“ Romney Or Obama; Calamity And Islam Will Grow In America”
There are often times I wish Americans would really do their “homework” when it comes to not not only political matters but also and even more in importance; that of spiritual and Biblical matters as well. As the political polls continue to pick up their pace regarding the U.S. Presidential race between Mitt Romney and Barack Hussein Obama, one can clearly see that Republican Party Nominee; Mitt Romney is either in a statistical tie with Obama or in some polls, actually moving a head of Obama. It's a big “no brainer” for those who call themselves Republicans, that they are pushing for Romney to be elected. The one group however of those who are also a self described group of Republicans that are less than enthusiastic about Romney's election, are the so called “Evangelicals.” Those are the diehard Biblical Christians who follow Jesus of the Bible and are in no way persuaded in following religions and or religious cults. With the world waning and wallowing many times in it's own poo because of foolish and ungodly decisions, the Biblical Christians within the Republican Party have decided by and large that despite the advice of the so call “conservative” talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh(who is not a Christian), or that of Fox Television News (aka the “Catholic News Channel”), These Biblical Christians have refused to fall for perhaps the worst (presumptive)Republican Nominee in the history of the Republican Party.
I suppose I could go in this article further regarding Romney's horrible political record but I will keep with the most important matter of this article and that is in waking people up from their spiritual slumber. I will state here however that I am in real hopes that those who read this article will finally open their spiritual eyes to where our nation is headed and what a Romney win will cause our nation(we already know Obama will bring a disaster as well). It is not my job to open people's spiritual eyes; that is the job of the Holy Spirit but the weight of this presidential election weighs much heavier than what most people in our nation could ever begin to understand and in all earnest, I feel a bit like Jeremiah from the Bible telling American's they need to really wake up and seek God in these last hours before the destruction comes. There are so many Biblical similarities between Israel's waning from God's Word in the Old Testament of the Bible and what we currently see in America's attitude of rebellion to God's Word as well. As I mentioned earlier, I do feel like Jeremiah as he then seen his fellow Israeli's laugh at and ridicule him for warning all of Israel to repent and return to God. I (and other Biblical Christians who have been giving warning)also am increasingly be ridiculed and my warnings trivialized. I will however continue to write about those matters that I believe the Lord Himself directs me to write in hopes that as many American's as possible will be as the Prodigal Son(Luke 15;11-32) and come to their senses and also then on to the returning to the Father before it's to late for them.
Have you also like I, felt the Lord's direction to warn our fellow citizen's of the impending doom that awaits our nation and to see our nation remove itself from such dire straights ? Or how America has become so poor not only spiritually, but also economically as well? To answer those questions for those not knowing what I am speaking of here and I will do so with other questions to you and those questions being; Have you actually and truthfully thought that the God of the Bible would look the other way when so called “Christians” also turned the other way and or largely ignored that the nearly 70 million babies murdered in our nation ?, or how about in our nation the allowing of homosexuality to run rampant without check or largely without opposition here or really, any one of the hundreds of ungodly matters American so called “Christians” have allowed through their apathy and or silence ? No doubt this country is being led astray by the millions of wicked hearts that have allowed so many wicked and evil things to occur in our nation and God's judgment is already here(and about to get a whole lot worse without repentance). The pulpits in America are rapidly and increasingly filled with ungodly men who preach “doctrines of demons”(1Timothy 4:1). They are the ones like Al Sharpton, Benny Hinn, Jesse Jackson, Joel Osteen, and Jeremiah Wright....and Speaking of Jeremiah Wright, have you ever wondered why Romney refuses to condemn such men as Wright and his cult of the Black liberation Theology even after being encouraged to do so by the Republican Party Establishment leaders ? Does it not also disturb you that a man who may be elected to position of President of The United States will not call out wickedness ??? Here is the reality of Romney refusing to confront wickedness; Romney can't. That's right Romney can't call out evil as “evil” because Romney himself is a “bishop” in his own cult of Mormonism/LDS. Romney cannot label someone else in a different cult “wrong” as a “heretic”, or being involved in any way wrong in “ evil theology” because Romney is quite keenly aware that he himself will be right away attacked for himself having membership in a religious cult as well.
