Signs of Our Time

Joseph Finkle is disappointed in us. We got a lot of Joseph Finkles.  I'm going to accommodate Joseph, talk about relevant things.


It is not enough that America’s government insists on protecting us at the cost of government perverts groping us and other government thieves robbing us at airports.  I read about a victim of government who turned on his CFL light and fire shot out like a blowtorch. When this light burns out, there is a chance that the ballast can start a fire, said his Fire Marshall.  The light was made in China.  Pass this on to your friends.  


And while we are at it, the Islamic Brotherhood is strongly on the minds of some of us.  Why is it of little concern to others, and even a sign of progress to some? Maybe Joseph could tell us.  An analysis tells us the strong concern is in those of us who value our individuality.  Those who have little concern over the Islamic Brotherhood are socialist minded. Those who see the Islamic Brotherhood as a positive move are socialist revolutionaries. Hey Joseph, am I right or wrong?


Common sense tells us what Obama is.  He calls himself a born again Christian.  If he had read the Bible, which he obviously has not, he wouldn’t be saying that.  Christ taught that I am my brother’s keeper—singular. Obama’s outrageous claim needs further explanation.  If we were to all believe we are our brother’s keeper, then, collectively, we would all be saved.  Joseph, am I right?


But this is not for Obama, Joseph. He places his desirable end—of being our brother’s keeper—ahead of the individual. That’s Sharia law: for the good of all, the individual is naught.  Sharia law comes from the ancient idea of employing the sword to gain control.  


Now Joseph, you know there is evil in the world, so how do we know evil? In the Bible, Jesus, the humblest of men, left us his message of brotherhood. His appeal concerned the inner self—and the “Higher Law”—Jesus called the kingdom of God, the idea of being self-governed, which happens to be what America’s Constitution makes plain, its background the “Higher Law.”  But wouldn’t you know, Obama wants to change the Constitution. Joseph, is this what you want?  Your president wants to be our keeper, his idea, collective salvation; that is, the good of all, as he sees it. Is that what you want, Joseph?


All governments have a hierarchy, “and even the best of men are liable to be corrupted by passion,” said Greek philosopher Aristotle.  Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters.” The choice: the inner self or the men like Obama liable to be corrupted by passion.  


I wonder, Joseph, how ancient man came to conceive of “as in earth as it is in heaven,” Jesus’ statement in the Lord’s Prayer. 


As I look back on my life, I was on track, arriving at every station on time.  The big change in my life, right on schedule, according to astrology, I could either fly with eagles or fall into the abyss. That was in 1975, right where the world is now. Now in the twilight of life, if my life could be any better, I don’t know how. I looked within for my answers.  


Sorry President Obama. You are not destined to have it your way. Do you agree, Joseph? What we witness in the world today is causing a reactionary groundswell.  The change is not going to be to Islamic Brotherhood, or Obama’s wild dream, a world socialist dictatorship.  The brotherhood is the one Jesus pointed out. It’s his second coming, with the individual in control of his life, doing unto others as he would have others do unto him.  O.K. Joseph, I'm being relevant.

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