Student Shares Video Critical Of Islam, Gets Fired From College Newspaper

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Sharia here, sharia there, sharia, sharia everywhere. But college campuses are on the forefront of this totalitarian movement.

As I am oft-quoted, “truth is the new hate speech.”

Student Shares Video Critical Of Islam, Gets Fired From College Newspaper

By Rob Shimshock, The Daily Caller, May 12, 2017:

An Oregon college student lost his job at the school newspaper after he tweeted a video of a Muslim student admitting his religion killed nonbelievers, according to an article he wrote concerning the incident Friday.

Andy Ngo, former multimedia editor for the Vanguard at Portland State University, posted a video and brief commentary from an “Unpacking Misconceptions” religion panel he attended before losing his job, according to a column he published in National Review.

“At Portland State interfaith panel today, the Muslim student speaker said that apostates will be killed or banished in an Islamic state,” tweeted Ngo on April 26.

“And some, this, that you’re referring to, killing non-Muslims, that [to be a non-believer] is only considered a crime when the country’s law, the country is based on Koranic law — that means there is no other law than the Koran,” the Muslim student said at the panel, according to the tweets. “In that case, you’re given the liberty to leave the country, you can go in a different country, I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. So you can go in a different country, but in a Muslim country, in a country based on the Koranic laws, disbelieving, or being an infidel, is not allowed so you will be given the choice [to leave].”

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM!

Documenting the Islamization of the WEST

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