Saturday Noon ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
The Big Apple's Big Crime Wave


Lewis Morris

Apple Will Close all Retail Stores Outside China 
Until March 27th Due to Coronavirus
by sundance
{ } ~ This is a bold step for the brand. It takes very strong leadership to make a decision like this. All Apple Inc. retail stores will be closed; however, on-line distribution centers will remain open... Workers will continue to receive their regular pay despite the closures. Apple said it will close all of its stores outside of Greater China until March 27 to reduce the risk of the coronavirus spreading. The iPhone maker’s online store will remain open as well as its “Apple Store” app. Apple CEO Tim Cook said the company had learned lessons from the outbreak in China and that is why it is taking these steps. “One of those lessons is that the most effective way to minimize risk of the virus’s transmission is to reduce density and maximize social distance,” Cook wrote in a blog post late on Friday. “As rates of new infections continue to grow in other places, we’re taking additional steps to protect our team members and customers.”
Trump says he backs House coronavirus bill, 
says members of both parties
should 'VOTE YES'
By Alex Pappas & Chad Pergram
{ } ~ President Trump said Friday night that he supported a coronavirus response package negotiated by House Speaker liar-Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in an apparent effort to get skeptical House Republicans on board with the legislation... "I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening," Trump tweeted. "This Bill will follow my direction for free CoronaVirus tests, and paid sick leave for our impacted American workers ..." "I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES!" Trump later added. "I will always put the health and well-being of Americans FIRST. Look forward to signing the final bill, ASAP!" liar-Pelosi intially informed colleagues of a deal with the Trump administration at around 6 p.m. ET. “We are proud to have reached an agreement with the administration to resolve outstanding challenges, and now will soon pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act,” the California Democrat said in an evening letter to colleagues. However, Fox News later learned that Mnuchin had not yet signed off on the pact. Shortly before 8 p.m. ET, Mnuchin told Fox Business Network's "Lou Dobbs Tonight": "We have an agreement that reflects what the president talked about in his speech the other Wednesday night. He's very focused on making sure that we can deal with the coronavirus, that people who have to be home quarantined -- that hard-working Americans don't lose their compensation because they have to be home quarantined. "Obviously we expect the bigger corporations to pick up these costs," Mnuchin added, "and we also want to make sure that people can get free testing. The president wants lots of testing. One of the things the market responded very positively to was that the president has made just enormous progress with all these big companies coming in and saying that there's testing." The apparent problems caught Democrats by surprise: House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said “we thought we had an agreement,” adding: “I want to vote tonight.” Fox News is told the major objection to the bill from House Republicans has been extraneous matters House Democrats kept trying to include in the coronavirus package. A deal would set up a possible evening vote: House lawmakers have been advised to stay close as the leaders try to cement a deal that can be voted on later Friday night. The Senate, however, already left town. Sources said if the measure passes the House with an overwhelming majority, the Senate will take up this measure next week...  
Trump Announces He Will ‘Most Likely’ 
Be Tested For Coronavirus
{ } ~ President Donald Trump announced Friday that he will “most likely” be tested for coronavirus... Trump, answering a reporter’s question in the White House Rose Garden, said that he never claimed he would not be tested, and based on recent headlines, would probably do so in the near future.  A reported asked Trump if he was being “selfish” by not being tested for coronavirus. “I didn’t say I wasn’t going to be tested,” the president responded. The reporter followed up by asking if he planned to be tested. “Most likely, yes,” Trump said. His announcement comes after it was revealed that Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro is currently under “medical examination” and was tested twice for coronavirus. One set of results came back positive, while the second came back negative. Both Bolsonaro’s press aide Fabio Wajngarten and Bolsonaro dined and visited with Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, senior advisers to the president Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, and Acting Director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell among others. Wajngarten tested positive earlier on Thursday.  Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton,  who has also tested positive for coronavirus, met with Ivanka, Attorney General Bill Barr, Grenell, and Domestic Policy Council Director Joe Grogan last week. White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Thursday that Trump had not yet been tested and that there are no plans to test him in the immediate future, as he has not exhibited any coronavirus symptoms...  
liar-Pelosi under fire for sneaking ‘abortion
slush fund’ in coronavirus emergency
bill at 11th hour
by Frieda Powers
{ } ~ House Speaker liar-Nancy Pelosi was exposed for her blatant push to include abortion funding in the emergency coronavirus bill...  Senior White House officials alleged that the California Democrat attempted to get “several” provisions added to the bipartisan plan while in negotiations with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, according to The Daily Caller. While the liberal media skewed the narrative by claiming House Republicans were to blame for the delay in the coronavirus economic stimulus plan because of demands to “include Hyde amendment language,” it was actually liar-Pelosi who was pushing for a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse claims made by laboratories. “A new mandatory funding stream that does not have Hyde protections would be unprecedented,” a White House official told the Daily Caller, referring to the amendment which blocks federal funding to clinics that perform abortions. The provision was described as a “slush fund” by one White House official speaking to the news site while another reportedly asked “what the Hyde Amendment and abortion have to do with protecting Americans from coronavirus,” which was echoed by MSNBC’s Joy Reid. “You should ask liar-Nancy Pelosi why she decided to play politics and strong arm abortion funding into the coronavirus bill,” the Daily Caller’s Greg Price tweeted in response.  Others also slammed the attempts to sneak in the provisions while the media spun a false narrative about the GOP opposition to the bill. Arizona Rep. Debbie Lesko gave an update on the negotiations while calling out liar-Pelosi’s strategy...   

