Tea Partiers Coming for the GOP… Dede Drops OUT!Written by admin Election News, TEA Party News Oct 31, 2009Hi Tea Partiers…It was just the other day when I heard Rush Limbaugh spouting off at the mouth about how the GOP was gonna destroy the democrats in the next elections. I thought to myself that he could be seriously mistaken.I have been telling people for months that the biggest surprise in the next elections will be the republicans being unseated by Tea Party candidates… and the first to fall is Republican Dierdre “Dede” Scozzafava.The race for the 23rd Congressional District in NY has been a hotbed of speculation as it is the first real test in the new era of American politics. So let the truth be told.Dede got whacked because she represents everything that is wrong with the Republican Party. She was a liberal in conservative clothes and she got what she deserved.More importantly and equally as shocking is how out of touch the Republican Party is to have actually run her as their candidate.On a laughable note… Newt Gingrich endorsed her!Lesson number 1: The Republicans are in every bit as much trouble with the Tea Parties as the Democrats are… even more because they should have known better.It comes down to this. If you are a Congressman or a Senator and you voted for the Patriot Act. Cap-n-Trade, Bail-Outs, or the Health Care Reform among the many unconstitutional acts coming out of Washington… WE ARE COMING FOR YOU!It is however, not too late to save yourself. You can join our movement … albeit at the back of the line because you’ll have much to prove. I suggest you get started.http://teapartynewswatch.com/tea-partiers-coming-for-the-gop-dede-drops-out/JB WilliamsJBWilliams09@gmail.comwww.JB-Williams.com"In God We Trust, because man alone, especially leftists, cannot be trusted." - BBC 2004 - JB"Such is the irresistible nature of truth that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
Whats this talk we can get independents on our side? NO! Lets not.
Lets, instead, interest the NIC to work on the behalf of Americans.
Who are our nations hero's? Sure in the hell isn't politicians!
We need to influence all party members to do right by Americans. And if they don't? They will have the NIC to deal with. Understand?
I, for one, will not kiss politicians ass. I am not a brown nosier. I suggest the Tea party start encouraging vets to run for office. What better candidate then a vet to serve this great nation?
Do you want more of the same? Then quit catering to non military vets!
I say remove everyone one of them. We can do this. If the major political parties don't want to do remove the Criminally Insane, then there are a number of Independents Parties that can take them out (i.e. Constitution Party and Conservative Party to name a few). We need to seize control of the every RID (Rep, Ind, Dem) group because we have the every American with us. There will no where these criminals can hide or a platform they can run on. We have to remove our party Alliegence and adhere to the Constitution. We are here to support each one of us regardless of party affiliation. Our open vetting process will ensure that those pretenders are removed immediately.
If we want to remove the Ciminally Insane, then all our friends need to join now. There are many that are trying to ciphon on membership for other issues. Our is cause is just and simple Restore the Constitution. We will added a "Run Now" button for those patriots that wish to challenge the incumbents. We cannot take back our Nation with Hope only, it must be demonstrated with our actions by joining. We realize once our friends joins, some will be called to run. We need to replace every corrupt politician with a patritot. Time is short and the call is Urgent.
We have brass balls, so lets swing them!
Whats this talk we can get independents on our side? NO! Lets not.
Lets, instead, interest the NIC to work on the behalf of Americans.
Who are our nations hero's? Sure in the hell isn't politicians!
We need to influence all party members to do right by Americans. And if they don't? They will have the NIC to deal with. Understand?
I, for one, will not kiss politicians ass. I am not a brown nosier. I suggest the Tea party start encouraging vets to run for office. What better candidate then a vet to serve this great nation?
Do you want more of the same? Then quit catering to non military vets!
I say remove everyone one of them. We can do this. If the major political parties don't want to do remove the Criminally Insane, then there are a number of Independents Parties that can take them out (i.e. Constitution Party and Conservative Party to name a few). We need to seize control of the every RID (Rep, Ind, Dem) group because we have the every American with us. There will no where these criminals can hide or a platform they can run on. We have to remove our party Alliegence and adhere to the Constitution. We are here to support each one of us regardless of party affiliation. Our open vetting process will ensure that those pretenders are removed immediately.
If we want to remove the Ciminally Insane, then all our friends need to join now. There are many that are trying to ciphon on membership for other issues. Our is cause is just and simple Restore the Constitution. We will added a "Run Now" button for those patriots that wish to challenge the incumbents. We cannot take back our Nation with Hope only, it must be demonstrated with our actions by joining. We realize once our friends joins, some will be called to run. We need to replace every corrupt politician with a patritot. Time is short and the call is Urgent.