
Obama's Black vote numbers indicate we've decided racial bloc voting isn't confined to 60s era White Citizens Councils.


In the best tradition of segregation era Democrats, Blacks have decided Obama's pigment trumps appalling lack of performance.

Echoes of our jubilation over the OJ Simpson verdict just crossed my mind. Sadly, many have fully committed ourselves to payback politics.
I doubt any of his followers have given race relations a second thought. The message to White conservatives is especially stark- as stark as the reception civil rights workers of all colors got decades ago.
Now the mob mentality and blatant bigotry is committed by those who look like me. Some progress.
Congratulations folks, you've become real Democrats: a bigoted herd hellbent upon trampling anyone socialist shepards aim you against!
You've integrated partisan intolerance and outdone whatever Republican racists you can cite. 
Since Black now equals four more years of Obama, I've decided my ethnicity is better described as, " Bold " from now on.
If more American Blacks were Bold they would have voted against Obama's horrible track record. Were more of us Bold, Democrats wouldn't own our ballot nation wide.
I've always been a Bold American, expressing and defending my individualism.
I thought one could be both Bold and Black.
Apparently not.     
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:
" When will Black folks be Bold again?"
(504) 214-3082
Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism! 
" Be your OWN Superhero!"  
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