Sarah Sanders Calls Out MSM

By Linda Barton

We’ve all been witness to the constant attack from the Mainstream Media against President Trump and conservatives with biased and just fake reporting. And any time those on the right have tried to fight back the MSM has blasted them with more of the same.  However, we now have a Warrior for Truth in White House Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Yesterday, during her daily Press Briefing, Sarah was asked a question about claims the Media is so biased they will regularly not only report inaccurate news but will in fact, often create false reports to advance their liberal agenda.

From past experiences with those in Sarah’s position, we’d often see a dance around the question, BUT not so from this strong woman.  She wasted NO time voicing her opinion on the subject with the perfect response.

“There’s a very big difference between making honest mistakes and purposefully misleading the American people. Something that happens regularly. You can’t say – (a reporter tried to interrupt her)- I’m not done. You can’t say that it’s an honest mistake when you are purposely putting out information that you know to be false or when you’re taking information that hasn’t been validated, that hasn’t been offered any credibility and that has been continually denied by a number of people including people with direct knowledge of an incident. This is something that — I’m speaking about the number of reports that have taken place over the last couple of weeks. I’m simply stating that there should be a certain level of responsibility in that process.”

Boom… mic drop!

Watching her slap, the sanctimonious grins off the Media piranhas seated in the room was a thing of beauty. While everyone can make a mistake when reporting on fast-moving events, there’s a HUGE difference in just making up news on a particular subject. We have all seen FAKE news reports from those in the Liberal/Progressive Media. We’ve all been witness to the attempted destruction of President Trump and the Make America Great Again movement by the lap-dogs in the media on behalf of their masters in the Democrat Party.

One such instance is the latest article on the CNN website.  They make a weak argument of how just because a claim made in a report turns out to be false doesn’t make it FAKE NEWS.  Oh, really? If that’s the case, I guess it just means those in the MSM are just lazy or unwilling to do their due diligence to provide accurate reporting. Reporting FAKE NEWS can have far-reaching effects. I’m sure we all remember what happened when Brian Ross reported on ABC, citing a single source, that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was prepared to testify to Special Counsel Robert Mueller that then-candidate Donald Trump had directed him to reach out to the Russians during the campaign. However, later that day, Ross corrected his reporting, noting his source was wrong on the timing. He clarified that President Trump had told Flynn to reach out to the Russians as President-Elect. This changes the charge considerably. Brian Ross was suspended for a month and will no longer report on the White House.

By running with the false story, there was a considerable drop in the stock market, costing people thousands of dollars before it eventually rebounded once the truth came to light. There is always a price to pay for reporting lies and I, for one, am thrilled to have those serving in the White House who are unafraid to call the MSM out for not holding true to the facts.

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