Saturday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Cardinal, Please Spare This Church
Peggy Noonan
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Al Sharpton Responds to Shakedown Allegations  
A phone conversation between Al Sharpton and a reporter from the Daily Caller unfolded about how you'd expect. According to the Daily Caller, the race hustler hung up on the reporter once, shouted and asked to record the conversation to later lampoon the conservative news site on his MSNBC television show (and the request was honorably granted). Two days ago, the New York Post published an article describing how Sharpton has threatened companies, telling them to pay him money or he would launch boycotts against them. Sharpton told the Daily Caller that he doesn't understand why the Post would go after him ... because the company that owns the Post has given money to him in the past (as if that should affect the decisions between the two Post reporters and their editors). Sharpton told the Daily Caller reporter, "I am not prepared to do anything but to say that Rupert Murdoch has given, through News Corp, money to us and that we're on the board, on their, have been on their diversity board. I am going to force you to use the quote I give you because that is the only quote I am giving you." In trying to discredit the story, Sharpton further illustrates how far he has gone. More…  -The Patriot Post 
 EPA Punts Major Emissions Rule 
Just one day before its Jan. 8 deadline, the Environmental Protection Agency delayed its highly anticipated rule that will require a significant reduction in fossil fuels emitted by new coal-fired plants. The purpose, they claim, is to wed the release with other rules scheduled for later this year. "[T]he Environmental Protection Agency said Wednesday it would wait until midsummer, and issue the new power plant rules with a separate regulation aimed at cutting the pollution blamed for global warming from the existing coal-fired power fleet," the Associated Press reported. EPA Air and Radiation Administrator Janet McCabe remarked, "This is all about the best policy outcome, and the appropriate policy outcome. That is what we are talking about here, and that is why we think it is important to finalize these rules in the same time frame." Actually, there's a better explanation. With Republican majorities in both chambers of Congress threatening to overhaul the EPA, Democrats are waiting for NOAA's forthcoming announcement that 2014 was the "hottest year ever," which will provide Democrats with much-needed leverage. We need to "do something"! But Republicans are being obstructionists! The same strategy will be employed at the pivotal UN climate assembly later this year. It's quite clever, really. Unfortunately, it doesn't bode well for Liberty. 
-The Patriot Post 
 The Real Islamic Threat  
Two weeks after terrorists killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stephens and three other Americans in Benghazi in September 2012, Barack nObama announced to the UN, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." The Religion of Peace™ took his advice Wednesday in Paris, as jihadis killed 12 people for daring to "slander the prophet of Islam." Two of the victims were police officers (one of whom was wounded and then executed), and 10 were journalists (including the editor-in-chief) for the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, which was firebombed in 2011 for printing cartoons of Muhammad. Charlie Hebdo recovered from that terrorism and published a few more cartoons skewering Muhammad and, more recently, the Islamic State. ISIL filled the terror vacuum in the Middle East after nObama claimed victory against al-Qaida ahead of his 2012 re-election bid.  The Patriot Post 
 All the Children Left Behind  
As millions of students returned to school this week after Christmas break -- pardon, "winter holiday" -- 535 children legislators convened in Washington to determine, among other things, whether they will allow to continue unchecked the steep deterioration of America's educational system. No Child Left Behind, the behemoth federal legislation that's left not simply one child but an entire generation behind, may be approaching its day of reckoning. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Rep. John Kline (R-MN), chairs of their respective chambers' education committees, are preparing an overhaul of the legislation that would divest the federal government of much of its control over education -- control our Constitution never authorized Washington to have in the first place. Signed into law in 2002, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was the successor to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), first passed as part of Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society." Easily the most far-reaching federal legislation affecting education, ESEA, in its initial form, was 32 pages long, included five titles and provided about $1 billion in federal education funding. Thanks to the growth of federal mandates, programs and general bureaucracy, in fiscal year 2014, funding for NCLB surpassed $25 billion. This, of course, is only a fraction of the more than $130 billion the federal government spends on elementary, secondary and higher education.  The Patriot Post 
