America has never been more divided. This is something I think about a lot. Many would say I and others who follow my line of thinking are negative, and if we continue to think my way we will surely fail as a nation.
Progressive liberals and their leader, Obama, believe the Constitution is flawed. They believe, for the good of all, that America must be transformed to collectivism, or statism: reliance on government rather than the individual. They believe they are moving America in a positive direction, and that people who think my way are trying to hold us to the past. Progressive liberals, with zero knowledge, are determined to move the nation forward; that is, to anarchy and tyranny. People who think my way are dumb to reality.
The progressive liberal idea is that after their plan is in effect, it will be shown to be the way to go, such as Obamacare. Hitler, Stalin, Castro, and Mao were progressives, many think, moving the world in a positive direction. Hundreds of millions of people were killed “for the good of all.” We can afford that, say progressives. The world is overpopulated. George Soros, who comes from a communist background, thinks any and everything can be done for the good of all.
Capitalism and collectivism aside, control is the problem. Millions of Americans have listened to Glenn Beck talk about how George Soros has used his ill-gotten billions to gain control of America, and through progressive liberal birds of a feather. According to Beck, Soros, for his own personal gain, is intent on bringing America down. He calls himself “some kind of god.” Soros is an atheist. He says he is amused at how he controls people. You could say Soros is positive and losers are negative in their thinking.
A Tea Party member informed me, in his comment to my blog, some would say a positive thinker, that I misquoted the Bible, and that I’m generally confused. I propose that he wouldn’t have made his comment had it not been for the fact that he did not look within for his answer. My reality is based on what I perceive to be true. Others base their judgments on what they conceive. They conceive of a plan to make the world better by their surface reasoning and logic.
I wonder how many octogenarians can say if life could be any better they don’t know how. All of my dreams have come true. How could that be possible? Either I’m a negative thinker or progressive liberals are negative thinkers. The proof is in the pudding. I’m a capitalist. To progressive liberals, the very fact that I’m healthy, wealthy and wise, by worldwide standards, this means that I’m a hog cheating others out of a decent existence. They’ve got George Soros, “some kind of a god,” to take me to the cleaners.
What comes around goes around. However, my mentor, Evan Harris Walker, in The Physics of Consciousness wrote, although what comes around goes around, and governed by immutable laws, we humans, with minds and individual wills are governed by other laws of nature. We have discovered that with our minds every path leads us to a structure of the universe we’ve never before realized. It is consciousness that begins everything. It is with quantum physics that we, at least Walker and I, have discovered proof that we exist as something more than matter. We are co-equals in the foundry of creation.
The observer interacts with matter. Thus, if one does not observe, one does not interact. Who is in control of what we observe? To be human is to know that the mind is our basic reality. One who is not human is subject to jumping through the establishment’s hoops; as Beck put it, a puppet, George Soros the puppet master.
As for my misquoting the Bible, the editor of my Bible, Rev. C. I. Scofield, wrote in the Introduction, “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used. Rev. Scofield claims you are dead wrong unless the whole divine revelation is in view, which reminds me of progressive liberals. They never make it 360 degrees in their logic.
My advice: Stick with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and you will win.