Ryan knows the numbers and just how bad the economy is !
I have said I would not vote for Romney but this is why I will !
Part 1, get elected [ Romney/Ryan must lie to the fools in order to do this]
Part 2, After election tell the public that they were mistaken and the economy was worse than they thought !
Part 3, End the FED and return to PM Based money and cut the budget enough to save the USA along with a
total change in the tax system [ I suspect it will not be based on labor income ]
[ may be a false hope on my part]
How big must the cuts be?
You don't want to know but way bigger than you would accept unless you were desperate, and you will be.
you will hate to read this but you should read it or you are one of the fools
You pretty mch hit the nail right on the head. The problem is that Government has grown into a giant cancer. Most have been up there for way too many terms and it is proven they will do nothing but continue to destroy America. Anyway Mitt cerainly was not my pick, but there is nothing I can do but vote for him...BP
What you trolls need to understand is that you can hide your political pleasure, but you can not hide your agenda. Unless of course you quit posting.
Dee am upset with the way this was handled by Admin. I know Elaine for awhile and have had many conversations with her on another site. I find her interesting and when I see her name I look forward to reading her. I believe we are both very capable of having a heated conversation and I also believe other would find them interesting and informative. If questioning someone on the subject of 'troll' is offensive, I will probably be offensive sometime in the future. How does a troll comment compare to her making an outright deception of my personal character with innuendo asking "how many times have I been married". Can you explain how she came to ask such a purportedly deceiving question. What type of person does that?
Did you read my reply to Billy?
I will always question Elaine's motives. With my reply to Billy I was trying to cause everyone to step back and take a deep breath. I completely agree with you "by bashing the republican candidates, you are doing the Democrat's job for them. Is that really what you want to do? Seriously? Third, Newt has endorsed Romney....that is reality. Forth, a brokered convention? Really? Again, you want to help the Democrats and Obama win a 2nd term?" That is the message I have been trying to get across to Elaine for some time now. I have decided it is hopeless and don't intend to enter in conversation any more. If you find my personality unacceptable, I will understand. I will have no animosity towards this site and will continue to recommend it to others.
Once again, I find it to be unexplainable that Elaine would cast that innuendo about how many times I have been married. That remark has nothing to do with anything but to slander not just me, but my wife and family.
If my reply to Billy is not enough, than I have nothing else to say. It is my opinion your Admin was one sided and escalated things to the state it is now.
p.s. If an Admin tells you something...consider it the same as coming from me because I will hear about it and address it! TY Billy for stepping up to the plate and apologizing....still waiting for Elaine and Michael to do the same.
I just want to tell you that I am very sorry that I called you a troll. When I read your post I thought you were someone else that has been invading conservative sites. I do not agree with the EPA with their war on C02. and all the jobs that we are losing and closing coal powered plants. 176 plants will close by end of 2013. Anyway we can disagree can we not?..BP
Okay folks...time for several of you to step back to your corners and take a deep breath. First, discussion is good, name calling is bad. If you think there is a troll, you notify me. Period. I'll handle the situation and advise you of my findings. Second, by bashing the republican candidates, you are doing the Democrat's job for them. Is that really what you want to do? Seriously? Third, Newt has endorsed Romney....that is reality. Forth, a brokered convention? Really? Again, you want to help the Democrats and Obama win a 2nd term?
The Tea Party Movement has made great strides since its formation a few short years ago. Anyone that thinks we can get it all done in that short period of time better think again. We are up against well run machines that we have to keep chipping away at every year.
United we stand....divided, we will absolutely fall.
I am going to be as polite as possable. ELAINE IS FULL OF CRAP..She is just spewing out the Liberal play book. If we stop responding to her, she will go away, as all trolls do..BP"
Billy, I know Elaine for some time now, mostly on another site. Elaine and I have had hundreds of comments to each other. Believe it or not, many of them have been enjoyable. For some reason I can't help myself responding to her. I guess I like her for some reason. But, she does make me sad from time to time. I poked her with the troll comment and it seems she went of the deep end so to speak. As you can see I have not responded to her two new friends that decided to be the nights in shinning armor. Of which I actually commend them for doing, but they don't know me as I don't know them. Therefore I will not foolishly make and derogatory comments about them....until I get to know them better.....);^].
As far as Elaine being 'liberal', I understand how it may look and sound that way, but I believe she is far from liberal. It comes across to me that she is so passionately wanting the GOP candidate of her choosing that she can't accept Romney. I think her passion is with "Newt" Gingrich....as is mind actually. I will take your advise and refrain from replying for a time. This is such a distraction from the issues at hand. Things are looking up with all the Joe Biden gifts lately. And who can forget the Obamologna comment about how we didn't do it. My moral has be very much uplifted and don't want to have it head down. Well, I have been inspired with all this. I think I will send the Romney team another check. I have to refresh all his bumper stickers. See you on the flip side.
Untill we get rid of a bunch of Rino Rep and Dems we will never have a change in the tax system. If they had any intentions of changes, they would have done it years ago. The Tax lawyers and Accountant lobby is just too strong.
What do you think Romney and Ryan are Hmm? Rinos, Ryan I can deal with to an extent, Romney, not going to happen and those who support him mirror him, meaning he is without argument a Liberal Blue Dog lying unpatriotic scum of the earth!
Elaine:"Wait a minute...how many times have you been married?"
What are you talking about? I am married to the same woman for 47 years come September. We were married in a Catholic church by God in front of friend and relatives. We have four daughters and six grandchildren. My oldest grandson returned from his duty in Afghanistan and is now an out of work veteran. My mother-in-law of 97 is living with my wife and I here in Florida. My wife and I are retired and enjoying our retirement here in Florida for the last 9 years. I am telling you all this so you can't spread lies about me through innuendos, like your asking how many times I have been married. What even made you ask that question?
Elaine:"So, I'ad appreciate if you will respect "MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH" and opinion. I will vote for him "IF" I have to but I will NOT stop using facts."
Elaine, just about all, but one, of my comments to you here were in support of the things you said. It is only when you started your hate for Romney and now Ryan, I questioned you about it. Do I not have "MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH" and opinion? I have little problem with your wanting someone else instead of Romney. As you know we talked about this many times before on another site. I have told you countless times I was hoping for Newt. Newt is one of my heroes. When he came out with his 'Contract with America' I fell in love with his genius. My first choice was "Tim" Pawlenty, but he went down early. Michelle Bachman and Rick Santorum, I was excited about. I voted for West in the past Florida primary and I plan to vote for him when he runs for President in the future. President Reagan said... "Thou shalt not speak ill of any other republican." When Romney became the presumptive GOP candidate, I decided to follow, probably the greatest President since Lincoln, President Reagan's advice and not speak ill of our party. You have an unhealthy hate for Romney and now Ryan and will post anything against them even if it comes from questionable sites.