Posted by william uthe on November 1, 2011 at 10:41am
Those of you who have been following my previous posts ar aware of the proposal that I have put before congress re. the taxation of social security benifits and the inequality of working citizens about the payroll contribgutions. I had previously recieved correspondance from republican congressman Chris Gibson that these proposals had merit and deserved consideration in the 112th congress. Yesterday I recieved corespondance from democrat congressman Paul Tonko stateing that he had authored and introduced H. R. 2708 which would remove the wage and bonus maximum of $108,600 anually subject to Social Security contributions which would put all workers on an equal level of contributing to the Social Security trust fund throughout their wage earning lifetime instead of putting the entire burden of financing S S on those with lower wage/bonus earnngs. Congressman Tonko has titled his bill "keeping Social Security Solvent Act" wich he claims will keep the S S system solvent for several generations.