Saturday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Is Major General Nagata subtly questioning
nObama’s refusal to acknowledge
the reality of jihad terror?
Robert Spencer
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Controversial VA projects waste billions  
(By Curt Devine) - While veterans in recent years were dying as they waited for care at Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals, the VA has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on controversial projects across the country...according to government reports and members of Congress. Critics say budget overruns and construction delays on several projects are burning money that could have been used to help more veterans access timely health care, with one lawmaker even comparing the elaborate projects to the Taj Mahal.
 RINO Revenge: Graham, McCain Remove Tea Party Foes 
(By Joshua Cook) - Senators and BFFs John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are removing their adversaries from their state Republican parties to control campaign funds and party politics...According to Politico, McCain is seeking revenge on the state party that had him censured by having his political team engage "in an aggressive and systematic campaign to reshape the state GOP apparatus by ridding it of conservative firebrands and replacing them with steadfast allies." In his focus are conservative activists who hold obscure, but influential, local party offices. By doing this, he is removing the party officials who are also in control of campaign funds.
 Schools don't teach kids to read  
(Phyllis Schlafly) - A high school English teacher at Rosemount High School in Minnesota, which was called a “top ranked school” by the Minnesota Department of Education, given the... “Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award” by the U.S. Department of Education and named a top school in the nation for 2014 by Newsweek Magazine, just wrote a shocking letter alerting parents and the public that her high school juniors can’t read. Her letter published by the Minnesota Star Tribune on Dec. 4 was eloquent, so I quote it verbatim. “We are in the midst of one of the greatest literacy crises ever encountered, and we are fighting an uphill battle. Every day I experience firsthand what it means to be illiterate in a high school classroom. Average students with average abilities can fervently text away, but they cannot read.”
 nObama Official Admitted It’s Cheaper to Deport Illegals 
(By Dave Gibson) - In July 2010, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) released the results of a study which examined the costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local levels...The study found that U.S. state and local governments shell out $84.2 billion annually in various services (law enforcement, schools, social services, etc.), with California taxpayers alone, spending $21 billion on illegal aliens every year. The same study found that $29 billion is spent every year in federal funds on illegal aliens. So, while it would cost a one-time fee of about $135 billion to deport every single illegal alien in the country, it is actually a bargain considering the fact that it already costs us $113 billion annually to keep them here. In other words, the mass deportation would pay for itself in a little over a year. Incidentally, in 2007, the DHS estimated the cost of deporting all illegal aliens to be approximately $94 billion. Won't be thinking this way if our laws were enforced.
 Scalise Exposes Liberal Hypocrisy  
(By shawn) - The liberal media has been waiting a long time for something like this. Several opinion makers lamented the fact that Republicans were on their best behavior this election season...failing to give them any juicy stories that could confirm all of their favorite GOP stereotypes. And, to be fair, Republicans can usually be counted on to step in it if given the chance. But let’s put aside what Scalise knew, what he believes, and whether there is really any story here at all. If Scalise turns out to have connections with white supremacists, he’ll be rightly asked to give up his seat in Congress. For the time being, though, let’s just bask in the liberal hypocrisy this scandal is exposing. The media – you know, the ones who couldn’t be bothered to cover the Jonathan Gruber controversy until there was no other choice – is running with this one.
 An America Without God  
( - There has been a concerted movement in recent years to rewrite American history in a secular palette. The founding fathers were deists at best, they say. If they had been around in more progressive times, they would have declared themselves proud atheists...As the country grows more secular – removing prayer from schools, separating marriage and religion, and giving special interests groups priority over the faithful – it grows stronger. That’s the message we hear, day in and day out, repeated in every way imaginable. But is any of it really true? I don’t think so. I don’t believe you can take Christianity out of America and be left with the same country. Our great nation is host to thousands of religions, various ethnic streams, and the kind of diversity that cannot be seen in any other country on earth. None need to believe in Jesus to believe in America. But there’s a difference between making room for all walks of life and flat-out denying the Christian roots of the United States. And it’s a difference that needs to be established before we lose the last remaining remnants of the very thing that makes America exceptional.
 Top 10 Misreported or Underreported Stories of 2014  
(By Roger Aronoff) - As 2014 comes to an end, and the new year begins, we want to highlight some of the worst abuses by America’s news media in the past year...We have picked 10 stories for which there were general narratives presented by the mainstream media, which either ignored the larger truths to be gleaned from these stories, or, in some cases, the media missed the story altogether. We easily could have picked 15 topics that met those criteria, but arbitrarily chose to look at 10, and in no particular order. Among the glaring examples of journalistic malpractice in 2014 was the Rolling Stone magazine report of an alleged gang rape at a fraternity house at the University of Virginia.
 Cuba, a convenient diversion for Iran  
(Retired Adm. James A. Lyons) - President nObama’s decision to normalize relations with the totalitarian Castro regime, with their human rights atrocities directed against their own citizens, has rightly outraged our loyal Cuban-American community...This appeasement, with apologies by Mr. nObama to the godless communist regime during our traditional holiday season, is a betrayal of America’s principles of freedom and democracy. Of course, with his radical background, it apparently was easy for the president to forgo a demand for any of the long-standing concessions that the Castro regime has refused to make to even qualify for normalization of relations. Some have said Mr. nObama should have learned from America’s dealings with other totalitarian communist regimes that engagement does not translate into freedom and democracy for their citizens. However, that may not have been the objective of this enterprise. The announcement of normalization with Cuba with its media information overload and manipulation of the facts — aided and abetted by the mainstream media — has diverted America’s attention from a host of the administration’s domestic scandals: the Benghazi tragedy, our failed policy on combating the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, and our unwillingness to take effective action to combat Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Ukraine. Most important, it has diverted America’s attention from its most critical Middle East objective of preventing Iran from achieving nuclear weapons capability.
 Radical black activist issues cop-kill prediction  
(By Chelsea Schilling) - On a recent episode of the New Black Panthers Party’s “Black Power Radio” posted at, Shabazz, current national president of Black Lawyers for Justice, said... “Mister Malcolm X, he consistently teaches us self-defense. The most honorable Elijah Muhammad continuously teaches us self-defense. The honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey teaches us self-defense, and we know, our leader and our teacher, the honorable Khalid Abdul Muhammad, teaches us self-defense. “What am I saying? Right now it’s time to build up that army. Right now it’s time for us to build up those corps, those troops. It’s time to get strong. It’s time for lifting weights and working out and going to the gun range and all of that.”
 Can We Avoid A New Civil War Between Police And The People?  
(By Jim White) - Author and tend forecaster, Joel Skousen, once again joins the Liberty Brothers during their Holiday special week and gave this hard hitting which we discuss the ratcheting up of rhetoric and tensions between the Police and Citizens in the aftermath of Ferguson, NYC and Spokane, Washington. Falling oil prices and the specter of the Ebola outbreak and what is really happening with the Russian Economy. We finish the interview talking about what trends Joel feels are most concerning coming into the new year.
Is Major General Nagata subtly questioning
nObama’s refusal to acknowledge
the reality of jihad terror?
Robert Spencer
     ( - There is good reason to think so, and it would be heartening to think that there is still at least one high-level official who sees the reality of the situation and is unwilling to close his eyes to it. More on this story.

