Saturday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Tyranny of the Minority
Theodore Dalrymple
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 The West Isn't Really Standing With Charlie Hebdo  
The West certainly likes the idea of standing with the little paper that could. A week after jihadis murdered two cops and 10 employees of the French satire paper Charlie Hebdo, the streets of Paris thundered with the march of more than a million people supporting free speech and denouncing violent Islam -- among them France's François Hollande, Germany's Angela Merkel and Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu. Meanwhile, the paper whose staff was obliterated a week ago published another edition that hit the newspaper stands in Paris this morning, selling out in minutes. It seems the West will defend the right to state an opinion, no matter how unsettling or contrarian. (Well, unless you oppose any part of the Left's agenda.) But already the signs of cultural rot show through the narrative. People are standing with Charlie today (or as the French say, "Je suis Charlie"), while the institutions that claim to defend the ideal of free speech are falling away. This is a cultural double standard. The New York Times -- once a paper that fought with the U.S. government all the way to the courts over whether or not it could publish materials deemed classified by the government -- backed away from publishing the simple caricature of Muhammad because a group of radical Islamists might take their grievances to the court of violence and terror instead of public opinion.  -The Patriot Post 

Since when did White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest become a theologian? Pressed on the administration’s tortured effort to avoid the I-word when talking about attacks by Islamist militants, Earnest offered a long disquisition as to why. But the core reason seemed to be that since the Islamists’ conduct did not comport with Islamic values, the militants did not qualify for membership: As Earnest put it, it stems for a desire for “accuracy.” This hearkens to President nObama’s claim this summer that the Islamic State is not Islamic because its conduct doesn’t reflect the values of the faith and not really a state, either. Okay. Or, reaching back to the beginning of what was then known as the Arab Spring, when a top administration official claimed the Muslim Brotherhood was “a largely secular” organization. Or the claim this week from a State Department spokeswoman who said that talking about Islamist extremism might improperly minimize the threat from other forms of violent ideological extremism. Like which ones? Well…
          The president and his team seem to have lashed themselves to the idea that somehow non-Muslim politicians in the West have some say in defining the Pillars of Islam. Facing increasing press criticism for tortured and obfuscatory language, however, the armchair theologians of the White House are spending a lot of time explaining their view of the faith. This stubbornness is interfering with the effort to explain the administration’s policy to a skeptical public and rally support for the president’s plan (whatever that may be). -Fox News 

 Sekulow: Legal semantics blunt sane strategy -   Fox News Opinion: Pointing to the deadly threat posed by Western jihadists carrying out attacks on the homeland, Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice writes that it’s time to strip U.S. citizenship from those who enlist in militant groups: “The law currently provides that Americans can lose citizenship when they enter or serve in the armed forces of an enemy foreign state. But ISIS and al Qaeda are not “foreign states,” so the law doesn’t apply….stripping citizenship and revoking passports represent just two small steps – but critical ones – towards a sane national security strategy. However, it’s difficult to take even these small steps with the nObama Administration steadfastly refuses to name our enemies (Mr. President, our enemies are Islamic radicals, not generic “extremists”), accurately describe their ideology (no, they are not “nihilists”), or even to acknowledge their obvious, widespread appeal in the Muslim world.”  -Fox News 

 Keep it simple -   WashEx’s Byron York wrote recently that unless Republicans lawmakers bill to block President nObama’s immigration actions is simple and direct they risk failure: “Republicans have two basic options, and as the time to act nears, it appears they are preparing to choose the one more likely to fail. The first option is to pass a brief, simple bill that denies funding for the implementation of nObama’s action…Such a move would be direct, unambiguous, and would focus specifically on nObama's action, which is what the controversy is about in the first place. The second option is to begin with a defunding measure but then add other provisions, targeting not just nObama’s executive action but also a large chunk of the president’s immigration policy going back five years….In answering the president's overreach on immigration, Capitol Hill Republicans are engaging in some overreach of their own.”  -Fox News 

NYT: “In President nObama’s latest move using executive authority to tackle climate change, administration officials will announce plans this week to impose new regulations on the oil and gas industry’s emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, according to a person familiar with Mr. nObama’s plans. The administration’s goal is to cut methane emissions from oil and gas production by up to 45 percent by 2025 from the levels recorded in 2012. The Environmental Protection Agency will issue the proposed regulations this summer, and final regulations by 2016, according to the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the administration had asked the person not to speak about the plan….Environmental advocates have long urged the nObama administration to target methane emissions, and the rules would be the first to do so….The oil and gas industry has pushed back against methane regulations, insisting that new rules could stymie a booming industry and that voluntary industrywide standards are sufficient to prevent methane leaks….The new rules are part of Mr. nObama’s push for regulations designed to cut emissions of planet-warming greenhouse gases from different sectors of the economy. The White House says it can make the moves under the Clean Air Act, rather than by trying to push legislation through the Republican-controlled congress.”  -Fox News 

