Socialism is a code word for Communist-lite. Socialism would provide the elite and the powerful the opportunity to get rid of the middle class and to create a bottom class so that there are only two classes of people, the controllers and those they control. They want to get rid of any chances for prosperity. Why? Prosperity gives people some hope for the future. You can't control people when they are hopeful and feed them a line of bull about true equality. I had the distinct privilege of walking the streets of East Berlin several years before the WALL between East and West Berlin was taken down. I can tell you that in this supposed showcase of Communism (note that East Berlin was their best work) there was true equality....yes indeed.....everyone was EQUALLY POOR. But make no mistake there were those who were in charge, roughly 3 percent of the population, who ran the show and lived well while the remainder of the population lived in utter POVERTY. The buildings were in terrible condition, people were not happy i.e. no smiling and no cheerfulness, people lived in look alike apartments, the lines were long for those waiting to buy food and we were instructed not to buy food as we would be denying food to those who really need it. That translates into shortages of food. Why shortages? Because there were no incentives to produce as there is in those 'so called' greedy capitalistic countries like the U.S. Why produce when you can't keep the fruits of your labor! But there certainly were no shortages for the Communist party members who were well fed, well educated and dressed. The younger population of the U.S. who voted for Socialism in the last election do not have a reality based understanding of history and have been brainwashed by their brain dead teachers who in turn have been brainwashed to believe that socialism is an answer to the worlds problems. Well I am here to tell you socialism equates to starvation and material and spiritual deprivation on steriods. There is not much difference between socialism and communism. Who are funding and encouraging the socialists? They are the equivalent of the Communist elite. Only today these characters are not Communist party members but the super rich and super powerful who want to rule the entire world, i.e., one world government. Look at what they have done in Europe with their European Union. It would appear now that it is beneficial to the people but lets see how beneficial it will be in the future once they have the European Union all nailed down and under their complete control!