So What's the Plan?

I have been a member of this site for a couple months now, and I am still confused as to what the plan or vision for this site is. If the whole idea of the Tea Party is to take our country back, then we need to figure out who we are going to support for the primaries that occurring right now and the election this fall. With this in mind I cannot find any information on this site about any candidates, let alone those that the members of this site or other Tea Party members favor. If I don't know who is even running, it makes it rather difficult to stay in the game (so to speak). I occassionaly get an email telling me that yet another Tea Party backed candidate won the primary, but it would be nice to know who these individuals are beforethe election actually occurs.

So what is the plan, who are we looking at, and what do we like/not like about the other guy/gal?

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  • Amen.
  • The one thing I am certain of is we all want a better governance from those that we elect. We all have our own specific ideas as to what that means and for the most part those of us that are aligning to the Tea Party our ideas seem to be fairly similar. What I am asking for and now thinking of doing is an extention of that. I fully understand that if I don't live in San Fransisco that finding the best representative to replace Pelosi isn't my problem, directly. But what if I currently live in Hawaii but know I am going to move to Missouri in a few years. I am thinking it would be nice to know what is going on in MO. Or maybe the problem of getting rid of Pelosi is a problem that I should concern myself with. But how? Well right now we have an awesome tool to use, the internet, untill these bone heads in the government start regulating it. Even though I don't live in CA, MA, NY, VA that doesn't mean I can't have an impact on their political races. It is through numbers, national numbers that we must come together to sway the "media" sentiment in these key races to our favor. The reality is media sentiment will sway those that are to lazy, ignorant, incompetant, to put the effort in to figuring out who to vote for. We also have that other issue that you eluded to Michael, the issue of people not voting for the guy/gal that know one has heard of. It seems we have been trained as a society to vote for the guy/gal whose name we've heard of before. So in an effort to get the names out, for the newcommers to the politics. The ones that probably align with our ideals, and by "our" I mean most Americans, we owe it to them to fully vet them, then back the ones that we believe will do a better job for us. Then we NEED to SUPPORT THEM and get their names in the media. By creating media hype or sentiment on a national level for local races, I think we will start see better, results. It will also be less time cumbersome because we could do this in a manner by sharing information, research, ideas, etc. It almost needs to become an online voting, polling system where information freely flows to create the notion of the Tea Party Picks, to spur media coverage, which in turn would sway each election. The Tea Party must have this kind of party to ever become viable. Because right now everyone is mad as hell, which is why we are seeing record numbers of those getting involved. But when things go back to being "so-so", peoples lives will start to focus on other things and the government will go back to the way it was. We need to come up with a plan to see this through, beyond the November and 2012 elections. You can't do that without power, and you can't have power without media attention and you can't have media attention without numbers, and you wont have numbers without anger or ease of use. From my experience I belive the number of people involved and the amount of effort they will put to fixing the government is directly related to how mad they are. So if we can make this easier we stand a better chance to remain relevant and actually make a change. Don't get me wrong I agree with everything that has been said, but I also believe we need to go to the next step to truelly evolve this movement in to something more then just a bunch of really pissed of Americans.
  • You are not over simplifying Michael. Maybe I can't see the forest for the trees. I can't disagree with anything you've said either. You see, I am in California & when your house is on fire you dont go looking for a bucket of water. Every single position up for election is important to me. I'm not just interested in the governership. I have FOX on for 9 hours a day while I work. I read the paper front to back. I go online. Maybe I just have voter block? LOL!!!
  • That sounds like an excellent idea. Now if you could find a way to get people the information on some of these private sector candidates who have no track record. In those cases perhaps people would have to be sent out to speak to them face to face or by phone or maybe sent a form to fill out? This form would merely say this is what our organization believes in. "What do you agree with?" This is something I thought the Tea Parties were up to doing by now. I know. It is a young movement & still evolving. Anyway I think that those candidates backing the core values would jump at the chance to talk with a tea party representative, & if they didnt...well we can read between the lines. This information could then be tracked by a web site like you suggested. (I know I sure could have used some deciphering on 16. I felt like I was damned if is did & damned if I didnt).
  • Maybe I will build a website to do just that. And maybe add things like vote tracking and Bill deciphering. Then give every user an ability to add their research about each aspect, especially the new commers to the polictical areana, good and bad.
  • I couldnt have said it more eloquently, & to the point, Evan. Thanks. I am no sheep but you just get to the point where you dont know what or who to believe anymore. The pros & cons concept would be an excellent way of helping people be more focused without the tea party organizations having to deal with the repercussions of some candidates not quite being up to snuff, therefore being in a position of liability. I think that is what they are most worried about. I can understand that as well.
  • I think I am with you Denise and I wholeheartedly agree with you on this one Toddy. But at the end of the day I am spending a lot of time, more time then I truelly have available looking, searching, reading, deciphering, etc, trying to figure out who I should or shouldn't look at. I was hoping the Tea Party would allow us to centralize our efforts. Wouldn't it be great for us to share our ideas, opinions, research. Maybe add a Pro'/Con's listing for each candidate that we believe should be considered. At the end of the day I am responsible for my decision. That I believe is the difference of the Tea Party. Most of us are engaged because we don't want someone else to tell us who to vote for. There will always be sheep, but the question is, is there enough of us who can think for ourselves, that if provided enough of the right information that we can make the difference? We have got to get a lot smarter about how we consolidate our efforts if the Tea Party is going to become a true viable opposition to the rhetoric of the media and the established political parties.
  • Most people want to get involved with their votes, or standing in at rallies. We all know now full well, that you can't believe anything that these politicians say! I have spent a LOT of time reading up on the candidates & still have a problem making a decision! I cant research someone who is going from the private sector to the public sector! That is why I was hoping that the tea parties could help separate the wheat from the chaffe in the individual districts & states. This is so frustrating! I believe totally in all the core beliefs of the tea parties. I thought that a simple list of who the people running for office were, who best would back those beliefs, would be a priority of the organizations. I understand that I have to do my part. I wouldn't be talking to you if I didn't "get" that part of it. Thanks for your response, nonetheless.
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