The world was glued to TV’s dramatic accounting of 33 Chilean miners’ release from their 69 day imprisonment a half-mile down. For Chili, it was a day to celebrate. But more, the world contributed, especially the United States. This event tells us what can be accomplished when we all hope and pray for success.
It was Europe’s aristocracy that drove millions of Europeans to trade for opportunity, independence, personal responsibility and self-reliance. The values and principles that emerged from that European exodus resulted in America’s free enterprise system. America became the most prosperous nation on earth. Your President goes about the world apologizing for America. It is not our prosperity. Our prosperity has made us the most generous nation on earth. The rich don’t take from the poor. They give to the poor.
The economic bust in the early 1930s and the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt left a large number of Americans destitute for an extended period. This was not the first economic bust, but the longest lasting by far. Roosevelt named it the “Great Depression.” It was not until World War II put everyone back to work that Roosevelt’s prolonged depression ended.
The war ended the Great Depression. Why didn’t it end Roosevelt’s depression day ideas? The war left America with the withholding tax, worker pay workers never saw. The return to prosperity merely gave Roosevelt’s “New Deal” ideas the opportunity to grow government though income redistribution, in fact, like crazy, thereby growing a government dependent class with the right to vote. More than half of the American people came to depend on government while the taxpayers slept. Of course the numbers don’t work. Government now has the American people in an out-of-control spending trap.
What happens when America goes bankrupt, morally, spiritually, and fiscally? Reminding us that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, the powers that be can start from scratch to rebuild with their noble notions of a perfect world, while we the people are all left equally without the power to control our own lives, all left pawns of the aristocracy.
Obama says we can afford another terrorist attack. Good riddance! Obama will apologize. We can afford the loss of life. Maybe we need another World War. The world is over-populated. War can be a good thing if you are one of those with noble ideas of the perfect world.
The signs are clearly there. The end of America as we know her is looming. It reminds me of my own life. I was forced to make a drastic change. It wasn’t a pretty picture. However, instead of becoming the usual chip on the tides of time, I became the pioneer seeking to discover the real me. When everything should have gone wrong, everything started going right. I’m aware of the Higher Law, which is the background of American constitutional law. My life is now as good as it gets. The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they produced America’s Constitution.
The fear of failure leaves us craving for cradle to grave security. Knowing this, Roosevelt caught America in an economic bust, in a weak moment. He said we have nothing to fear but fear itself, and proceeded to replace opportunity with government dependence, thereby shattering America’s Constitution. He helped the meek and poor to become hopeless government dependents. Instead of basic law that doesn’t change, it is now according to today’s needs, which can be anything. For instance, Latin women make better judges than white males.
Consciously or unconsciously, Roosevelt was possessed with the idea of power and control. Roosevelt’s skunk under the woodpile now gives us the Obama Administration, and the good humor man, President Obama to peddle his wares. At this time, business isn’t too good for Obama. The American people have lost their taste for his wares.
It does look like a change of the guard. Can we expect the Republicans to return to the principles and values of the Founding Fathers, with more than half of the American people depending on government? I don’t think so. There has yet been no real answer for runaway government spending, nothing but a political promise, and you know how good that is. “Read my lips. No new taxes.”
There are proper cures. My thought is to end this can of worms the same way we got into the mess. Don’t end Social Security and Medicare for those near or already on it. Stop the payroll deductions on new workers. Don’t give them government entitlement; give them opportunity. Government doesn’t produce wealth. It redistributes wealth. The economy produces wealth. Do away with the income tax. Replace it with a tax on spending. Business enterprises could invest in their businesses. Investors could invest in the economy. Government would shrink; the economy would grow. Politicians are going to do what’s best for them. You don’t for one second think your representatives would call for doing away with government entitlement, do you? The Tea Party is America’s only hope. We’ve must tell the politicians what we want.