liar-Pelosi Declares Democrats and White House Reach Deal on “Coronavirus Response Act”
by sundance
{ } ~ It took some digging but we found it. The 2020 Coronavirus Response Act is H.R.6201. Speaker liar-Nancy Pelosi is saying the Democrats and White House have made an agreement to pass the content of the Coronavirus Response Act... However, there is no confirmation from the White House yet. President Trump is meeting with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in the White House right now. House Democrats and the Trump administration reached agreement on a coronavirus response package Friday after a day of grueling negotiations, House Speaker liar-Nancy Pelosi said. “We are proud to have reached an agreement with the Administration to resolve outstanding challenges, and now will soon pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act,” she wrote to Democrats after hours of back-and-forth with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The House aims to pass the proposal Friday to blunt the economic damage of the global pandemic. The Senate left Washington for the weekend and will not have a chance to approve it until next week. It is unclear if the GOP-held chamber will pass the bill, as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was not directly involved in the talks.
European Union: Closing the Borders?
by Judith Bergman
{ } ~ On February 27, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan  made good on his many threats to send millions of migrants and refugees to Europe, despite a 2016 deal between Europe and Turkey to hold them... Apparently seeking to make Europe experience the full force of his intentions, Turkish officials  sent busloads of migrants -- predominantly young men from Afghanistan and Iran, according to several reports -- to Turkey's border with Greece. "We prepared a plan with our colleagues and we are committed to arranging free buses for the refugees in Bolu towards the border town of Edirne,"  said Tanju Özcan, the mayor of Bolu, a town in northern Turkey, 550 kilometers from the border with Greece. "Refugees willing to go to Edirne can apply to the Bolu municipality and its branches. We are ready to assure the transport whatever the number of refugees." In November, Erdogan had also  threatened to release ISIS prisoners into Europe. Whether the migrants Erdogan sent to the border with Greece at the end of February currently include terrorists is not known. Migrating terrorists, research has shown, are a serious issue that seems to receive only scant attention in Europe. In contrast to the migrant crisis of 2015, which saw more than a million migrants and refugees cross into Europe through Greece -- as well as other frontline European nations -- the current Greek government, which came into power in July 2019, has made it clear that its borders are closed. "Welcome in Greece are only those we choose. Those who are not welcome will be returned. We will permanently shut the door to illegal human traffickers, to those who want to enter even though they are not entitled to asylum," said Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in November. Even Germany is unwilling to take any of the migrants shuttled by Erdogan to the Greek-Turkish border. "I understand that Turkey is facing a very big challenge regarding Idlib," German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated. "Still, for me it's unacceptable that he – President Erdogan and his government – is not expressing this dissatisfaction in a dialogue with us as the European Union, but rather on the back of the refugees. For me, that's not the way to go forward."...  
The Big Apple's Big Crime Wave

