"Unarmed schools invite armed fools!" -Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
December 14th, 2012 is a date sure to life in infamy. Twenty elementary school children were killed by a suspect not much more than a child himself.
Twenty six people were murdered today at an elementary school. Its magnitude was such that I first thought the report was about an overseas tragedy.
Voices pro and con regarding gun control shriek, while a recession-weary populace numbly hugs its children, thanking God this didn't happen to them.
There may be an organic solution to this appalling vulnerability,
After September 11th, select airline crew men were trained as " Federal Flight Deck Officers ", authorized to carry firearms whose ammunition is designed not to de-pressurize aircraft.
They are the last line of defense in occasionally unfriendly skies. Should all else fail, they will defend the aircraft with lethal force if needed.
After today, hardening America's soft under belly of gun free school systems ( assailants exempted ) may require a radical thought for some:
Arming select teachers and/or support staff.
Let it sink in before you react.
There are only so many school resource officers and private ones to go around. When budgets tighten, security is the first thing eliminated or severely cut.
Our ally Israel arms school support personnel ( including designated parents ) while on campus. Critics may say, " but they have a terrorism problem " as grounds for such action.
Active shooters facing unarmed students, faculty and staff is more than enough terrorism for average Americans.
Chronically unsafe inner city neighborhoods could use this option since armed criminals and psychotics happen there more often.
Today's tragedy in Connecticut reminds us that disarming the law abiding means attackers can press lethal advantages long before law enforcement arrives.
If airline crews are armed as an airborne last line of defense, why are school's first line of defense, teachers, left too often with their bodies as the only protection when children are attacked?
Save the children: arm faculty.
Make criminals and crazies think twice.
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative, says,
" Unarmed schools invite armed fools!"
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
They don't want to hear about anyone defending themselves against this kind of murder. They'd rather push to get their Gun Ban laws. I don't know if this incident was coincidental, sometime I believe that the federal government, (WHO I DO NOT TRUST) somehow psychologically manipulates these morons into doing this. Notice in the end, they kill themselves? Also, Obamas tears, I want to believe that he actually was crying while giving the speech, my disdain for him tells me otherwise, like the tears were hardly noticable. No one saw any tears being shed over Benghazi, or when the Navy Seals were all killed on account of someone issuing fatal orders to be in a Chinook? I smell a rat, and what about the possibility of terrorist attacks? Then again another perfect storm for the Oblamea regime to divert attention from fast n furious, to them forcing their gun laws on us. I heard he is rabidly antigun, ultimately would want to confiscate everything off of us, like they did in Britian, and look what happened there? They would love to ressurect Clintons assault weapon ban, aka 1994 Crime bill, and impose it permantly by dictate, figures he can get people now to go along with it, and to have marches in Washington DC, just like when they had the million mom march. You will see these people in Washington DC sometime soon, and their President, (NOT MINE!) will be hugging them and telling them he will impose and dictate gun bans, stepping on the Constitution, and 2nd Amendment. In closing, what if someone was armed for defense and took out the perp before he even had a chance to shoot? We wouldn't be hearing about that someone armed for self defense of the children and self saved all of those lives.