As If Romney being associated with a religious cult wasn't bad enough, now we are finding out he also belongs to the infamously evil Bilderburg group. Apparently he attended their recent last meeting in Virginia and for those who are unfamiliar with the Bilderberg group, they are a group of various world leaders, famously rich persons and other influential persons such as actors who are involved with George Soros ideals like increasing human depopulation throughout the world. Of course that is only one of many wicked matters this group is involved in. It would take me another entire article to describe all the evil's the Bilderburg Group is involved in, but the fact remains that in all appearances and with witness proof, Mitt Romney attended the last Bilderberg meeting and that should raise everyone's alert status not just here in the USA, but also all around the world. If you wish to learn more about the Bilderberg Group, I would strongly urge you to do so. Here is just one of many sites in which the wickedness of the Bilderberg Group is discussed; .
Biblical and spiritual matters my friends... It's time to wake up and wake up now. Those who are arrogant and prideful will reject what I and others like me are “shouting from the roof tops.” You know, I mentioned the prophet Jeremiah earlier. Biblical history shows us that Israel was not right away destroyed and her people led off as captives to foreign lands at first when the people of Israel rejected God(Jeremiah 16:13 “Therefore will I cast you out of this land into a land that ye know not, neither ye nor your fathers; and there shall ye serve other gods day and night , where I will not shew you favour.”), No--- the Bible tells us that there were warnings from God's men(and sometimes women also) that warned the people to disengage from evil, then repent and return to the Lord. When Israel of old refused to do so, their national borders were invaded with raiding parties and eventually Israeli’s were killed. Soon after when Israel refused to listen to God's messengers to repent and return to God's ways, the land was invaded by foreign armies and finally by God's own hand, Israel was conquered and many Israeli’s were killed. Today, God has sent Islamists to invade our land. They are the curse and plague upon us for rejecting God's Word. Islam and Sharia Law are evil and those who promote the evil of Islam are indeed increasingly invading our nation. Islamic ways are even growingly accepted by our own American Courts and Government. Obama has widely opened that door to allow Islamic Sharia Law and Islamic ways into our nation and Romney will continue that practice, for he has no room in his own cultic beliefs to condemn such wickedness as Islam. Perhaps you believe my last statement was a bit too strong, if so... then why did this past week as matter of fact, Romney visit a Muslim School ? If Romney is so concerned about America and it's Founding Father's beliefs as we have all heard so often from his Republican Party Presidential debates and campaign speeches( ), then what the heck is Romney doing in a Muslim School and promoting Islam ?
My friends, most American's are being played the fool. The longer Americans keep their hearts closed and refuse to wake up, the worse condition this country will be in. The answer to saving America is not simple but quite direct. The Christian Bible gives the answer; Step number one is to repent to Jesus for all our allowing and even apathy towards evil. Step number two is to disengage from religion and get instead a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Step number three involves removing all evil, first within ourselves and secondly then to remove every single ungodly and unrepentant government leader, judge, lawyer, cop, and person in the pulpit... I mean every last one of them. God of the Bible does not accept half truth nor half hearted attitudes towards Him. The Lord is always looking for men and women to make a real stand and preserve His ways. I pray that if you were unaware of God's Biblical ways, that after reading this article and as of today you will pick up your Christian Bible to read and apply the mantle of God's righteousness and take on as well the responsibility that is yours.
PROVERBS 28:14 “Happy is the man who is always reverent, But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity. “
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
Sir, in all honesty, your religious view is quite pequilar when compared to Biblical Christianity. Religion is not Christianity. What I'd like to do is offer you a wonderful resource as to the difference between religion(such as your and other views vs Biblical Christianity. The break down of Bible scripture and various beliefs can be viewed there and believe would be a benefit to you. Spend the $20., it's worth every penny. You can find the book; Kingdom Of The Cults here
We read in Newsmax today that half of the American people believe in Creationism. Were it not for religious doctrines and dogmas, everyone on earth would believe in Creationism. It is a turnoff to be excluded.
