Is shooting themselves in the foot? I think so. And I have seen such actions destroy national unity in groups such as this in the past.The group's national convention in February could have proven to be a wonderful opportunity to bring our different individual groups together, but instead, it is likely to divide us worse than what the liberals in this country would do if they have their way.Raising the cost of the convention beyond the level the average blue-collar American can afford and particularly to restrict the keynote speaker to "leadership figures" (translation to the average tea party attendee - those with money and influence) is to slap the majority of those responsible for the existence of the organization right in the teeth.I know that Sarah Palin has some heavy overhead to pay on her way to whereever she is going, but I find it hard to believe that she would not have cut her fee to speak before this group. If she would not, perhaps we need to look again at her motivations. If it is not Sarah's fee that is jacking up the price of admission, then perhaps Mr. Robertson should re-examine his motives. Raise funds thru voluntary giving for that purpose. Don't try to make the organization rich or restrict numbers at a particular event by pricing it out of people's reach.But in any event, if you want grass-roots, you cannot charge hot-house orchid prices and expect those who you shut out to be happy about it. It will hurt the group and reduce its impact in the coming elections season.Some more thought about that is in order. Hope it isn't too late to prevent lasting damage.