With the election of presidaent Obama I am going to continue to seek justice for the American People of whom he let down. People like myself, but more importantly the people and families like the family a friends of the men and women who died in the attack on Benghazi and the US Border Control agent who was killed in action defending our borders on the homefront. I have sent letters out to my Gove...
rnment officials backing and supporting the Impeachment of Barrack Hussein Obama from office, headed by Ron Paul, and suppoted by Ky State Senator Mitch McConnel. The blatant cover up of Eric Holders 'Fast and Furious' and the prior knowlege of the warned attacks on any US owned Property is enough reason to hold our President accountable for the acts of High Treason according to Article 2, section 4 of the Costitution which states: "The President, Vice Presidentand and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on Impeachment and conviction of Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors." With the intelligence forwarded from America's Top Brass who told and warned of the attacks prior to them actually happening makes for enough evidence to convict in itself, not alone the cover up of the 'Fast and Furious' Eric Holder mess.