 Egypt Warns of Muslim Brotherhood Organizations in U.S.  
(Ryan Mauro) - An Egyptian government website features a warning that the Muslim Brotherhood has a lobby in the U.S. disguised as civil society organizations. The United Arab Emirates has made similar statements and the U.S. Justice Department has confirmed the existence of a Muslim Brotherhood branch in America...The Egyptian government’s State Information Service has an entire section devoted to documenting the violence and terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt is furious with the U.S. for its stance on the Brotherhood. President El-Sisi told the Washington Post in December 2013, then as Defense Minister, that the U.S. has turned its back on Egypt and is misunderstanding the Islamist group.
 Argentinian Pres Plotted Cover Up Iranian Role in AMIA Bombing  
( - An Argentinian prosecutor is suing Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and the Argentinian government for allegedly covering up Iranian involvement in the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, the Algemeiner reports...According to Argentine newspaper La Nacion, Argentinian special prosecutor Alberto Nisman uncovered a plot designed by the President to overlook Iran's role in the terrorist attack. The motivation behind the plan was to "make a geopolitical move closer to the Islamic Republic of Iran, and to establish full economic ties" and to help alleviate "Argentina's energy crisis through a 'grain for oil' deal." Nisman claims that President Kirchner created a backdoor channel with Iran to collude on the plot. Other major figures have also been accused of engaging in secret talks with Iran on the matter, including members of the Argentinian intelligence services, a parliamentarian, pro-government activists and Jorge "Yussuf" Khalil, a major figure in Argentina's Muslim community who reportedly maintains close relations with Iran.
 Islam Will Be Defeated... 
(Anthony Bieszad) - Two people I know asked me about the Charlie Hebo massacre this morning and why it happened. I told them it was simply a manifestation of Islamic teachings in practice, and that if anything, we should be surprised this had not happened earlier...I was hoping they would ask more questions. But, as I expected, that was the end of the conversation, and they quickly changed to a new topic, as if almost they were embarrassed to be discussing Islam in such a manner. There comes a crisis period in every civilization when the very identity of a society is threatened. For European Christendom, this often came in the form of Muslim invasions such as those of Poitiers in 732, Constantinople in 1453, or Vienna in 1683.
 Egyptian Govt Fighting True Islam while nObama Advancing Islam  
(Ben Barrack) - Political battle lines between the Egyptian government led by el-Sisi and the Barack nObama administration, which leads the U.S., have been drawn...A major salvo was fired on January 1st, when Egyptian president, Gen. Abdel Fatah el-Sisi admonished Islamic scholars at al-Azhar University. As reported, this was a brazen statement against Barack nObama himself, who nearly six years earlier launched his pro-Muslim Brotherhood / pro-Arab Spring agenda in a speech at that very same university. In many ways, what el-Sisi did to nObama from a podium at al-Azhar was the political equivalent of what he did by leading the overthrow of Mohammed Mursi in 2013. It was also a speech that created pro-nObama and pro-Sisi camps by providing a stark contrast to the nObama ideology that western leaders like Cameron of the UK, Hollande of France and Merkel of Germany have not.
 Mass Arrests in Crackdown on Free Speech in Socialist France  
(Alex Newman) - Just days after rushing to defend freedom of speech in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, Socialist French authorities launched a wave of mass arrests, detaining dozens of people so far, including children, over their alleged “illegal” speech...Among the supposed thought crimes that are subject to the ongoing crackdown are “apology for terrorism,” “glorification” of terror, racism, “hate speech,” anti-Semitism, and more. The irony of cracking down on speech following a terrorist attack supposedly aimed at silencing free speech did not go unnoticed, however. In the frantic Socialist rush to silence controversial or offensive speech, national authorities at the Justice Ministry ordered law enforcement and prosecutors across the country to come down hard on all thought criminals. Socialist Prime Minister Manuel Valls reiterated the French government’s position on freedom of speech, too, saying that “racism, anti-Semitism and the glorification of terrorism [apologie du terrorisme] are crimes.” One of the French statutes being used in the latest crackdown, the recently approved “Anti-Terror Act,” prohibits expressing sympathy with terrorists or condoning their activities.
 U.S. Businesses Failing Faster Than They’re Created  
(Michael Tennant) - Since 2008, American businesses have been closing faster than they are being created — a trend that suggests that genuine, lasting economic recovery may still be eluding the United States...The U.S. Census Bureau began gathering statistics on U.S. business openings and closings in 1977. Each year for the next three decades, the bureau found that about 100,000 more businesses were started than folded. Then, with the onset of the Great Recession, existing businesses began failing at a faster rate than new ones were being launched. By 2011, the last year for which the Census Bureau has released statistics, there were 70,000 more business deaths than business births. In fact, the annual count of new businesses has fallen so drastically that the United States now ranks 12th among developed nations in terms of business startups.
 Congress Pushes for More Iran Sanctions  
(Warren Mass) - As Secretary of State Hanoi John Kerry concluded a meeting in Geneva on January 14 with Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif to discuss Iran’s nuclear program...voices rose in Congress to pass legislation that would impose new economic sanctions on Iran. The preference of the nObama administration to obtain an agreement with Iran via the diplomatic route is evidently not welcome by everyone in Congress. Senators Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), for example, plan to introduce a bill that would impose several rounds of increased economic sanctions on Iran beginning June 30 if Iran fails to approve any negotiated agreement or abide by the terms of such an agreement.
 Last Words Of Pilot Of Crashed AirAsia Plane... 
(Walid Shoebat) - Analyzing the black box of the crashed AirAsia flight QZ8501 revealed the last words of the pilots were "Allahu Akbar." Sounds familiar?... "It is as if we can feel them…Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar were the last words said before they died" says Nurcahyo Utomo, who has been an aviation investigator for almost two decades as he listened to the black box recording. We did a whole video on this: Call me an Islamophobe, but when I research the pilot from the missing flight QZ8501, Captain Iriyanto, I access the local news in Indonesian, not in English. There I find out that the pilot of the missing flight QZ8501 and like the pilot on the other missing flight MH370 are both devout Muslims, I get somewhat paranoid. Translating from Indonesian, I find the following:
 It's not a corrupted IS Islam!  
(Sher Zieve) - How many times have we heard some politically correct (aka politically corrupt) "journalist" from any and all of our nObamaMedia tell us that the "extremist" attacks are due to a "corrupted" or "perverted" form of Islam?...I heard it for the umpteenth time yesterday on Fox News and decided to address this, at best, continuing misconception on the speakers' parts or, at worst, the outright lies about Islam which are meant to deceive. Does anyone on any of the media bother to even somewhat educate themselves on this serious subject that brings with it an increasingly brutal set of actions? It doesn't seem so. All too many of our current set of media journalists are sorely lacking in the ability to even look up sources before opening their mouths and speaking inane tripe.
 ‘Life is good again!’ Fox News returns to Dish Network  
(Twitchy Staff) - When Fox News and Dish Network parted ways at the end of wasn’t long before Fox News’ on-air personalities took to Twitter to steer frustrated Dish customers to the website. Nearly a month later, the dispute is resolved and Fox News is back on Dish, much to the relief of millions of Fox viewers.
Tyranny of the Minority
Theodore Dalrymple

