The representatives the Tea Party got elected, headed by a leader who is carried away by emotions, are doing business as usual. We’ve no time for blubbering leaders.
Frankly, it is downright disgusting. We’ve hard-loser Democrats and gutless Republicans. America is face to face with a self-made economic meltdown ten times worse that the tsunami in Japan. The only thing new on the scene is the Tea Party. We let our demands be known and still no change!
Paradoxically, the battle is shaping up in America to full-fledged class warfare against capitalism. Yes, and capitalist China, headed by Communists, with money to loan, has cut off this Marxist dominated nation. The money currently being printed has nothing back of it. America has killed the proverbial goose that laid golden eggs. It is no longer if the dollar is going to be replaced as the world’s monetary standard. Slimy Worm Geithner has made it when it is going to be replaced. With friends like these, who needs enemies? Who is this worm working for? Thousands of Japanese have died due to an act of nature. How many people in America are going to die? We are sitting here witnessing our liberties being taken by madmen in the backrooms of America—no different than the other madmen who have been at the helm in recent times, gassing people to death, machine gunning and bombing people for their insane causes.
Basically, it’s two ideas in play: “for the good of all,” and God-given individual rights. Under the theory of “for the good of all,” the individual counts for naught. “The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One’s right to life, liberty, and property . . . and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.” West Va. State Board of Education v. Barnette.
In the Bill of Rights, the Fifth Amendment gives the individual the right to demand due process of law. This means that you, individually, have the constitutional right to demand to be heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place.
On the question of whether taxes are confiscatory, that issue was settled long ago, and taxes have not changed so much the same question should be heard again, says government. Government says the IRS is always right unless the taxpayer can prove the IRS wrong in court. In that case, the IRS is permitted to make the same mistake again without consequence. This is not confiscation. It is not obstruction of justice. In other words, government is always right and the taxpayer is always wrong. And where are the courts on this? In principle it is no different than courts in Nazi Germany. The United States does not give the individual a meaningful way to be heard on taxes. The courts granted the Communist Party U.S.A. the right to be heard on its taxes. The law in America is as meaningless as the law in Nazi Germany. Clearly, in America it is might makes right.
Case in point: The IRS made a “mistake,” after I challenged my tax as being unconstitutional. You don’t do that without dire consequences in America. The IRS taxed me too much. This IRS “mistake” was corrected in Tax Court. After the case was closed, the IRS made the same “mistake” again. In the U. S. District Court, the IRS admitted that said tax assessment was “wrongful.” The “mistake” was corrected and my property was refunded. The IRS then made a third “mistake.” Claiming the same tax assessment, the IRS demanded that my bank give the IRS every cent in my checking account. The District Court refused to reopen the case. My U. S. Senator, Democrat Bob Graham, refused to look into the matter, stating in a letter to me that the IRS was legally permitted to use “draconian” means of collecting tax. For a proven fact, the IRS is permitted to make unlimited mistakes. The theory of being “for the good of all” overrides IRS “mistakes.” Government entitlement overrides taxpayer rights. We’ve giving politicians the legal right to rob us for their express benefit. Politicians have the legal right to give their voting constituencies our sweat and we have no right whatsoever to our property or our incomes.
For the good of all, Hitler decreed that Jews didn’t have the right to live. For the good of all, hundreds of millions of human beings have been killed in the past century. Marxist Americans laud Chairman Mao, who felt that China could spare the millions of human beings he killed. It was for the good of all. We know what is next on the agenda. It is enough to make you cry. We should be greatly impressed by John Boehner’s tears, but who needs him? By the way, in the end I beat the IRS. They hung themselves with their own rope. Maybe we need me.