So Rick Santorm is a one of us?

Padding his own wallet as a corporate lobbyist at the expense of taxpayers;

***     Voting to RAISE the debt ceiling five times;

***     Voting to DOUBLE the federal Department of Education;

***     Voting with liberals like Ted Kennedy on multiple occasions in support of Big Labor's radical agenda;

***     Urging more federal involvement in housing with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac;

***     Voting to create a brand new, unfunded entitlement, Medicare Part D, the largest expansion of entitlement spending since President Lyndon Johnson - creating $16 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities;

***     Endorsing liberal Big Government RINOs like Arlen Specter over conservatives.  Of course, Specter later became a Democrat and worked hand-in-glove with President Obama to pass his radical agenda;

***     Voting for Sarbanes-Oxley, which imposed dramatic new job-killing accounting regulations on businesses;

***     Supporting raising taxes on oil companies, which directly costs Americans more money out of their pockets at the gas pump;

***     Voting for gun control;

***     Voting to give Social Security benefits to illegal aliens, while voting against an additional 1,000 border patrol agents;

***     Voting to give $25 million in foreign aid to North Korea;

***     Voting to send hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood - the nation's largest provider of abortion – and to hand out hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid to enemies of Israel

Right a real Conservative! 

Newt might be a womanizing piece of crap but he is better than Rick as far as his voting record

and Ron Paul has always been for smaller federal government not matter what else he has said

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  • So you want to be right ? ok

    You are right

    Ron Paul is not perfect by a long shot


    Rick Santourm is IMHO a snake in the grass.

    being from Georgia you should know about snakes and such, I killed a 6 foot timber rattler in Georgia back around 1978

  • Well streetsweeper it is an easy task to google each issue and get the voting record :

    Look up his record yourself 

    The HSUS and PETA thing along with the Gun issues are my big issue with him.

  • Another thing I discovered ?  he was in bed with PETA and HSUS  both are left wing groups

    Hollywood types love them so what does that tell you !

  • I agree with you, as far as you go. Ron Paul has the best record. The numbers say the voters don't want the best record. The voters want their cake and eat it, which says if we don't change over the cliff we all go.  What is it going to take? I haven't heard. The candidates haven't told us. But they know what we don't want. Isn't that the problem? We don't have leadership. We have followship.


    In my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. I give you, and the candidates, answers that worked for me.

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