Join us tonight @ 9 p.m. EST for Tea Party Radio with Dale Robertson, David Toy and Jim Seigfreid.  Jim will be talking about treason complaints that need to be filed by We the People---that's all of us, folks, and how to do it.  Here is a hint and a link to follow now: or this one also:

My letter to Atty. Gen. Sam Olens of Georgia is also posted on the Jaghunter.  Cmdr. Walt Fitzpatrick has done an incredible amount of work over the last few years, in particular, and deserves not only our thanks and our respect, but also our appreciation by utilizing the tools and the information he is providing in the pursuit of justice and the rule of law.  He can't do it all let's get busy!

The call-in number for the program is 646-200-4032 and is front & center on our home page also.  Please join in as we will focus on a number of other issues as well, foremost being the downgrade of our national credit rating and those TRAITORS in Washington calling it the"TEA PARTY DOWNGRADE."  Just when you think you've heard it a friend of mine used to say (since passed from this earth) "un-beWEEE-bah bal!"  

Also of vital mention is the fact that frequent contributor and Democrat Presidential contender Leah Lax will be working today and Wed. to provide a number of attorneys with the essential element of "standing" due to her unique position now, as they re-visit their attempts to be heard by the Pa. Supreme Court.  She has already provided Standing to Dr. Orly Taitz and Doug Voght as they are due in Hawaii tomorrow to view the vaulted long-form BC of our current Liar-n-Thief.  Way to go, Leah!!!

All of you know, we are NOT playing games.  Quite literally, the future of this country is hanging by a thread, and it is incumbent upon ALL OF US to stand up on the front lines and really show these traitors some CHANGE THEY CAN BELIEVE IN!!!

God bless you all, God Bless the United States of America, and SEE YOU TONIGHT AT 9 pm EST!




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