Tea Party Gaurdian, or Americans Guardian?

I thought the Tea party was about fighting to keep Americans/America ideals strong?

Is the tea party a Republican knock off (generic political party)
Because if it it is, I want no part of it!

I did not come on here to be manipulated by a bunch of Karl Roves.
It appears to me he is all over this site. Karl Rove is a sniveling "poor me" divider.
Haven't you people had enough of Rove?
I have had enough of him the minute he opened his mouth.

I see Tea party doesn't represent Americans.
If the party did, wouldn't you be supporting Americans overall views?
But your not. You people only support Republican views.
Right-winger fell off the map views.
You people are wandering around in the forest.
Did you lose direction?
Where is your compass?

I thought Tea party was in the middle of the road (where majority of Americans are)

Sure America is a Republic but that doesn't mean
Republicans should be running the show
because their name is similar to the word republic.
That's absurd.


Why because a bunch of lawyers over 300 hundred years ago
decided to create a party therefore lawyers own us?
I think not.The word republican doesn't mean shit. Its just a word.
What do republicans (as people) stand for anyway?
What is on the Republican agenda this time around?

Looking to win the White house back so they can once again
gain special interest, favors?
That's apparent. Its republican party M.O

Republicans could careless about America.
Their behavior says it all; past, present and future!
Republicans had their chance, but they fudged it up.
It is unlikely they will win in 2010 or 2012.

Americans are not interested in more of the same.
Politics is an oxymoron. It defeats its own purpose.

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