Learning from Suzanne Somers’ Knockout about alternative medicine in cancer treatment, treatment that actually cures incurable cancer, I’m wondering how much of it is faith that it works. First of all, it sounds reasonable to me; chemo and radiation don’t, like so much of the established ways these days. The flaw is worship of the golden calf; anything to make a fast buck. American medicine is fast turning into a gigantic rip off, dragging down the American economy. What does Obama offer but a gigantic government fraud to replace a private fraud. The American people, sadly, have lost faith in their establishment, and consequently in themselves.
We were created with reason and logic. This tells us that if we were a cancer patient, if the doctor would treat our cancer as an individual case, perform tests to determine our specific form of cancer, prescribe a treatment engineered specifically for us, and one that didn’t kill normal cells, didn’t use the cookie cutter approach, some magical money-making chemical concoction that does not work in most cases, and worse, makes you sick as a dog, even kills you, would we not have faith and survive in many cases? Likewise, would the economy not survive and prosper were money-mad frauds not in control.
1+6+ 4+3+6+6+6+4=36, 3+6=9, the discrete number for soulfood, on the theory that everything reduces to numbers, esoteric numerology gives letters a number value. A=1, B=2, and so on to Z, with a value of 26/8. The number 9, herein attributed to soulfood, in esoteric numerology represents selflessness. The way to selflessness begins with 1, the pioneer seeking experience which will establish its distinct identity. Here’s the story on it. Rather than claws and teeth to cope, our Creator gave us reason and logic.
3+6+7+9+3=28/1, as a personal number vibration, if you use your God-given logic, there are great possibilities in your life. We read in numerology that there is a vital, stimulating, resourceful quality in this number.
The Zohar, a collection of mystical kabalistic writings, states: “The universe was created by three forms of expression—numbers, letters, and words.” In John 1:1—1, the beginning—“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Something we don’t think about: numbers take up where sensibilities leave off. Numbers geometrized are symbolic of universal principles.
Numerology reduces us to numbers. The universe is ordered by numbers. On earth as it is in heaven, after the pioneer, 1, finding his identity, the next step 2, the pairing, 2 representing the female, receptivity, the yin, the unionizing of distinct identities, then comes 3 to combine the qualities of 1 and 2, to give exuberant expression to life. Next comes 4, the symbol of stability, encompassing law and order. 5 is freedom, change, adventure. 6 is the conscientious desire to bring harmony, truth, justice, and a sense of balance into the environment. 7 seeks answers. 8 assumes power, for now has achieved control and responsibility, leading to the highest number and the highest of human aspirations, the desire to be of universal service. You will not find any of my suggestions in religion or in the law.
Under collectivism, the self, zero; no number applies, under natural law, the individual with inalienable rights that can’t be taken or swapped without the individual’s permission, the United States of America allows zero inalienable rights, as I proved in court. Government entitlements, as claimed by the powers that be, are not rights; they are government granted privileges, currently being grossly abused. They take precedence in court over inalienable rights. Progressive predators in control are bent on totally eliminating the Constitution and taking the American people back to the law of the jungle. The stripped of personal power individual has lost his soul. Government wolves in sheep’s clothing knocking on our doors, with nothing to put up but our money, activated me. I’m suggesting how to get your soul back back in a way you have not likely heard.
Natural law, pushed aside in favor of materialism, as T. H. Huxley put it, “Extinguished theologians lie about the cradle of every science as the strangled snakes beside Hercules,” “But science’s investment in materialism has itself turned into a creed,” says quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, listen, my children, to a story that will boggle your minds. The mind interacts with a dimension of infinite possibility. You, the observer, make your reality.
In 1975, I was the “1” principle in numerology, the beginning of the universe. I was strictly on my own, alone, the pioneer seeking a new identity. Having found it, “2” the pairing, the yin principle, I found my soul mate, followed by my days of wine and roses, an exuberant expression of life, numerology reveals. Right on course was I. Came 4, the symbol of stability, encompassing law and order.
From Psalm 23, the Lord “restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the path of righteousness; Jesus: “Blessed are those who do hunger and thirst after righteousness;” the IRS hung itself with its own rope. You don’t know the power that lies within you. It is mind over matter.
I was freed from an IRS wolf attack. Came 5. My life became change and adventure. Without knowing it, I was following natural law. Jesus was with me, in me.
My soul number was what I already was before I changed my life. Numerology gives me the number 8. Ambition is the key word; let no obstacle stand in the way. My outer personality number, how others see me is 6. I emanate a protective vibration, a sense of personal responsibility. Listen, my children, and your dreams will come true. My path of destiny number, 7, I psychically separate the true from the false. I can discover some of the mysteries to a waiting world. Corroborating this, Jeanne Avery, in The Rising Sign, under Aquarius Rising, I’m Aquarius rising, “He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries. The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.” My life lesson number is 7. I’m here to develop and use my mind.
Like a genie in a glass bottle, my Constitution rests in a glass case in Washington, D.C. From my study of it, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. I uncorked my genie and my Constitution was activated. This one individual, with my Constitution, beat the all powerful IRS.
We Americans have been fighting a losing battle in every way. A thousandth of America’s taxpayers, with their Constitution, in a do-it yourself effort—individuals, not groups—the Constitution does not protect groups; it protects individuals who know they have God-given rights—under the Constitution we, individually, could put the IRS out of business and send the progressives packing.
Without the IRS there to do its dirty work, Uncle Sam would become a basket case, and our world would rejoice! Joined together in a growing worldwide brotherhood, spiritually united, believe me, we will continue on our path of destiny. Peace be to all, welcome the Age of Aquarius, an age of brotherhood and fraternity.