The old Black identity doesnt describe me/My color is Bold/My race Humanity/My creed Liberty-NOT blame Whitey #tcot Freedom Verse via Twitter - Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
I grew up having to defend my Blackness from primitive White racists where I grew up. The only definition I've ever accepted of me is my own- NOT what others attempt to impose.
The last thing I ever wanted to eb was a chocolate colored reflection of their blind bias.
I knew the identity I was born into was formed from a time of forced conformity. It's not a free orientation. As an " uber individualist, " to quote one observer, that became problematic as years passed.
This holdover identity from segregation has one mandate: unanimous consent keeps the racist sword of Damocles from falling.
This mandate has has run its course.
I fully understand and appreciate its role as a survival mechanism, but now it's devolved into often crude thought policing and frankly, can't address current problems.
Group-think isn't stopping our murder rate. Nor single mother household rate. Nor number of males under state supervision rate. Nor unemployment; middle class asset attrition and other negative quality of life indicators.
We demand nothing of the party we support and impose gag orders on frank discussion on our condition.
Such group-think gives Democrats our vote without their even needing to earn it. This group-think placed Obama on a pedestal so high that even his abject failure to address our economic crisis still earned him almost 100% of our vote.
Black now means Obama supporter. As an individualist, I don't allow others to define me. That's why I said for the duration of his second term, i'll no longer call myself Black since this is now linked to approving of him,
Bold is my new ethnic identifier. It's not a stretch since I've fought opposition without hesitation for a lifetime. After all the racism Black Baby Boomers and my Generation X has seen, it's tragic to see us goosestep behind this brightest star in the Black Faces In High Places constellation.
Our group-think also places a gag order on denouncing a growing Ghetto class whose vulgarity and violence send Black professionals in orbit faster than the White Flight liberals love noting.
Bill Cosby is a liberal "mugged by reality" to quote how former new York Mayor Ed Koch described himself. Cosby's blessed assault on ghetto-centrism is applauded by many while opposed by fellow liberals more loyal to group-think than higher standards.
Cosby is an Obama supporter and reportedly took his dead parents photos with him when he voted. Since his net worth outpaces his detractors I guess the group is too scared to challenge his ghetto denunciations.
The same goes for progressive icons Cornell West and Tavis Smiley who tried to challenge our group=think from another angle: challenging Obama's snub of the Black community throughout his first term.
A few high profile dissidents is a good start, but not nearly enough. hopefully rumors of Black leaders intention to hold Obama more accountable will yield results.
The 21st Century shouldn't see us marching lock step behind people because of skin color of their skin and silent about a destructive faction again, because of skin dolor.
Just like I couldn't be part of a subservient Black group in my racist hometown, neither can I be part of one now despite racists now resembling me.
No one man should be allowed to define community membership.
When Obama leaves Washington to return to private life, perhaps I'll start calling myself Black again. The end result of my activism was never to be any ones flunky- regardless of color.
I'm Bold, not Black, now that it means Obama worshipper.
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:
" When will Black folks be Bold again?"
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