When Jeb Bush jumped in the presidential pond, it was widely assumed that it would mean the end of speculation about a possible third run for Mitt Romney. But not only has Romney continued to entertain pleas from advisers to run again, according to two senior staffers from Romney’s 2012 campaign, Bush’s exploratory move hasn’t changed the landscape for Romney that much. Romney huddled with top advisers in California on Wednesday, a group that reportedly was to include big names like Ben Ginsberg, Andrea Saul and Lanhee Chen. While we can’t know exactly what was said, top aides who spoke to Fox News First prior to the conclave said that Bush’s build-out isn’t a factor. One said that Bush and Romney were “fishing in different pools” of donors and could both proceed with explorations. The other pointed out that not even Bush would be likely to equal Romney’s potential fundraising haul. By continuing to entertain the entreaties of an increasingly enthusiastic circle of advisers, though, Romney is putting himself on a collision course with Bush. There may be enough money for both of them, but not enough votes.
          A shot across the bow? - Politico reports that former Gov. Jeb Bush, R-Fla., is preparing to release a decade or more of personal tax returns. While others say such a bold move is “grossly premature,” there’s no doubt that Bush will be expansive in his disclosures. If and when such a move happens it is seen by many as an early way to distance himself from 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney who came under fire for such a limited release of his own returns. Romney’s first release came in late January 2012 after the undisclosed returns helped cost him the South Carolina primary. Another release came in late September 2012, a few weeks after the Republican Convention. Romney refused to go further, but offered a summary of information from the previous 20 years as prepared by Pricewaterhouse Coopers-Fox News
 'We can't wait' for nObama to stop obstructing Keystone  
( - The new Republican Congress is sworn in and ready to work. Its first task is to pass a bill that would permit a massive shovel-ready infrastructure project that will create thousands of jobs...This might sound familiar, as it is a bit like what President nObama did when he first took office. The only difference is that this project is privately funded — it won’t cost taxpayers a dime — and it is an oil pipeline that nObama’s radical environmentalist base opposes. It became clear during the last Congress that the bill to permit construction of the Keystone XL pipeline has bipartisan support. Its new version has 60 Senate co-sponsors, meaning there is no question of a filibuster and so it will easily pass both houses. The project will not only put many more Americans to work immediately and in the short run, but it will also have a lasting stimulative effect. It will help the booming oil industry in the Williston Basin of North Dakota and Montana get its product to market more cheaply and safely than the current arrangement by rail. It will also help promote North American energy independence. Unfortunately, nObama has promised to veto the bill that would grant permission for this private construction project. Environmental activists who oppose the use of oil in principle have frightened nObama to the point that he has declined to issue the permit for several years.
 23 Conservative Leaders Warn backstabber Boehner  
(Rob Bluey) - A coalition of 23 leaders in the conservative movement today urged Speaker backstabber John Boehner not to punish Republicans who voted against him for the House’s top job...backstabber Boehner, who removed two of those dissenters from the powerful Rules Committee after the speaker vote, is now rethinking the decision, according to Politico. A total of 25 Republicans did not vote for backstabber Boehner. “It is unacceptable and disappointing to see that some conservatives are already being punished by you and your leadership team for disagreements over policy and the direction of the conference. This must end immediately,” the 23 conservatives wrote in a letter from the Conservative Action Project.
 nObama: What Are His Allegiances?  
(Jim Geraghty - - President nObama has once again gone to extraordinary lengths to make sure not to associate Islam with the deadly attack against the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo despite the Islamic chants and exhortations of the jihadists during the massacre...This is of course consistent with his sharia-adherent policies. nObama has a long history of whitewashing and scrubbing  jihad — from Fort Hood, the Islamic State, the Oklahoma beheading, Benghazi, and on and on. Why? Why did he warn us that “the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet Muhammad.” Where is his allegiance? Either nObama is not-so-secretly a jihad sympathizer or he’s a believer. It’s one and the same. No one in their right mind can justify the unjustifiable. But nObama does just that. In any case, he is a perfidious president putting all Americans in grave danger.
 Palestinian Authority Daily Praises Stabbing of Israeli Soldiers  
( - A Palestinian Authority newspaper praised the Dec. 25 stabbing of two Israeli soldiers, referring to the act as Palestinian "pride," a Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) translation of a story in Al-Asima shows... "Every Palestinian has the right to feel proud of what is seen in the video of the stabbing of the two soldiers in Jerusalem. The Arab has the right to hold his head high and to assert with confidence: There are people among our nation such as this young man, who armed himself with a kitchen knife and attacked Israeli soldiers face to face…," Hamas affiliated columnist Faiz Abu Shamala wrote for the official PA daily. The Al-Asima article also glorified the terrorist who tried to kill the Israelis and called for similar attacks in the future.
