Shocking Video of ‘Gay Pride’ Parade: Little Girl Watches Nearly-Nude Man Dance
There is ,a great EVIL AND IMMORALITY that has come to American! Who has done this? it is the socialist Democratic Party think about it we did not have this kind immorality until we let the socialist Democratic Party have power!
Principles for a free society
A shocking video has surfaced showing a little girl waving a rainbow flag in front of a nearly nude male dancer during a “gay pride” celebration.
She appears to be all alone on the crowded sidewalk as she watches the man gyrate and provocatively tug at his crotch.
Shot through the crossbars of scaffolding, the video has a voyeuristic, “peeping Tom” feel, as if the guys with the camera sense the evil naughtiness of what is going on. The barrier between them and the girl underscores the fact that they prefer to anonymously mock her rather than help her.
During the short video, 40 or so people stroll by and walk around her as if she were nothing more than an inanimate object, as if it were utterly unextraordinary – mundane – to witness the destruction of innocence in a child. The passersby barely even notice her. (Read more from “Shocking Video of ‘Gay Pride’ Parade: Little Girl Watches Nearly-Nude Man Dance” HERE)