And so this is Christmas........We are all busy opening gifts, watching Christmas Specials on the Boob Tube, playing video games on the "You" Tube, bending our elbows to wish everyone health, wealth and happiness, and stuffing our faces with holiday yummies, while loosening our belts to accommodate our expanding waistlines.
But wait.......while we are engrossed in diversionary Holiday fare and festivities, the Lords and Ladies who run our lives are engrossed in War Strategy - yes, we are all in a war; a war of the Global Elite against us - the Humans. Of course, they don't believe they are Humans; they believe they are a separate species, meant to rule over us and make decisions for us - for you see, we are beneath them; they belong to the future Breakaway Civilization, we are yesterday's news, doomed to the ash heap of spent resources.
Here's the latest battle in the War Against Humanity - "Social Credit".......
As we speak, the Chinese have a new internet game called Sesame Credit - how cute and loving and trendy! Just like Sesame Street, right? Wrong - more like "open says me". Open up your lives to the scrutiny of the government and international corporations that rule over you.
It works similar to Financial Credit that we know and "love". In the U.S. if your financial credit score is 700-749 you have Good credit and are eligible for the "goodies" - mortgages, credit cards, auto leases, rentals, etc. If your score is 750+, the sky is the limit; you not only get the aforementioned goodies, but you get the Prime deals, and have all the credit Vampires running after you and begging for your biz. However, the lower your score, the less inclined are the Vampires to seek you out; if your score is too low, say hovering in the 500s, you are road kill.
Well, with Social Credit, albeit a game (if you believe that I have a bridge I want to sell you), the government and corporations get to determine how "worthy" you are as a member of Society. Do you get a job? Do you rent an apartment? Do you belong to a Club? What school do you get to go to? What type of career do you get to be part of? Who do you get to socialize with? Do you really think you should be driving that model car?
The Chinese, with the help of social media "hero" Mark Zuckerberg (yes, Mr. Facebook himself), have come up with this new weapon in the War Against Humanity. It's being rolled out now over there, and is scheduled to be mandatory in China by 2020. Now, you know in a year or two, the social engineering geniuses over here will think this is the best thing since sliced bread; after all, Zuckerberg isn't exactly Chinese. So get ready for a further tightening of the noose around your necks.
If you think you're being henpecked into submission now, you ain't seen nothin' yet. This is one we can get a jump on before the lasso gets thrown around us. Look into this, get pro-active about stopping this before it begins, let people know about this, be the Paul Reveres in your communities - sound the alarms.
We need to straightened out what is going on in America First....then we will not have this problem to begin with. The can of worms or whatever you want to call it is all over the place....and no one is stopping it. It is either now or never folks.