By John W. Lillpop

Vice-president Joe Biden, no doubt with coaching and encouragement from Janet Napolitano and other progressives in the Obama Administration, significantly lowered the bar on civility and adult behavior with a scurrilous attack on elected members of the U.S. Congress.

Specifically, Biden referred to Tea Party members as “terrorists” for their heroic efforts to force fiscal responsibility down the throats of an out-of-touch president and Democrat cohorts in Congress, all of whom are addicted to spending money that America simply does not have.

Terrorists, Mr. VP?

Odd language, that, especially from an administration which refuses to acknowledge that America is at war with radical Islam, and which will do damn near anything to avoid the word “terrorism” when referring to the violence and mayhem inflicted on innocent people by the “Religion of Peace.”

Still, Biden’s remarks should come as no great surprise, given his warped view that paying higher taxes is “patriotic”!

Which raises an interesting question: If Biden had been alive during the American revolution, whose side would he be on?

King George, or those “terrorists” who dumped tea in Boston Harbor to protest unfair taxes and tyranny?
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  • Barack Hussein Obama the terrorist is in the White House! We who drink tea in hope of real change labeled for wanting a balanced checkbook. Extreme is the lengths that these morons will go to continue spending money they don't have!!! Oh yea they also gave themselves raises , some increased upto 80%. While refusing a cost of living increase for our seniors. God help us we have another year of this. WE MUST VOTE THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!
  • hey tea partiers

    We are getting to them, we are striking terror in  the hearts of the blank check-no accountability crowd and they are admitting that we are terrorising them. lets keep up the heat 

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