{IT IS TIME FOR GOD's PEOPLE, TO REPENT AND PRAY ACCORDING TO [2 Chron. 7:14] !   'WE the People' need

to see GOD Intervene on our behalf; and heal our nation}

Here are some disturbing excerpts from a Presidential Memorandum signed by Barak Obama last week:
>"I declared before heads of state gathered at the United Nations, ‘no country should deny people their rights because of who they love, which is why we must stand up for the rights of gays and lesbians everywhere.”
“Under my Administration, agencies engaged abroad have already begun taking action to promote the fundamental human rights of LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans-gender] persons everywhere. Our deep commitment to the advancing the human rights of all people is strengthened when we (as the United States) bring our tools to bear to vigorously advance this goal."<
Under the guise of promoting “human rights,” President Obama has issued a memorandum outlining seven specific actions that the Department of State and other federal agencies will be required to implement on a global scale “to ensure that U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of LGBT persons.”
Under Obama’s mandate, federal agencies are directed to offer moral, legal, and financial support to national and international organizations which support LGBT advancement – while preferential expedition and asylum will be offered to LGBT people allegedly forced to flee persecution in their home countries.
There is already mounting international backlash and disapproval from leaders of countries where sodomy or homosexuality is banned by law, which includes most of the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and Oceania.
++Obama’s directive will use YOUR tax dollars to advance the LGBT agenda globally!
Among Obama’s presidential mandates:
* “To combat discrimination, homophobia, and intolerance on the basis of LGBT status or conduct.”  (Force acceptance of homosexuality whether a country wants to or not)
* “The Federal Government has the ability to identify and expedite resettlement of highly vulnerable [LGBT] persons with urgent protection needs.” (Grant preferential asylum to those who claim LGBT status)
* “Ensure the Federal Government's swift and meaningful response to serious incidents that threaten the human rights of LGBT persons abroad.”  (Presumably, such a “response” could include U.S. military and/or police action)
* “Broaden the number of countries willing to support and defend LGBT issues in the multilateral arena.”  (Using United States pressure to advance the LGBT agenda by recruiting core “allies” in the community of nations)
All federal agencies involved in Obama’s initiative are to file a report within 180 days of the December 6th announcement and submit subsequent annual reports to the Department of State, which will also be reviewed by the President.
In short, our President is dictating that government agencies with foreign operations direct their workers to advance the LGBT agenda and then submit regular reports to him on how the effort is progressing.

Under President Obama and his pro-homosexual administration, the forced reception of the radical LGBT agenda into our culture (including our military) – and now international society – is happening at unprecedented levels.  And we, the American taxpayers, are shouldering the expense of all this pro-homosexual activism!
Our tax dollars have been hijacked to promote homosexuality around the globe whether the American people agree with such an outrageous program or not!
The double standard in this international activism is mindboggling.
This “human rights” zeal on the part of President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton is focused on a small, radical minority of the global population while vast numbers of people in this world are suffering persecution on an unimaginably large scale.
According to a December, 2010 report published by Charisma Magazine…
“Nearly all human-rights groups and Western government agencies that monitor the plight of Christians worldwide agree: Between 200 million and 230 million believers face daily threats of murder, beating, imprisonment and torture, and a further 350 million to 400 million encounter discrimination in areas such as jobs and housing. A conservative estimate of the number of Christians killed for their faith each year is around 150,000.”
Yet the federal government has defunded the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom this year, presumably due to budgetary limitations.  And could you imagine President Barack Obama launching an initiative to end world-wide persecution of Christians with the same enthusiasm he has invested in this Presidential Memorandum on LGBT “human rights”?

It is difficult to find a ballpark number of homosexuals who were actually persecuted or killed world-wide last year, although most reports indicate it would be a very small fraction of the number of Christians suffering the same fate. And as of May 2011, it is reported that seventy-five countries criminalize consensual sexual acts between adults of the same sex!
Internationally, churches are being bombed, Christians are denied the right to assemble, and believers are persecuted and put to death…while the Obama administration turns a blind eye to these catastrophic international events and initiates programs to promote the homosexual lifestyle!
The Obama Administration has launched a full-scale global campaign to promote the LGBT agenda while continuing to push it in America.
Given the flood of new attacks empowered by the Obama administration’s  pro-homosexual actions and manipulation of the legal system, we must continue fighting this cultural battle in both the courtroom and the court of public opinion. .
We MUST band together to counter the advance of radical homosexual activists whose goals, among others, is to redefine marriage and family. This is perhaps the greatest “culture war” of our generation – and it’s escalating at a breathtaking pace!
We must also confront and expose the horrific deception and disinformation these radicals are spreading!  The pro-homosexual advance is being paved with outright lies about the practice of homosexuality, misleading “facts” about their movement, and fraudulent use of taxpayer funds obtained by cynically presenting their cause as a “civil rights” or “human rights” movement!

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