~ Featuring ~
Has the War Party Hooked Trump?
by Pat Buchanan .
Witch Hunt Witch Found -
Pulosi Falsely Claims Mueller Indictments for Collusion
{ } ~ Nancy Pulosi is simply a despicable, horrible human being, without an ounce of integrity in her corrupt, dried up... sinister body or mind. She just engaged in a completely misleading, untrue disinformation session, representing Democrat House members, doing what she always does and attacking President Trump. As she attempts to shore up the witch hunt that Democrats hope will swing the House to their control in November, Pulosi said, “President Trump’s disparagement of special counsel Mueller’s ‘investigation’ as the President said, as an attack on our country, is a new low, even for President Trump.” Enough of this hag bashing our President unchallenged by the Speaker who actually comes to the stage right after her. Where’s your backbone, Ryan? She and her fellow communists are perpetuating a fraud on the American people through the witch hunt, in an attempt to overthrow our duly-elected President. She is correct in stating that new lows have been achieved, she’s just not giving herself, clown-Schumer and the entire Democratic Party the credit for the achievement...
Interview Ended When General Shaw
Questions Official Pretext for Attacking Assad
{ } ~ General Jonathan Shaw, a former Commander of British Forces in Iraq... seems to have surprised Sky News with the contents of his analysis during an interview. He questioned whether or not a study had been done to verify the veracity of the claims that Assad had gassed his own citizens and why he would have done it. Certainly, just as with the chemical attack that brought out the cruise missile retaliation last year, this attack brought heat upon Assad at a most illogical time and produced no benefits to anyone other than the Military Industrial Complex and their terrorist allies on the ground. The talking head asks General Shaw, “Do you think anything, what we’ve heard from either Sergey Lavrov or indeed the Russian Ambassador has made it more difficult for the UK to launch any kind of attack without putting it to Parliament?” Judging from what happens next, he was supposed to say “No,” and didn’t....
Mick Mulvaney Tells Senate Dems To Pound Sand
by Onan Coca And Jeff Dunetz
{ } ~ In a most ironic twist, President Trump’s Budget Director and the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)... Mick Mulvaney is now heading a bureau that he used to decry with regularity. In fact, Mulvaney is still pointing out the many different problems with the bureau even as he attempts to lead it in a productive direction. Years ago, when Mulvaney was still a Congressman from the great state of South Carolina, he spent much of his time grousing about the fact that the CFFB was unaccountable to Congress. Now that he leads the bureau, Mulvaney continues to warn his former colleagues that he has too much power, and not enough accountability. Just a few weeks ago, he wrote to them begging that his powers be weakened for the good of the American people... .
When Eisenhower, Bradley & Patton Documented
Horrors At Ohrdruf Concentration Camp
by Jeff Dunetz
{ } ~ The war against the Nazis was almost over on April 4, 1945, when the of 354th Infantry Regiment... of the 89th Infantry Division, 3rd Army U.S.A., discovered the Ohrdruf Concentration Camp. While other countries might have ignored what was found there, that was not the American way. On April 12th,1945, General Eisenhower decided to personally visit as the horrors of Ohrdruf Concentration Camp, bringing two of his senior Generals, Patton and Bradley along with military photographers. Anticipating that one day people will deny the Holocaust, Eisenhower wanted to document the horrors and have witnesses. Eisenhower also ordered every American soldier in the area who was not on the front lines to visit Ohrdruf and Buchenwald. He wanted them to see for themselves what they were fighting against. Members of the U.S. Army Signal Corps recorded approximately 80,000 feet of moving film, together with still photographs. Eisenhower, Bradley, and Patton were horrified. The words of these battle-hardened generals are much more moving than anything I could say about the Holocaust...
Trump Considering Pardon Long Sought by Conservatives
{ } ~ President Donald Trump has signed off on a pardon for I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby... the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, who was convicted in 2007 of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements. Trump has been considering a pardon for Libby for months, ABC News reported Thursday. Several conservative operatives and attorneys pressed Trump for the pardon, according to ABC. Libby was convicted in 2007 of lying to the FBI about his role in leaking the name of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame. He was sentenced to 30 months in prison in the case, but President George W. Bush commuted his sentence. Bush declined issuing a pardon... .