 U.S. public school forces girls to follow Islam 
(Bob Unruh) - The Douglas County School District in Colorado, under fire for saying that schoolgirls might have to cover up from head to ankle for a field trip to a Muslim mosque, has confirmed that such Shariah requirements will be enforced on the outing... “Students who choose to attend the [Rocky Heights Middle School] world religion field trip are expected to respect the dress code of the host facility,” the school said in a statement posted online. The explanation followed a firestorm of criticism of the school for announcing the field trip for seventh-grade students and including a note that the Shariah dress code could be enforced. But you can forget about bring a bible to school or wearing a cross in expressing your faith. That is being a hypocrite.
 Administration ignored warnings about ISIS  
(streiff (Diary)) - We have repeatedly chronicled how the policies of the the nObama administration are directly responsible for the rise of ISIS and because of that bears partial responsibility for the slaughter that has raged in Syria and Iraq over the past two years...In short, the misbegotten embrace of “Arab Spring” destabilized Syria while creating an al Qaeda safe haven in the power vacuum we created in Libya. At the same time, we ignored Iraq. We not only ignored the national government but we also ignored what that government was telling us about the rise of ISIS. As it turns out the story is much more sordid. Not only was the administration warned of the rise of ISIS in Syria, but it threatened retribution against any rebel group who mentioned this to western media:
 Appeasement Comes Back to Haunt France  
(Ari Lieberman) - It’s time that we finally admit it. The battle for Old Europe is over. The Gates of Vienna have finally been breached...Old Europe has been experiencing a tidal wave of violence and terror in recent years correlating to and in direct proportion with the growing influence of Muslims in the western part of the continent. Yesterday’s massacre in Paris by Muslims screaming “Allahuakbar” (what else?) represents a culmination of growing Muslim power and even dominance in France. Britain, Sweden, Belgium and the rest of the sorry lot are not too far behind. Today’s European Muslims have successfully accomplished what the Nazis could not accomplish in World War II. They have sown an irreversible dread into Europe and implanted a fascist-like Islamist seed that has taken firm root.
 A Warrior Against Communism and Islamism  
(Daniel Greenfield) - “Muslims and the left share the same common goal; the destruction of America and the transformation of individual freedom into obedience to the state. The most powerful force supporting the Islamization of America is the Democratic Party.”...The author of these words, Dr. Vitaly Raevsky, knew a great deal about the left. His life had followed an arc that took him from helping design the spacesuits worn by Russian cosmonauts, including Yuri Gagarin, to escaping the USSR through the intervention of President Nixon and going to work for the Department of Defense. At the age of 84, the celebrated scientist lies in the soil of the America that he came to love so dearly. His passing leaves behind a monumental body of scientific work, patents and publications, and more importantly a legacy of speaking the truth and fighting the good fight no matter the personal cost.
 When Will We Wake Up?  
(Bruce Thornton) - The three Muslim gunmen who killed 12 journalists in Paris targeted not just those people and their satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, but a core ideal and human right of the West––the right to free speech in the public square defined by tolerance for different opinions...That’s why the killers, after they had called out the names of their individual victims before they shot them, bragged as they made their escape that they had “killed” Charlie Hebdo. That’s why they also cried, “The Prophet has been avenged,” since the magazine had frequently spoofed Mohammed, most famously in its reprinting in 2006 of cartoons parodying Mohammed. Apparently President Obama was prescient, at least in the case of the twelve dead Parisians, when he warned in 2012, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.”
 Infofe Lays Out Plan to Fight nObama's EPA Regulations 
(Michael Bastasch) - Sen. James Inhofe plans to use his position on one of the Senate’s most powerful committees to challenge the nObama administration’s push to regulate carbon dioxide emissions and expand federal power over energy and the environment...The Oklahoma Republican says he will use his chairmanship of the Environment and Public Works Committee to scale back Environmental Protection Agency global warming regulations and other rules that impact drilling, water supplies and private property rights. Inhofe is set to become chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, which has the largest jurisdiction of any Senate committee. One tactic Inhofe specifically mentioned was using the Congressional Review Act – a little-known law that allows Congress to review and possibly vote down agency rules before they are passed.
Cardinal, Please Spare This Church
Peggy Noonan

