Saturday PM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
 5 Promising Covid-19 Vaccines and Drugs 
That Could End Coronavirus Pandemic
By Sissi Cao
loose lips liar-Joe Biden has a big coronavirus problem that no one wants to talk about
by ~ Former Vice President loose lips liar-Joe Biden is now the frontrunner for the Democrat Presidential nomination. Democrats and the Fake News Media are popping the champagne corks over his supposedly “inevitable” victory over Donald Trump... But now loose lips liar-Joe Biden has a big coronavirus problem that no one wants to talk about. The Fake News Media and Democrats want to exploit the spread of the Chinese coronavirus to damage President Trump’s re-election chances. However, the top digital staffer for loosev lips liar-Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign tweeted out a conspiracy theory that Donald Trump is allowing the Chinese coronavirus to spread uncontrollably to create a crisis that would benefit his re-election campaign. This is the type of baseless conspiracy theory that so-called ”journalists” at fake news CNN seized on to ban Trump supporters like radio host Alex Jones from all social media platforms. In this case, loose lips liar-Biden’s top digital staffer is claiming the President allowed the Chinese coronavirus to spread because supposedly the American people won’t change leaders during a crisis or because the President thinks he will lose and will use Chinese coronavirus as an excuse to suspend the election. Both of these claims are utter nonsense. And loose lips liar-Joe Biden and his campaign should disavow these outrageous remarks.
Final Text of “Coronavirus
Response Act” – H.R.6201
by sundance
At approximately 1:00am this morning the House of Representatives passed the Coronavirus Response Act [H.R.6201]. The final text of the bill is also embedded below... The Bill passed: 363-Yay/40-Nay with 26-Not Voting. Additionally, President Trump exercised statutory authorities to declare a national emergency in response to the coronavirus. The unprecedented action invites States, territories, and tribes to access over $42 billion in existing funding to combat the coronavirus...   

Why The liar-Pelosi Wuhan Virus ‘Deal’ Is A
Near-Total GOP Surrender For
Blue-Collar Entrepreneurs
By Christopher Bedford
{ } ~ Washington politicians appear poised to fail the country once again, agreeing Friday evening to a one-sided and partisan coronavirus bill disguised as compromise... It’s not a shock to any conservatives in Washington and probably isn’t surprising to Republican voters either. They’re used to betrayal. But the suffering men and women who run America’s small and mid-sized businesses might have hoped they wouldn’t be abandoned in a D.C. “negotiation.” Both political parties brought their relief ideas to the table. Washington Republicans predictably focused on small and mid-sized companies, proposing no-interest loans and a suspension of the payroll tax. Washington Democrats predictably focused on both workers and an unrelated radical wish list, proposing shored-up unemployment, Medicare and food stamp benefits, paid sick leave, and, amazingly, taxpayer-funded abortion. Republicans and Democrats roundly agreed on providing free coronavirus testing. There is good reason to strike an actual bargain on most of these proposals: While both Republicans and Democrats have plans to relieve their favorite groups, both sides are necessary to bring relief to all who need it. Yet Friday night’s deal includes every Democratic wish except taxpayer-funded abortion and not a single Republican proposal. Those will come later, we’re told. We’re always told that, and it almost never happens. It’s not about points here. While Democrats are right to get money to help people afford to stay home while sick and to get by when they’ve been laid off, there will be many more lay-offs when small and mid-sized companies with disrupted supply lines and cratering revenue streams go out of business. Mid-sized businesses — the type you might have never heard of but that employ people all over your town — aren’t getting the no-interest loans they need. Small businesses, which would struggle to get those loans even if they were part of the package, aren’t getting the immediate relief a payroll tax-suspension would provide, despite the president demanding it...
China Threatens to Cut Off Medicine, Throw 
America into ‘Mighty Sea of Coronavirus’
by ~ An article in China’s state-run Xinhua news service last week threatened to impose restrictions on medical exports so the United States will be “plunged into the mighty sea of coronavirus.”... The Xinhua piece, published on March 4 and entitled “Be Bold: The World Owes China a Thank You,” was largely composed of standard Chinese Communist Party propaganda about how the world stands in awe of China’s amazing response to the coronavirus outbreak. Naturally, it neglected to mention how the virus ran wild in the first place because of Chinese bureaucratic incompetence and cover-ups. The Chinese have become as determined to wipe the first months of the coronavirus from the pages of history as they are to keep anyone from remembering Tiananmen Square. The Xinhua article made a point of noting that China has leverage over the U.S. and Europe because it can restrict the supply of medicines that were unwisely outsourced to China in the heyday of globalism. The Chinese paper explicitly threatened to do so if Americans and Europeans continue criticizing its response to the coronavirus or act too slowly to lift travel bans and other restrictions the Chinese government dislikes, but then cushioned the threat in the Communist Party’s usual creepy way by insisting China is filled with so much “love” for the world that it would never harm the people of other countries, or even “insult” them the way China has been “insulted” during the coronavirus epidemic.  One of the insults harped on by Xinhua was Walter Russell Mead’s February 3 op-ed for the Wall Street Journal  entitled “China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia,” a piece that prompted Beijing to expel Wall Street Journal reporters and begin complaining incessantly that Mead’s piece was insulting and racist. According to Xinhua’s March 4 editorial, Mead, his column, and the entire Wall Street Journal publication are now “infamous.”...   
loose lips liar-Biden Ad Attacking Trump on Coronavirus Gets ‘Four Pinocchios’
From WaPo
By Alex Griswold
{ } ~ A loose lips liar-Joe Biden ad received the worst possible rating from the Washington Post fact-checker for attacking President Donald Trump with manipulated video... The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee received "Four Pinocchios" for an ad that deceptively edited video of a Trump campaign rally to make it appear that the president called the coronavirus a hoax. In the ad, Trump can be seen saying "coronavirus," followed immediately by "This is their new hoax." But as the Post noted, the loose lips liar-Biden campaign cut out more than 120 words in between those two statements. In his comments, Trump was calling the Democratic politicization of coronavirus a "hoax," not the virus itself:  Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. They're politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs, you say, ‘How's President Trump doing?' they go ‘Oh, not good, not good.' They have no clue, they don't have any clue. They can't even count their votes in Iowa, they can't even count. No, they can't. They can't count their votes. One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.' That didn't work out too well. They couldn't do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they've been doing it since he got in. It's all turning, they lost. It's all turning, think of it, think of it. And this is their new hoax. "This is a clear example of deceptive editing," the fact checker said. "It edits out large portions of a video but still presents it as a complete narrative. This effectively skews reality and leaves the viewer to wonder what or who related to coronavirus is, in fact, a hoax?"...   
CAIR-DFW’s Immigration Double Standards
{ } ~ As the coronavirus has spread from China to more than 110 countries around the world, and as it has gone from epidemic to pandemic status, nations around the world have adapted their travel ban list to include countries with high outbreaks... On February 28th, the annual pilgrimage destination for most of the Muslim world, Saudi Arabia, joined other countries  banning travel and imposed a travel ban to Mecca and Medina over public health concerns regarding the coronavirus. Twelve Muslim-majority countries were put on Saudi Arabia’s travel ban list: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Somalia, Syria, Uzbekistan, Yemen. Ten Asian countries were also placed on the list: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam. The response from local Dallas Islamists to this news was muted and starkly in contrast to the fighting words used to describe Trump’s travel bans, border walls, or other immigration policies. CAIR-DFW Executive Director Faizan Syed, for example, in an article in NBC-DFW stated that Saudi Arabia’s actions had caused confusion because a group of seventy students from DFW area Islamic schools were planning a trip to Mecca for spring break: “Now that’s up in the air, and they might go, they might not go. It’s created a lot of tension in our community. No one really knows what’s going to happen next.” Fellow local Islamist Yasir Qadhi in an interview with Public Radio International,  admitted that his plans to take 150 students on a tour of Saudi Arabia were also up in the air, but it’s all good: “Well, we do realize that this is not a permanent ban. Right now, we don’t know what’s happening with the hajj. This is a temporary ban on some countries for the umrah. Anytime you go outside of the mandatory season, it’s called an umrah. So, we’re kind of in limbo. We don’t know what’s going to happen when it comes to the hajj season in three months. We don’t know yet. So we are confused. We are flustered. We are a little bit worried and scared. All put together” Contrast such rhetoric to that used to describe Trump’s latest adjustments to the 2017 travel ban that resulted in carefully coordinated airport protests across the country... 
5 Promising Covid-19 Vaccines and Drugs 
That Could End Coronavirus Pandemic
By Sissi Cao
{ } ~ The unstoppable coronavirus Covid-19 is now officially a global pandemic. And we still haven’t found a cure or vaccine for it. The good news, though, is that a number of biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, some with the support of government funding, are working around the clock to develop vaccines and treatment.