…“We do not understand the movement, and until we do, we are not going to defeat it,” Maj. Gen. Michael Nagata, the special forces commander in the Middle East, told the group of outside experts, according to a friendly article in the New York Times.The general’s instructions to the group ostentatiously ignored the role of Islam. “I want to engage in a long-term conversation to understand a commonly held view of the psychological, emotional and cultural power of I.S.,”he said, formally obeying nObama’s see-no-Islam policy.

“We have not defeated the jihadis’ idea. We do not even understand the idea,” he said, according to the article, which does not mention Islam as a motivating force, nor the White House’s fatwa against any mention of Islam.

But Nagata’s statements repeatedly hint that the Islamic State’s power is based on its Islamic authenticity.

“What makes I.S. so magnetic, inspirational?…There is a magnetic attraction to I.S. that is bringing in resources, talent, weapons, etc., to thicken, harden, embolden I.S. in ways that are very alarming,” he wrote.

The general also used a religious term when he commented about the persuasive power of America’s Muslim allies in the region, who are regarded as traitors to Islam by the Islamic State’s jihadis. The Islamic State’s supporters “revel in being called murderers when the words are coming from an apostate,” said Nagata.

An apostate is a religious term used to describe a person who has quit a particular faith. In numerous Islam countries, and in the Islamic State, apostates are deemed to be traitors who deserve the death penalty, and criticism from apostates is a sign of fidelity to Islam.

Nagata’s use of the apostate term “indicates he knows very well what the Islamic state is all about, and that it is absolutely forbidden to say so in the nObama administration,” said Robert Spencer, the author of several best-selling books on Islam, and the operator of the website.

The groups’ leaders use Islamic arguments to explain the group’s attacks, brutality, enslavements and strategic goals. For example, the group’s founding document is titled “This is the Promise of Allah.” The group’s black flag says ‘There is No God but Allah,” and carries the symbol for Islam’s reputed prophet. The group calls itself The Islamic State, and its gunmen promise perpetual jihad.

“Our expansion will be perpetual,” one jihadi told a CNN correspondent. “And the Europeans need to know that when we come, it will not be in a nice way. It will be with our weapons. And those who do not convert to Islam or pay the Islamic tax will be killed.”

But nObama has repeatedly insisted that the Islamic State isn’t motivated by Islam. “Now let’s make two things clear,” nObama said Sept. 2014 about the Islamic State, sometimes dubbed ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

“ISIL is not ‘Islamic.’ No religion condones the killing of innocents… it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way,” nObama said.

No religion condones the killing of innocents, but Christianity and Islam mandate very different responses to perceived guilt and innocence.

Nagata’s actions are needed because nObama’s see-no-Islam policy is crippling U.S. strategy, said Spencer.

By asking for help from outsiders, Nagata “was subtly suggesting that the administration’s refusal to examine the Ideology so the Islamic State is foolish and wrong-headed,” Spencer said. “He’s trying to suggest that the see-no-Islam dogma that the nObama administration has is hampering our ability to combat it,” he said.

Nagata’s statement suggest a policy change is needed. “We do not understand the movement, and until we do, we are not going to defeat it,” Nagata said, according to the New York Times.

nObama has also enforced the see-no-Islam policy on the FBI’s domestic anti-terrorism investigations, partly by curbing investigations of extremist Islamic groups and leaders….
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