Unwanted Candor
{ } ~ Amid a national debate about due process and fairness in campus Title IX adjudications, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently observed... “there’s been criticism of some college codes of conduct for not giving the accused person a fair opportunity to be heard, and that’s one of the basic tenets of our system, as you know: everyone deserves a fair hearing.” Few academics have more powerfully made these criticisms than Northwestern University professor Laura Kipnis, whose 2015 Chronicle of Higher Education essay lambasting Title IX’s application to campus sexual-assault and harassment allegations prompted a university Title IX investigation—against Kipnis herself. Though Kipnis was exonerated, the investigation was a form of punishment, since professors normally aren’t questioned by lawyers hired by their school as the result of publishing in their area of expertise. The experience prompted Kipnis to write Unwanted Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus, which explores how Title IX has come to threaten the rights not only of accused students but also of faculty. One chapter of Unwanted Advances took readers inside a Northwestern University sexual-assault and harassment hearing against philosophy professor Peter Ludlow. Though the university cleared Ludlow of his sexual-assault charges, it found him guilty of sexual harassment, and he resigned. Kipnis lawfully obtained the university’s investigative file and about 1,000 text messages between Ludlow and one of his accusers, a female graduate student...
Has the War Party Hooked Trump?
by Pat Buchanan
{ } ~ With his Sunday tweet that Bashar Assad, "Animal Assad," ordered a gas attack on Syrian civilians, and Vladimir Putin was morally complicit in the atrocity, President Donald Trump just painted himself and us into a corner.
"Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria," tweeted Trump, "President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price... to pay."
"Big price... to pay," said the president.
Now, either Trump launches an attack that could drag us deeper into a seven-year civil war from which he promised to extricate us last week, or Trump is mocked as being a man of bluster and bluff.
For Trump Sunday accused Barack liar-nObama of being a weakling for failing to strike Syria after an earlier chemical attack.
"If President liar-nObama had crossed his stated Red Line In The Sand," Trump tweeted, "the Syrian disaster would have ended long ago! Animal Assad would have been history!"
Trump's credibility is now on the line and he is being goaded by the war hawks to man up. Sunday, rino-John McCain implied that Trump's comments about leaving Syria "very soon" actually "emboldened" Assad:
"President Trump last week signaled to the world that the United States would prematurely withdraw from Syria. Bashar Assad and his Russian and Iranian backers have heard him, and emboldened by American inaction, Assad has reportedly launched another chemical attack against innocent men, women and children, this time in Douma."
Pronouncing Assad a "war criminal," Lindsey Graham said Sunday the entire Syrian air force should be destroyed.
So massive an attack would be an act of war against a nation that has not attacked us and does not threaten us. Hence, Congress, prior to such an attack, should pass a resolution authorizing a U.S. war on Syria.
And, as Congress does, it can debate our objectives in this new war, and how many men, casualties and years will be required to defeat the coalition of Syria, Russia, Hezbollah, Iran, and the allied Shiite militias from the Near East.
On John Bolton's first day as national security adviser, Trump is being pushed to embrace a policy of Cold War confrontation with Russia and a U.S. war with Syria. Yet candidate Trump campaigned against both.
The War Party that was repudiated in 2016 appears to be back in the saddle. But before he makes good on that threat of a "big price... to pay," Trump should ask his advisers what comes after the attack on Syria.
Lest we forget, there was a reason liar-nObama did not strike Syria for a previous gas attack. Americans rose up as one and said we do not want another Middle East war.
When hanoi-John Kerry went to Capitol Hill for authorization, Congress, sensing the national mood, declined to support any such attack.
Trump's strike, a year ago, with 59 cruise missiles, on the air base that allegedly launched a sarin gas attack, was supported only because Trump was new in office and the strike was not seen as the beginning of a longer and deeper involvement in a war Americans did not want to fight.
Does Trump believe that his political base is more up for a major U.S. war in Syria today than it was then?
The folks who cheered Trump a week ago when he said we were getting out of Syria, will they cheer him if he announces that we are going deeper in?
Before any U.S. attack, Trump should make sure there is more hard evidence that Assad launched this poison gas attack than there is that Russia launched that poison gas attack in Salisbury, England.
One month after that attack, which Prime Minister Theresa May ascribed to Russia and Foreign Minister Boris Johnson laid at the feet of Putin himself, questions have arisen:
If the nerve agent used, Novichok, was of a military variety so deadly it could kill any who came near, why is no one dead from it?
Both the target, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia are recovering.
If the deadly poison was, as reported, put on the doorknob of Skripal's home, how did he and Yulia manage to go to a restaurant after being contaminated, with neither undergoing a seizure until later on a park bench?
If Russia did it, why are the British scientists at Porton Down now admitting that they have not yet determined the source of the poison?
Why would Putin, with the prestige of hosting the World Cup in June on the line, perpetrate an atrocity that might have killed hundreds and caused nations not only to pull out of the games, but to break diplomatic relations with Russia?
U.S. foreign policy elites claim Putin wanted Trump to win the 2016 election. But if Putin indeed wanted to deal with Trump, why abort all such prospects with a poison gas murder of a has-been KGB agent in Britain, America's foremost ally?
The sole beneficiaries of the gas attacks in Salisbury and Syria appear to be the War Party.