Ron Paul suggested we withdraw from all active military engagements in the Middle east, and I agree with his assessment. In fact I believe that we can and should close down all foreign military bases no and rely on the old concept of big stick diplomacy, which is , IF you attack American interests we do not send troops to your shores , we just drop an ICBM on your capital !
The United States has armed troops in the middle east for 2 reasons !
1 Protect the oil and American interests in it as well as the petrol-Dollar connection!
2 Protect Israel ? They have over 200 nukes of their own so why is this needed?
[PS Remember the USS Liberty?]
We are spending money we don't have on people who do not like us?
Ron Paul is right on this one as well as on the issues with the Federal Reserve system.
Do you really want your son's and daughter's sent to foreign lands to bleed and die for Mobil oil or
some guy in Israel or a south Korean you never met? Let them fight their own wars.