American patriotism is traditionally understood as a healthy devotion to our liberties in this
wonderful Republic of the United States! For all those who are interested in making our
government more efficient and reducing cost, it is past time for 'We the People' to demand
that the present state of the affairs, be returned to the original directives of our 'founding-
It is and always has been effective to use conservative and practical methods to reorganize;
streamline; and eliminate wherever possible. As our government has been allowed to take
an almost unchecked rampant expansion since the conclusion of World War II, it is very
obvious that things have escalated to overload. And I'm sure, that most citizens realize
that we have all over-looked, and not been completely cognizant or responsible to watch
the almost uncontrolled development of governmental gridlock at every level.
Yes, we all recognize that we have a monumental problem, that is long overdue for a
complete change. The most direct way to accomplish this would be to eliminate or
abolish every unconstitutional, harmful, and unnecessary Cabinet Departments. Such
as the abolishment of Education Department; Energy; Housing and Urban Development;
and the Department of Homeland Security.
Abolish the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The hard-wired message is to
say simply....................! The DHS was created, one year after “9/11”, it lumped 22
agencies from other departments to improve efficiency and coordination. It has failed
The budget jumped from $19.5 Billion dollars in 2002 to an astounding $44.1
Billion in 2010.
In fact, it's has become one of the newest avenues for pork-barrel. Only 25%
of anti-terrorism 'grants' to local governments actually goes to terrorism
prevention and response.
Many of the agencies have only a minor or tangential roles in possible
terrorist attacks or response, and 'DHS overseas' has far-flung responsibilities
from anti-counterfeiting, all the way to flu epidemics.
It hasn't protected us from terrorism; most of the foiled attempts, or 'terror
plots' were really accomplished as sting operations by the FBI!
Neither the CIA, NSA, nor even the FBI(a domestic agency) has been placed
under the DHS umbrella.
Which makes a coordinated, DHS-led antiterrorism strategy impossible;
leaving the FBI and CIA out defeats the very purpose of the DHS. How do
I know? Well, during the Viet-Nam War, I was envolved, by being a member of
the USAFSS(Security Service), which were directly associated with the CIA, OSI,
NSA, CID, NCIS, and the FBI! Although that is almost Fifty years ago, I still
know a few, in high-places!
The DHS is funding pernicious, totalitarian Minority Report-style 'pre-crime'
The DHS funds have become 'fusion centers', which create reports about
possible breeding grounds of terrorism. They include everything from third
parties, the Tea Party and anti-tea party groups, even student groups at
historically black college, the Aryan Brotherhood, Black Panthers, the Weather-
men, and street gangs.
In other words, ANYONE, who dissents or is dissatisfied with the status-quorum, might
be a terrorist. Such assessment reflects the paranoid minds of the 'Statist-bureaucrats'
and their political bosses, rather than reality. Like everyone else, don't get me started
on the abuses and humiliations inflicted by the TSA!
Probably the most offensive problem is relegated to the name, the word “Homeland”
to many Americans, including myself, evokes the insanity-of the Neo-Nazi 'blood
and soil' Fatherland; instead of patriotism, it congers up the Cold-War nationalism
or totalitarianism. Traditionally, American Patriotism is understood as devotion to
republican liberty
Certainly does gives one cause to wonder, what was the initial use of the word
“Homeland”intended? it conditioning us for tyrannical rule?
No one wants to be perceived as “against security”! But this does not justify the
continued wanton waste, fraud and abuse of the DHS. As the truth is now being
told, the DHS has no real reason for existence. This is plainly evident for too
many other agencies; and it is time to get rid of all the 'so-called Czar's'. Some
need to be completely abolished, along with the DHS!
This brings to mind, the tale~ “Once upon a time, a small boy declared the truth
that no one in the realm, dared to utter--'The Emperor has no clothes'!” We need
to see that type of courage in all of our elected officials. The DHS is exposed.
Will our congressmen, both the House of Representatives and the Senate, stand
and be counted as proud warrior's that can be trusted, to properly represent our
Nation! May GOD Bless America!