With all due respect for those who don’t allow profiling, and help us to imagine that they stand with the law, what once stood as twin towers in the Center of Manhattan, a gleaming capitalist monument reaching to the heavens—under constitutional law—now under Sharia law, remaining nine years after being destroyed a sacred hole in the ground, President Obama has proclaimed that our Constitution protects the right of Sharia law advocates to build a monument to their law adjacent to their sacred hole. It is an insult to my intelligence.
And now New York City meatheads, including Mayor Bloomberg, favoring Sharia law, or the law of might makes right, as demonstrated in said sacred hole in the ground, it took only nineteen Sharia law advocates to accomplish this monumental feat, Obama and the other meatheads now pay them a tribute—having all fliers groped by federal agents—making it as tough as they can on the American people, all in the name of disallowing profiling, look out for these wolves in sheep’s clothing. Obama’s kind always have their cause for justice. Under Nazi law, it was Jews, and the Grand Mufti of Islam was a Nazi during World War II. Now under Obama’s anti-profiling law, we are guilty without cause. Take your pick. Make it easy on yourself, be groped or be fined and go to jail. It bears no resemblance of constitutional law. They have the gall to call my kind Nazis and themselves angles of mercy. Get them out of here before you lose every vestige of your freedom.
Obama has stated many times that he has a problem with America’s Constitution. I really think he does. Under Obama’s particular cause for justice, claiming the Constitution allows him to do this, in the name of no profiling, Obama ordered his Attorney General to sue the State of Arizona over law meant to protect Arizona’s citizens from life-threatening illegal Mexicans. How can we allow this insanity? The majority of the American people sees America heading for the rocks. The minority Obama represents, as it now turns out, his popularity now down in the 30s and falling, remain clinging to the wheel of the ship of state for dear life. Now forced to change the course one degree, they are screaming their heads off. We’ve got to change their course much more or end on the rocks.
On the idea of Obama law, or you might say Harvard Law School law—Marxist class warfare law—the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle advanced this idea: Of political justice—Marxist justice—part is natural—that which everywhere has the same force—legal that which is originally indifferent; that is to say, of the state’s contrivance, Marxist, or Sharia law, or the law of might makes right. So I ask you, does the Constitution either state or imply that a monument to Sharia law must be permitted to be built adjacent to said sacred Muslim hole in the ground? The law I know is based on reason and logic. The law Obama goes on—Harvard law—has zero substance. Naturally, Obama, a master of platitudes, would refuse to discuss his Harvard interpretations of the Constitution—law from La La land, with absolutely no substance. My law is based on substance. I studied law at the county law library, without the help of Marxist teachers. Voices of the past spoke to me. I had a bigger than life calling.
Roman judge Cicero, said to be the father of modern law, asserted: “We are born for justice.” Of political justice, Cicero: “right is not the mere arbitrary construction of opinion, but an institution of nature.” So, what is Obamacare? Obamacare is unscrupulous men’s attempt to override natural law. Government has no business getting involved in making decisions about our health. You need to know your Constitution. On that notion, Black’s Law Dictionary, under “lawful:” “the word ‘legal’ is used as the synonym of ‘constructive’ which lawful is not. Thus ‘legal fraud,’ or Obamacare, is fraud inferred or implied by law.”
A Harvard law school lawyer on the news said, “I’ll bet my hat Obamacare is constitutional.” We’ll see. That lawyer, I can tell you, does not know the law. I challenged the United States on the constitutionality of the income tax, not per se, but as it applied to me. Sharia law doesn’t give me the right. The Constitution, under the Fifth Amendment, does. America’s activist judiciary maintains that other rights, “penumbras” make my right under the Fifth Amendment irrelevant. A penumbra: the partial or imperfect shadow outside the complete shadow of an opaque body, do you call that the law? It is Harvard law: shadow government. What other rights make my right to exist irrelevant? I can tell you for sure that you will not get the answer from the political activists now in control of your lives.
The IRS called me a Fifth Amendment freak. Justice Brandeis, citing Harvard law, the law of might makes right—he didn’t get it from the Constitution—said, “Property is only a means. It has been the frequent error of our Court that they have made the means an end.” Obama’s, or Harvard law, has it that the end result justifies the means. It’s the same under Sharia law. In other words, for the good of all, we must conform to Islam’s law—or Marxist law—or the law of might makes right—law without substance. Under Harvard Law, it is one for all and all for one. Obama’s Harvard calling is from the seat of his pants—breaking wind in a gale, and your rights are gone with Obama’s Harvard backwind. Nice folks, those Harvard lawyers. Their grandiose plans for the world are the only thing that will save us from ourselves.
Cicero: “the laws are the foundation of the liberty which we enjoy; we are all the laws’ slaves that we may be free.” The Supreme Court’s test as to a right is whether the right at issue is “of the very essence of a scheme of ordered liberty,” by reason that neither liberty nor justice would exist if such a right were sacrificed. Do we not have the God-given right to exist on the fruits of our own labor? The IRS, operating under the law of might makes right, lawlessly put me on the street. I took my tax case all the way to the Supreme Court, proof that Sharia law does not hold, at least not yet. Those illustrious Harvard keepers of the law could not stop me.
The U. S. Attorney General didn’t believe me when I wrote him that I’d see him in court over the unconstitutional income tax. I studied the law. Harvard law having painted the makers and keepers of the law into a corner, the Attorney General of the United States could not enforce the law without lying. The respondent, the Solicitor General, lied to the Court. My case was not heard. Not to be stopped, I took the court record to The Palm Beach Post. You won’t believe this but an investigation was made. A front page story on my case appeared in December 1986. Those illustrious Harvard trained lawyers, from this self-trained keeper of the law, were forced to eat crow.
Yet they look you straight in the eye and say, “We know the income tax is unfair, but we are fixing the problem.” They’ve been fixing the problem for at least 30 years. And they bet their hats Obamacare is constitutional.
The fact and evidence speak loud and clear. Under Sharia law, faithful to their cause, Muslims took down the World Trade Center, killed thousands of people, and threw the U. S. economy for a loop. What better example of might making right. It only took 19 believers in Islam to accomplish this monumental feat. Millions of Muslims rejoiced. Thousands danced in the streets. Where were the American people in December 1986? Were you afraid of standing and being counted?
No one knows those lying dirt bags wrecking your lives better than me. By myself, with the help of my Constitution, I made the those bald-faced lying frauds of the super-power of the world eat crow. Not a peep from anyone. Is it any wonder our freedoms hang by a thread?
Jesus, in Matthew 6:33: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” There is nothing righteousness about Sharia law. I’m an Aquarian messenger. We are at the threshold of a quantum leap forward. Jesus said that it is the same on earth as it is in heaven. We are now entering the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius is an age of brotherhood and fraternity. The Muslim god gives us Sharia law. It figures. Muslim fools want to take us back in time. Time can’t be turned back. We are leaving the Age of Pisces. Those of the age we are leaving, desperately clinging to the past—and so easily influenced—they try very hard to do the right thing, but weak willed and letting external factors rule their thinking, the characteristics of Pisceans. Do you want to be left with Obama and the Pisceans at the switch?
Dr. Laurie Roth, Ph.D. – “Obama and the far left continue to circle the freedom sucking wagons around the American people. . .” Dr. Jerome Corsi Ph.D. – “End the Income Tax Now!” Whose God is the greater, mine or the Muslim’s Allah? Whose God is greater, mine or Obama’s god of “collective salvation?” What freedoms have collective salvation and Sharia law brought you? Is Allah or Obama your master, or my savior and redeemer? When I cut from the herd and looked within for my answers, miracles occurred. All of my dreams have come true.
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