By John W. Lillpop
To hear President Obama spin the latest jobs report, 8.3 percentunemployment is proof positive that his policies are workingas planned, and are more than sufficient reason to give him fourmore years of abusive dictatorial power and elitist priviledge.However, even with the recent modest gains in employment,there are still approximately 14 million fellow Americans withoutgainful employment and millions more whom are trapped in thequagmire of underemployment.Those facts have been lost on this befuddled Marxist menacewho continues to believe that government can fix allproblems large, and small, and should be encouraged to do sogiven the fact that God is obviously dead, or has himself been laidoff.According to Obama, in this the era of American Exceptionalism Gone Missing, expectations should be lowered to more reasonable levels, if for no reason other than to make his sorry self look as good as possible.Those of us who still believe in the American Dream and the Yankee “Can Do” attitude could not disagree more profoundly!
The simple fact of the matter is that this president has wasted trillions of dollars on foolish “stimulus” programs which have inflated the federal deficit while delaying “real” recovery. Indeed, the Obama “recovery” is the most anemic and painful since World War II, mostly because of Obama’s foolish spending which has actually prolonged the misery for millions of Americans.Furthermore, Obama’s mindless attacks on free enterprise with threats of more intrusive regulations and higher taxes have been instrumental in keeping the economy in the doldrums.INCONVENIENT TRUTH: Had it not been for Obama and his wrong-minded policies, the US economy would have recovered long ago and would be finally headed in the right direction.Significantly, President Obama has been stymied time and again over the past year and one half by those courageous heroes in the Tea Party who have refused to give up on America by turning to Marxist voodoo sure to fail in the long term.Think about it: If the 2010 elections had gone differently and left the US House in hands of Nancy Pelosi and her gaggle of corrupt moon bats, Obama would surely have succeeded in getting his “Jobs” packages approved, which would have made the modest gains of recent months impossible.The American people need to understand that any recent improvements in the US economy have been made despite Barack Obama, not because of him.
Americans need to further understand that we the people deserve much better than 8.3 percent unemployment! 14 million unemployed Americans is completely unacceptable and must not stand.Barack Obama is an anti-growth, anti-jobs, and anti-business ideologue who needs to leave Washington, D.C. as soon as possible—without being allowed to do additional harm to our beloved Democracy!
To hear President Obama spin the latest jobs report, 8.3 percentunemployment is proof positive that his policies are workingas planned, and are more than sufficient reason to give him fourmore years of abusive dictatorial power and elitist priviledge.However, even with the recent modest gains in employment,there are still approximately 14 million fellow Americans withoutgainful employment and millions more whom are trapped in thequagmire of underemployment.Those facts have been lost on this befuddled Marxist menacewho continues to believe that government can fix allproblems large, and small, and should be encouraged to do sogiven the fact that God is obviously dead, or has himself been laidoff.According to Obama, in this the era of American Exceptionalism Gone Missing, expectations should be lowered to more reasonable levels, if for no reason other than to make his sorry self look as good as possible.Those of us who still believe in the American Dream and the Yankee “Can Do” attitude could not disagree more profoundly!
The simple fact of the matter is that this president has wasted trillions of dollars on foolish “stimulus” programs which have inflated the federal deficit while delaying “real” recovery. Indeed, the Obama “recovery” is the most anemic and painful since World War II, mostly because of Obama’s foolish spending which has actually prolonged the misery for millions of Americans.Furthermore, Obama’s mindless attacks on free enterprise with threats of more intrusive regulations and higher taxes have been instrumental in keeping the economy in the doldrums.INCONVENIENT TRUTH: Had it not been for Obama and his wrong-minded policies, the US economy would have recovered long ago and would be finally headed in the right direction.Significantly, President Obama has been stymied time and again over the past year and one half by those courageous heroes in the Tea Party who have refused to give up on America by turning to Marxist voodoo sure to fail in the long term.Think about it: If the 2010 elections had gone differently and left the US House in hands of Nancy Pelosi and her gaggle of corrupt moon bats, Obama would surely have succeeded in getting his “Jobs” packages approved, which would have made the modest gains of recent months impossible.The American people need to understand that any recent improvements in the US economy have been made despite Barack Obama, not because of him.
Americans need to further understand that we the people deserve much better than 8.3 percent unemployment! 14 million unemployed Americans is completely unacceptable and must not stand.Barack Obama is an anti-growth, anti-jobs, and anti-business ideologue who needs to leave Washington, D.C. as soon as possible—without being allowed to do additional harm to our beloved Democracy!