Posted by Glenn Koons on February 16, 2010 at 10:30am
I am very thankful for the Tea Party impetus. At age 71, a political science teacher for 50 years, a pastor for 20, this return to Constitutional values is a must for America. The GOP is the only Party able to apprehend this fact and prayerfully they have learned their lessons on spending over the last 8 years. So, I would like to see Tea, GOP, Reagan Dems, Indies, Libertarians all unite to oust as many socialist pacifist Dem leftists in Nov. as possible. And please, in ads, do not allow Dems to use the term Progressive. They are not Progressive ala TR. They are liberals. They know that that term turns off voters and it should. 60 years of liberalism has darn near wrecked many Blue States, our education system, our culture with multiculturalism gone wild, policies that have put our economy ind debt and our national security in jeopardy. I blog at quite a bit and have been involved in blasting the socialists for many moons. I became a conservative Pub at age 15 after sharing letters with my hero, William F. Buckley Jr. His recommendation of his, 'God and Man at Yale' changed my life. If you want to know why you are conservative, have founded and funded the Tea Parties, and want a return to the Constitution , go to that book. And for heaven's sake, do not make the mistake of ever going 3rd Party. Perot ruined the nation last time and we got Clinton. We do not need Reid, San Fran Nan or Obama any more than their legal representations. And when the chance comes, let us unite to vote them all out.