Look at the Arab countries...would YOU want to live there if you had a choice? Not if you had at least one brain cell.
All of them vote against our interests in the UN(UN=Unecessaryand Needless) and "WE" keep giving them billions of taxpayer money(and they won't even pretend to protect our people in embassys or Christians)..They look at the
successful Western Countries and now even the Eastern countries like China(a real dragon when it comes to stealing from the West and manipulating their currency so they can sell cheaper) and see...SUCESS! while Islamic
"leaders" keep their people in the dust of poverty and blame US for their plight...their mindset is....OBamalike!
blame someone else for failed ideologies, take from those who earn to give to those who don't, and demand to be treated as a God when it is obvious they come from the opposite direction as much evidenced by their brutallity toward innocent men, women and children....I believe they know they are wrong(keeping it simple for folks like me)
which makes them hate us even more because they know we know...who did you say was on first Abbott?
PS The Coburn Waste Book was just the 2012 one, he's been publishing one a year for several years....no.. Congress spending our money like it was cotton candy started looong ago!