The Bible tells us in Genesis 2:7 that we are from dust to dust, but goes on to tell us we come with immortal souls. We were created with reason and logic. You can’t say that about other life forms. Reason is fundamental to man’s and God’s laws. The universe does not change for man’s purposes, but man creates God.
In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us to seek first the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God “comes not with outward show” (Luke 17:20), but is chiefly that with which is inward and spiritual (Romans 14:17). In Matthew 7:15, Jesus tells us to beware of false prophets. Jesus wasn’t a Christian. Christians can’t legitimately claim Jesus as theirs, but their doctrines and dogmas say exactly that. In fact, all three religions of Abraham claim God is exclusively theirs. We are fighting thousands of years old religious wars even to this day.
Much of what you believe can actually be found in transmeditation religions. Scientology and R.L. Hubbard's book "Dianetics" contains some of those beliefs you are expounding upon in your comments as well. No sir, The Christian Bible contains historical fact which cannot be repudiated. Everyday, we see more and more facts coming alive as to what the Bible teaches us. God indeed has rules. Anything outside the Bible is as you said "dogma" and so on. Anytime someone chooses to go outside of the Bible and "do life" their own way, rather than God's Biblical way, they get in trouble. Don't believe me ? just look out your window or read today's headline news.
I wrote that Jesus is my savior and redeemer. Maybe you overlooked that.
Christian Karl Priest asked us to perceive the problem. My response:
A Christian accused me of being a secular humanist. I looked up the term in my dictionary and found that it is anyone with a set of beliefs that promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrine. If all the doctrines, dogmas, rules, and regulations were replaced by conscious awareness, would any be needed? The cutting edge of science has it that before there can be anything consciousness awareness must be present.
Conscious awareness is limited by doctrines, dogmas, rules, and regulations. In my dictionary, anarchy can be the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.
If one were to eliminate all the doctrines, dogmas, rules, and regulations imposed, would not one’s conscious awareness be broadened? Would not the confusion, chaos, and disorder in the world be turned into peaceful co-existence? I’d like everyone to think about that and state their views.
Thanks for the comment Joseph.... Jesus said He is the only way(John 14:6) and our American Founding Fathers, that is the majority of them put their faith in Jesus and Biblical Christianity. The US Constitution is just a piece of paper and as you can see, most Americans have no idea what it contains and almost all of the American politicians have taken advantage of that ignorance. Only Jesus can change hearts my friend. To take Jesus out of our nation, to take His Word away from our hearts as Lord and Saviour, only lands us in a very bad place, not only later when we die but right here and right now. How can you tell what I am sharing with you is correct ? Just look all around you sir. That is evidence enough when people choose "religion", "spirituality" or cults over Jesus and the Bible.
“Happy is the man who is always reverent, But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity. “
I appreciate your sincerity. I'm not a Christian. I was, but Christianity didn't have the right answers for me. I’m too independent—kind of like Rush. I believe Jesus' message was to all of us—Christians, Muslims, Jews, and all other faiths. My faith is with the cutting edge of science—universal consciousness; that we are here to work toward selflessness, the ninth cycle in numerology, nine being the highest number. Astrology believes that the universe can be reduced to numbers, science to information. Numbers are a way of making logic, astrologers believe in people and things.
There is no other life on our planet capable of this kind of reason and logic. We're unique. The object of the orthodoxy, the movers and shakers, therefore, has been to dumb us down, to have us believe that the good of all is the highest order—to believe in objective reality, to remove society from the selfish self. Didn't Jesus teach us that we are our brother's keeper? Is that not what you believe?
I believe the opposite. The message I read in the Gospels is a savior that came to convince us the kingdom of God is in the individual. In fact, it is written into the Constitution. My Constitution gave me my bigger than life calling. Jesus gave me the power to overcome the orthodoxy’s stultifying doctrines and dogmas. My faith is in me. When I read the Bible, I read it in that light. All of my dreams have come true. Jesus is my savior and redeemer.