XZga3KS_HajgISP_QhCTeBuNkkljIp3vvqrK2MnOkKOZjGb83-SzcfU11IXUDASLUG5I-PrkWQNkFhAC1aCPZLbYIuRKodNXSEaaBKiINA2gFtA1NGsLj3TSEX3ct8QwblndpbLCh_ynQkFTjqv3jwIm-ntI2Lxjfb8pIto=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xLewis Morris  The results are in on New York’s new “bail reform” law that prohibits requiring cash bail for people arrested for misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies. Shock of shocks, it’s a complete disaster.

Just two months after the new law implementing so-called bail reform went into effect, crime in New York City has skyrocketed. Major crimes are up 22% compared to a year ago. And the New York Police Department reports, “In the first 58 days of 2020, 482 individuals who had already been arrested for committing a serious (felony) crime such as robbery or burglary were rearrested for committing an additional 846 crimes. Thirty-five percent, or 299, were for arrests in the seven major crime categories — murder, rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny and grand larceny auto — that is nearly triple the amount of those crimes committed in the same 58 days in 2019.” This doesn’t distinguish between crime committed by citizens and illegal aliens, but the latter are responsible for a vastly disproportionate number of crimes.

Bail reform was rammed through the New York State Legislature after Democrats seized control of both houses in the last election. The goal was to remove cash bail to help reduce the city’s prison population. It was also believed that cash bail was unfair because a large number of suspects couldn’t afford it and would be stuck in jail awaiting trial. In some extreme cases this has led to suspects spending extraordinary amounts of time behind bars before having their day in court.

This is another great example of leftist cost transference. Prisons are less crowded, but everything else is much, much more expensive.

The right to a speedy trial is enshrined in the Constitution, but there are surely better ways to address prison overcrowding than to remove a judge’s power to determine a suspect’s danger to the public and guarantee whether a suspect shows up for trial. According to the law, judges can set a cash bail in situations where it is proven that the suspect is a flight risk. There are also ankle monitors and police check-ins to ensure the suspect hasn’t flown the coop.

The problem with the bail-reform law is that the criminals being released are often serial offenders who many times proudly exhibit their lack of respect for the law.

Take turnstile jumper Charles Barry, who, after being arrested 139 times for various subway infractions, was let back out on the street. He told a reporter from the New York Daily News, “I’m famous! I take $200, $300 a day of your money, cracker! You can’t stop me!”

Then there is Gerod Woodberry, who committed four bank robberies between December 30 and January 8. But because he did not use a gun to pull off the stickups, he is out on the street. He could commit a fifth robbery tomorrow, and the NYPD would have to let him go. “I can’t believe they let me out,” Woodberry told the New York Post. “What were they thinking?”

The short answer is, not much. As might be expected, leftist groups like the Legal Aid Society have doubled down on support for bail reform, claiming that publicizing stories like Barry’s or Woodberry’s is a “scare tactic.” It has even started a TV ad campaign running throughout New York State urging citizens to reject any changes to the law.

Citizen support for bail reform, which was never great to begin with, has plummeted. Even Democrat New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio admitted publicly that the recent sharp rise in crime was due to the bail-reform law. Whether he will put his diminishing political power behind changing the policy is yet to be determined.

In sharing the recent crime statistics with reporters, NYPD Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said, “Each number represents a victim.” He’s right, and the victims are who law enforcement and the court system should be most concerned with, not serial offenders with no respect for the law.   ~The Patriot Post  

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