of those bills. Sixteen weeks later JFK was dead. Ever since the Constitution was in place the money changers have been in this country destroying the wealth. They are just following what is in there own holy book, the Talmud, stealing from the Goyim. They are still in place and now have embedded themselves into practically every area, to stabilize there power over us. Just to name a few: Bernanke, Greenspan, Geitner, Rom Emanuel, Schumer, Weinstein The Zionists control the media , TV, Papers, Magazines, Movie industry,Google, Jewish run you name it they own it. The things that just Greenspan & Bernanke have done to this nation makes Bernie Madoff look like a rookie. Let me stop you before you say it, I am not anti-semetic, I think the media has worn this statement out and its getting obvious who they are trying to protect. They are deliberatly destroying this and other nations thru the money systems. Soon these people will have nowhere to hide, they are being exposed, finally. I'm just giving you facts that are right there for you to look up for yourself, ARE YOU READY FOR THE TRUTH OR DO YOU WANT TO JUST LISTEN TO THE SAME OLD MEDIA LIES AND LOOSE THIS GREAT COUNTRY. My final statement is to the Fed from all Americans, stick your debt! You created this false debt under fraud of our constitution. So there is no debt. Anything created under fraud is mute. Maybe the Fed should go talk to Red China and tell them about all the worthless Bonds you sold them, maybe China will occupy Israel really quickly and our problems will be over. At least we won't have to send $15,000,000 that's millions of dollars each day to Israel in Foreign aid money, that we don't have, I say take care of our own. Start our own state run banks, just like North Dakota has already done. And of course print and distribute our U.S dollars thru those banks.