Declare Freedom Must be Taken Back
I exhort all Patriots who believe in Freedom, Honor and Country, advance the right of the people through their state legislatures to apply for and call a Constitutional Amendment Convention under Article V of our Constitution.
History has shown that government isolated from the people, turns to corruptionand deceit in a quest for more power and wealth. This situation is evident in Washington D.C. , declaring ‘the general welfare’ tyrants have stolen our freedom. Government touches every aspect of our lives, the air that we breathe, the water and food that we consume are regulated by an out of control government.
Government assumes the people do not have enough sense to make informed decisions about the most basic things in life, working, eating, raising a family, taking care of our property and spending our money.
Contact your State Representative and Senator and encourage them to start a discussion in the State Legislatures on applying for a Constitutional Amendment Convention under Article V of The U.S. Constitution.
S A M P L E - I sent to my State Representative
Rep. Barrett your help and hopefully your support is needed to start a serious discussion of a State led U.S. Constitutional Convention. The Representatives and Senators in Washington will never reach agreement on a Balanced Budget or other Amendments.
The Federal Government has taken the power and freedom of the states and people, with no regard to the limits found in the U. S. Constitution. The only option open to us is the State Legislatures of the several States.
Dennis Bertrand
Atoka, TN.