     ( - The shots in the Paris street that were seen and heard around the world killed Ahmed Merabet, a Muslim policeman going to the defense of Charlie Hebdo: a reminder that by no means all Muslims in France, far from it, are France-hating, Allahu-akbar-shouting fanatics, and that many are well-integrated. I go to a Muslim boulanger in Paris whose French bread and pastries are as good as any in the vicinity; and, if anything, I have a prejudice in favor of patronizing his shop precisely to encourage and reward his successful integration. And he is only one of many cases that I know.

     Unfortunately, this is not as reassuring as it sounds, because a handful of fanatics can easily have a much more significant social effect than a large number of peaceful citizens. There is more to fear in one terrorist than to celebrate in 99 well-integrated immigrants. And if only 1 percent of French Muslims were inclined to terrorism, this would still be more than 50,000 people, more than enough to create havoc in a society. The jihadists now have a large pool from which to draw, and there are good reasons to think that more than 1 percent of young Muslims in France are distinctly anti-French. The number of young French jihadists fighting in Syria is estimated to be 1,200, equal to 1 percent in numbers of the French army, and probably not many fewer than the number of Algerian guerrillas fighting during much of the Algerian War of Independence.

     That is why the following argument, taken from an article in the Guardian by French journalist Nabila Ramdani, will not be of much comfort to the French or to other Europeans. Referring to a terrible episode in 1961, when the French police in Paris killed 200 Algerians and threw them in the Seine (though Ramdani fails to mention that 20 times as many Algerians in France were killed by other Algerians at about the same time, in a power struggle among the nationalist factions), she writes: “As the history of Paris shows, extreme violence often inspires further violence. The bloody cycle continues, just as it has always done. But attributing its causes to millions of law-abiding French Muslims is as cynical as trying to blame it on a small group of artists and writers.”

     There is no reason to think that the events in Paris of 1961 “inspired” the Charlie Hebdo massacre—or the follow-on incidents that have ensued, as the crisis unfolds around France—and so their introduction into the argument can only serve to minimize or exculpate. And while it is no doubt true that the majority of French Muslims are law-abiding, minorities, unfortunately, may be more important than majorities. A substantial number are not law-abiding, and they commit violence because of a version of religious belief. Just before Christmas, a man entered a police station in Tours, cut the throat of a policeman and injured two others while shouting “Allah akbar!” A day later, another man shouted “Allah akbar!” as he drove around Dijon, deliberately running over 11 people. He was probably mad, but madness and religious fanaticism are not mutually exclusive. Ramdani fails to explain why France does not have similar problems with its Vietnamese immigrants.

     Fortunately, the response to this week’s attacks has been admirable. The left-wing French newspaper, Libération, which I have often criticized, has bravely given the magazine space in its office; the next edition of Charlie Hebdo will print 1 million copies, 25 times its normal run. And in Britain, the Guardian Media Group has announced a donation of £100,000 to Charlie Hebdo. This stands in marked contrast to the pusillanimity (cowardly)  displayed by George W. Bush during the Danish cartoon crisis of 2006, and by Barack nObama in 2012, when he criticized Charlie Hebdo for being offensive to Muslim sentiment.

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