     ( - The Archdiocese of New York is threatening to close down my little church, a jewel in Catholicism’s crown on 89th Street just off Madison, in Carnegie Hill, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. This has caused great pain in our neighborhood this Christmas. St. Thomas More Church is where my son made his first holy communion, where he was confirmed. It is where at the presentation of the cross, on Good Friday, everyone in the parish who wants to—and that is everyone in the parish, poor people, crazy people, people just holding on, housekeepers, shopkeepers, billionaires—stands on line together, as equals, as brothers and sisters, to kiss the foot of the cross. It always makes me cry.

     None of this is important except multiply it by 5,000, 10,000, a million people who’ve walked through our doors the past 75 years to marry, to bury, to worship.

     There is context, of course, and context must always be respected. New York isn’t the only place that is or will be closing churches, so the story may have some national application.

     The Catholic Church, the greatest refuge of the poor in the history of the world, is always in need of money. The New York Archdiocese itself supports schools, hospitals, charities, churches, orders. It is in constant need. There is the refurbishment of mighty St. Patrick’s Cathedral, which has been extremely expensive. There has been the cost, the past 20 years, of all the settlements and legal fees associated with the sex scandals. Compounding this is the constant bureaucratic challenge to manage resources efficiently, professionally.

     The church must save where it can. Churches have been closed. Most had particular stresses in common. Some lost parishioners due to demographic change and a peeling off of the faithful. Some cannot support themselves financially and become a drain on the archdiocese. Some churches have fallen behind in repair and have become structurally dangerous. Some lost their place in the heart and life of their communities.

     But the great mystery at the heart of the threatened closing of St. Thomas is that none of these criteria apply to it. Not one.

     St. Thomas More Church is not empty, it is vital, vibrant and alive. The other day at a special Mass, the standing room only crowd spilled out onto the steps. People move into—and stay in—Carnegie Hill just for the church. Almost half the people at Sunday mass take long car and subway rides to worship there. (All this is from a list of facts about the church put together by its desperate parishioners.)

     St. Thomas More not only supports itself financially, it gives money back to the archdiocese. It’s not structurally unsound, it has just completed a major and costly refurbishment. It hasn’t lost its school, it has a full, lively, respected preschool in the basement that families are desperate to get into. It is the sacramental home of all the Catholic schools in the area that don’t have their own church or chapel. It is “a powerhouse of lay involvement in the spirit of Vatican II,” says the parishioners’ fact sheet, with a large parish council and four separate Catholic instruction programs for children. More can be said but at its heart it is a place for families, many of them old-style Catholics with four and five kids. Coffee hour after the 10 a.m. children’s Mass is jammed.

     St. Thomas More functions too as a town hall for every secular group in the area. It is a meetinghouse for all of them. It is a citizen.

     Our cardinal, my friend Timothy Dolan, being from Milwaukee, would not know, and the members of his many clusters and advisory boards would not know, that St. Thomas More is a mother root of the spiritual life of the Catholics on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

They’re not talking about the closing of a church but the destroying of a world.

     And for what? The archdiocese’s arguments have been varied and lacking. They say there are other churches close by, that St. Thomas More can be relieved of its duties, blended and “merged” with the church of St. Ignatius. But St. Ignatius is near overwhelmed with its own schools and parish life, and could not absorb St. Thomas More’s functions and programs.

     The archdiocese then argues there is a shortage of priests. But St. Thomas More raises priests, three vocations born there the past 20 years. The cardinal’s top media man, Joe Zwilling, last weekend pointed at St. Thomas More and asked, “What will you do in 20 years when there’s no priest” to lead it? Well, over 20 years, in a church founded on miracles, we’ll pray for vocations. More to the point, as one active friend of the archdiocese said to me, “In what way does closing a vital parish create more priests? Please share the logic.”

Yes. Please.

     The archdiocese appears to be scrambling for a respectable rationale. In the meantime parishioners wonder about the reasons for what they’ve come to call the second beheading of Thomas More.

     Is it possible, they ask, the archdiocese is driven by what drove Henry VIII, politics and real estate?

That is an uncharitable thought. Let’s explore it.

     The archdiocese is defensive about closing churches in poor areas. What better way to comfort themselves, and avoid bad press, than closing one in an affluent area? Mr. Zwilling told this newspaper “it would be wrong and unjust” if only less affluent parishes were closed. To me, more sharply, Mr. Zwilling said just because St. Thomas More is in the black doesn’t mean it is “protected.”

     The cardinal himself told one parishioner he sees it as a matter of fairness. “I can’t just close poor parishes,” the parishioner quoted him as saying. The parishioner responded, “Poor people are not helped because rich people are hurt.”

     All this seems in line with the de Blasio-ization of the times: pick a target, move against it. Especially move on excellence, which can be painted as “elitist.” If you can’t help the poor you can at least afflict those you imagine to be rich.

     Real estate? If St. Thomas More is closed it can be sold. New York is experiencing a real-estate boom, Carnegie Hill is desirable. The church and its land could bring in $50 million, maybe $100 million. Any number of developers would jump at the chance. It’s rumored—rumored—any number have.

*   *   *

     In a true spirit of helpfulness some members of St. Thomas More have searched for ways to keep their church alive, give even more money to the archdiocese and help it show greater, deeper affiliation with the needy. The cardinal could sell his grand private mansion in Midtown, just down the street from what has been assessed the most valuable piece of real estate in the city, Saks Fifth Avenue, judged to be worth almost $4 billion. Think of what the cardinal’s mansion would sell or rent for! That would take care of everything. This is what Boston’s Cardinal Sean O’Malley did: sell the cardinal’s estate. He lives now in a small apartment in a modest part of town.

     But that and other ideas can be explored in future columns. For now, Merry Christmas. May peace and love descend on all.

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