Supreme Court Impeachment

The SCOTUS has committed subversion and treason. The SCOTUS should be impeached by Congress and prosecuted. The SCOTUS is guilty of negligence in its duty to clearly and unequivocally support the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, which guarantees the right to keep and bear arms. The crime of the SCOTUS is related to current, proposed legislation in New York that abridges that right and subverts the Constitution. The Constitution trumps state law. No law, anywhere in America, shall abridge the right of Americans to keep and bear arms. The SCOTUS does not have any authority to rewrite the Constitution or "legislate from the bench" in any way. There is no need for the SCOTUS to interpret or otherwise modify the clear English language of the Constitution. The SCOTUS is charged with reading the English language of the Constitution the exact same way the People read it. The People don't need the 2nd Amendment read to them by corrupt Justices. The People need the SCOTUS to simply apply the Constitution, as written, against the Executive and Legislative Branches. The People need the prosecution of the SCOTUS for malicious negligence, subversion and treason. The proof of criminality is the irrefutable fact that Americans can read the English language and understand that the SCOTUS has insidiously ignored and interpreted the language to suit its political ideology and bias. The complete, 200 year failure of the Judicial Branch has to be rectified before there is any Constitutional, Tea Party or conservative effect. The Executive and Legislative Branches were always expected to propose irrational and incoherent action. The Judicial Branch is there to establish a firm NO and to keep the government within the parameters of the Preamble through the execution of the Constitution. The Preamble limits the government to security, infrastructure and general welfare excluding individual welfare. The SCOTUS is there to insure that if action is not for security, infrastructure or general welfare, if it is for individual welfare, it is NOT Constitutional (in America, the government may not take money from one man to give it to another). The Judicial Branch has failed through malice.

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