Sarah Palin is Pro-God and Pro-Life.
The morally challenged continuously say that she does not get it but this film shows that she not only does get it but that those who accuse her of not getting it are themselves bewildered about the purpose of life and their reason for living. They don't get the meaning of life at all. Is it no wonder that the decisions coming out of Congress and the White House do not resolve the problems of our country. Any one who is willing to deny God and/or is willing to abort an innocent baby simply cannot be trusted to make decisions that will have good results for this Republic and its citizens. How in the world can one vote for those who do not understand that abortion is murder...if someone believes that harming an innocent, helpless, unborn baby is ok then extend that reasoning to the decision making process of these people after they get into office and commence making decisions that affect our lives. Is it no wonder this country is in a mess. Decisions that are made without the concern for their moral implications can only and ultimately cause tremendous collateral damage. Take for example a Board of Directors whose members are morally challenged when they decide to move a factory to China when they understand full well the implications of that decision will result in devastation of a multitude of families that had ties to that factory. This destruction of families does not seem to be of any concern to these morally challenged people. Those who make decision based on Judaeo-Christian morality will not move those factories to China. They will find ways of resolving their competitive issues and remain here in the U.S. Sure it may mean that the Executives will not make more millions or that management and labor may have to make a little less money until they resolve their competitive issues but the decision was a morally based one which did not profoundly hurt a multitude of families. The same reasoning may be applied to those we elect to Congress and the WHAT House. Those who are morally challenged will not make decisions that ultimately and finally benefit the American public. By electing morally challenged people we are committing social and financial suicide. When will the people begin to understand that someone who does not care about morality will not care what mal-effect their decisions will have upon you the constituent. We Americans need to wake up and smell the roses of moral reality and face up to the un-reality of the morally challenged!
When Palin was chosen McCain got a bump but at the end the bump was gone and she became a liabilty and a lot of Independents and undecided saw her as an idiot and they took McCain's age in consideration and went Obama. SNL crucified her. That French Prime Minister prank she fell for sealed the deal. Only a moron would think the Prime Minister of France would talk that way to a USA VP candidate days before an election. But she did. After that came out I said Holy Crap we lost. Most people here only watch FOX. I watch FOX 50% and watch the others MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and NBC the other 50%. Get a full flavor. If you watch only FOX you would have thought Obama had hardly no chance. Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
Louis, your comments could be better stated! The liberals and secularist forget that it was the so-called and forgotten silent majority that re-emerged in force and shellacked the Democrats in the last off year elections. America is still a center right nation regardless of the liberalism that pervades a segment of the population. We only see liberalism in the media and on televison because they are both controlled by the ultra left. People forget that without Sarah on the ticket Obama would have won by an even bigger margin. I doubt if she is actually going to run this time, but if she did she would not be a liability on the ticket if she was again slated on the V.P. slot. The economy was not in that bad of shape when McCain and Palin ran so America became more gullible for the likes of Obama's empty rhetoric. She has matured a lot in the last 3 years. She and Michele Bachmann have shown more testicular fortitude than any of the current crop of Republican presidential candidates. This brings me to a woman whose values mirror Sarah Palin, one Michelle Bachmann whom the Democrats fear.
Americans including independents are going to be voting their pocketbooks in this election, plain and simple. Bachmann, Rick Perry, and to a degree Rick Santorom are the only pure pro-life conservatives amongst the candidates. In Michelle's case, her multi-dimensional intellect on the spectrum of issues clearly seperates her from the pack. Her polished performance in the recent debate shows the appeal Americans have for her stand on moral issues, in addition to the other issues. It is time again post Reagan, that we have someone in the White House with bona fide Judeao christian values who will not shy from them in luring various segments of voters. America is ripe in these economic times along with having a non-christian currently in the White House to support a candidate(s) whose values mirror those of Ronald Wilson Reagan, and who won't pander to any sector of the electorate. Herman Cain is very conservative, but his paucity of depth on the spectrum of issues would be shown when quered by a debate moderator, in a debate with Obama. I honestly believe America will be taken back come 2012.