OK, Illinois just raised there taxes 66% in the middle of the night, because they have a $15 billion deficit. Why is it that our national government can’t see the obvious? We have 50 states in our union. Of those 50 states we have 50 separate economies. They range from farming to manufacturing, tourism to technology and some are carrying a surplus and some have a deficit. Why can’t our national government look at the top 10 states and what they’re doing well and see why they are doing so well?
Come on, we have 50 economic experiments going on in the United States of America, some have worked and others have failed. Just like in business take the Research and Development experiments that have worked and go make some money. The ones that failed, they stop spending money on and move forward to the next idea.
Am I missing something here?
G. Kent
Looking for support to run for Office in Michigan.