Dee, National Director of the Tea Party, says the Tea Party is in your heart and soul. I’ve just finished reading the proof of a book I’ve spent ten years writing, entitled In Earth as It Is in Heaven2012. America has become a bloated weakling, incapable of self-government, dependent on an out-of-control Congress in which Senate leader Harry Reid says, “at this stage it would be foolish to pass a budget.” It is the same as saying, bankrupt the nation, fiscally, mentally, and spiritually. Make slaves of the American people. The dumbed down America people are being led by this maniac to their demise. It’s such as this crazy talk that in my book I’ve concluded: “You don’t say you are in a place of consciousness; you are in a state of consciousness—without boundary.” My book, for one thing, gives you logical reasons to take control away from weasels like Reid. If you value your freedom, vote against Senate Democrats.
Having said this, I begin my book with the Pledge of Allegiance. “I pledge my allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands: one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” I may not be permitted to repeat the pledge much longer. There is a move to strike “under God.” God gets in the way of godless socialists.
In my book, you will read that in the winter of 1974 I experienced a repeating dream. I was on the back of a giant bird flying through a narrow, winding canyon terrified. I couldn’t see what was ahead. You might call it a prophecy, but for me it was real. My business enterprise was on the rocks and my second wife was divorcing me. I was forced to jump into an unknown future—something we all dread.
Today, all of my dreams have come true. I’ve concluded that Jesus is my savior and redeemer. But I’ve not changed my opinion on religion. I have no faith in the supernatural. I trust nature and nature’s God. In a state of consciousness, without boundary, seeking first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33), when things could easily have gone wrong for me, everything has gone right. “Therefore, take no thought for the morrow,” said Jesus in Matthew 6:34. “Ask and it shall be given you,” said Jesus in Matthew 7:7.
In my book, I trace my life through nine progressive states of mind—in competition with progressive government, the likes of Senator Reid. But I’m here to tell you that my new life did not begin on easy street. My entry-level pay, after my payroll deductions—other people with a greater right to my sweat, a government invented right—I could not pay for a roof over my head. I was locked out for non-payment of rent. If that wasn’t bad enough, the IRS was threatening me, demanding that I pay taxes I did not owe. Would I break and look to government for help? Progressive liberals had no hold on me. I looked inward for help—and it came. I wasn’t looking to Jesus. I was looking at my constitutional rights, which I was not about to give up. You are going to read what happened.
In my book, you will read that on Good Friday, 1975, at age forty-nine, just by chance, I cut my umbilical cord with my past, left my Texas home and headed for Miami, Florida, my idea to buy a boat and sail the South Atlantic Ocean after the divorce was final and I received what was mine in a signed agreement between me and my wife. I had no idea at the time that I left on Good Friday.
I spent the first day of my new life, Easter Sunday, in Miami. I placed no significance in it. At that time, my faith was in my God-self, which I got from my Constitution. I believed that the Constitution was an expression of the law of all times. I believed that the United States was lawless.
In my book, you will read that on Christmas Eve, 1975, it was my good fortune to untie from South Florida and set sail on the South Atlantic, during which time miracles occurred, which I connected with my God-self and bigger than life cause.
In my book, you will read that The Palm Beach Post on the front page of “Local News,” December 1, 1986, revealed, “Holger Euringer, IRS public relations officer in Jacksonville, said last week that the agency had been wrong all along and that Smith soon would receive a letter of apology from the IRS district director.” According to the IRS, I was a “tax protester,” a “Fifth Amendment freak.” That’s what the mainstream press had been repeating about tax protesters, which they got by the likes of Euringer—to implant fear of the big, bad IRS. The mainstream press never investigated, not until I presented hard evidence of wrongdoing. The IRS was wrong, admitted The Palm Beach Post. The mainstream press has been wrong about a lot of things. Incidentally, I never received a letter of apology from the lawless IRS district director. I received another threatening letter. Again, the IRS was mistaken.
The government never commits a wrong. It’s always a mistake when lawless bureaucrats are caught red-handed throwing the book of regulations at you. It does not stop them. They kept on violating the law against me. There is no price to pay. They are promoted. Theirs is the law of the jungle. Why do the American people put up with it? I didn’t. It was not the luck of the draw. I’ve been rewarded for believing in and carrying out the Higher Law.
In my book, you are going to read that two weeks after my third wife walked out my fourth wife walked into my life. From the moment I met her, I knew she was meant for me. On March 15, 2008, Karen and I moved into our dream home in the tall timber near Mt. Hood, Oregon. I’m more convinced than ever that Karen was sent to me.
I must have done something right. My life is as good as life gets. I believe my good life says I’m here with a mission. I go into great detail in my book about this. The universe, in its undivided state— consciousness of itself—gives us our time-space dimension, a time of movement. I read in the Bible that bodily, we are from dust to dust, but God blessed each of us with a living soul (Genesis 2:7). Our souls are immortal. Religion has interpreted this in many ways. Where is God, hidden within atoms or the far reaches of the time-space universe? We are still looking for God. God is not external. God is in each of us. The time-space consortium is not the only dimension of the universe. We observe and create our own reality. There is a dimension of infinite possibility.
God loves each of us equally. If we realized this, the prophecy Jesus left us would come true. Religion is political. Wolves in sheep’s clothing, Jesus called them—also hypocrites—here to turn you into a slave. I get my ideas from the Gospels in the Bible. Jesus’ truths have worked for me. They can work for you.
This comes to mind. In 1933, Roosevelt said, “It is the inherent duty of the federal government to keep its citizens from starving." It took him four years to say the balance of power in the federal government has been tipped out of balance by the Court. Justice Harlan Stone, dissenting, wrote, Expenditures would fail their purpose and thus lose their constitutional sanction if the terms of payment were not such that by their influence on the action on the recipients the permitted end would be attained. It is a contradiction in terms to say that there is power to spend for the national welfare while rejecting any power to the attainment of the end which alone would justify the expenditure.
Take stock of Justice Harlan’s reasoning. You are about to see a repeat performance. This time the result is going to be far worse than the last time. If you listened to what Obama said about the Supreme Court, it would be what Roosevelt said. I’m telling you to read what Jesus said and act. You are about to lose every right you enjoy.