Here are five promising preventive and antiviral therapies in the works that may survive clinical trials and reach the market.

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK): Vaccines

British pharmaceutical giant GSK is working with two outside organizations for preclinical studies on Covid-19 vaccines using its pandemic vaccine adjuvant platform, a technology used to develop HPV and flu vaccines in the past.

GSK has provided the technology to University of Queensland program funded by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), an international organization based in Oslo, Clover Biopharmaceuticals, a Chinese biotech company that’s making a vaccine called Covid-19 S-Trimer.

Johnson & Johnson: Vaccines and Treatment

In collaboration with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a division under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Johnson & Johnson is exploring candidates for both vaccines and antiviral drugs.

Similar to GSK, the American pharma giant is using its vaccine platform technology, which was used for the developing an experimental Ebola vaccine in 2009.

“We are also in discussions with other partners, that if we have a vaccine candidate with potential, we aim to make it accessible to China and other parts of the world,” Paul Stoffels, Johnson & Johnson’s chief scientific officer, said in a statement last month.

The company aims to start a Phase 1 clinical trial by the end of 2020, Stoffel said last week.

Inovio Pharmaceuticals: Vaccine INO-4800

Inovio recently completed the preclinical testing of a DNA-based vaccine called INO-4800. And clinical trials are expected to begin in April with patients in the U.S., as well as China and South Korea.

The company expects to have first trial results in the fall and have one million vaccines doses ready by the end of the year.

Moderna: Vaccine mRNA-1273

Biotech startup Moderna is developing an RNA-based vaccine candidate called mRNA-1273 through a program funded by CEPI. Last month, the company shipped a batch of the vaccine to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a division under the National Institutes of Health. Clinical trials are expected to start next week and conclude on June 1 next year.

Gilead Sciences: Remdesivir

A frontrunner among existing Covid-19 therapy projects, Gilead’s antiviral drug, Remdesivir, is currently used in a phase 3 trial on over 1,000 patients around the world.

The experimental drug was first tested on Covid-19 patients in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. Last month, the NIAID allowed the company to expand phase 3 trials to other countries hit by the virus.

Trial results from China can be expected as soon as April.
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