The 9-11 Event: Emblem of Immortality

The Phoenix was a legendary bird that after five or six centuries immolated itself on a pyre and then from the ashes to begin a new cycle of years, an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope.


When radical Islam took down the World Trade Center, leaving thousands of Americans dead, in the Middle East, thousands danced in the streets, the reason being that radical Islam thinks taking the world back to the year 600 A.D., when Islam was born, is what Allah wants.  It was by Allah’s hand, therefore, that America experienced her most brutal attack ever.


President Obama campaigned on the promise to transform America.  When it was planned to build a place to worship Allah near the hole in the ground radical Islam left, President Obama said the freedom of religion clause of the U. S. Constitution made it unlawful to deny permission. Obama’s  transformation of America  is hardly in support of the Constitution.  President Obama’s transformation apologizes for America’s ideas on freedom and supports Islam’s Sharia law. 


I wrote a blog on my Internet Web site entitled “The Meaning of the 9-11 Event.” A comment: “Finally, a blog that didn’t contradict itself.”


I wrote, “The 9-11 event could be the sign of the ending of the age of orthodoxy and control freaks, the beginning of an age of brotherhood, without government coercion, ‘that in retrospect may seem to have been marked by widespread indulgence, decadence, naïveté, denial, and inflation,’ wrote Richard Tarnas in Cosmos and Psyche, under World Wars, Cold War, and September 11.  Tarnas is a distinguished philosopher and cultural historian who demonstrates in his book the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history.  It is amazing that people are not aware of the signs of the time.  By the way, Obama was elected president in November 2008.  Tarnas points out that in November 2008 Saturn and Pluto went into quadrature alignment, the very worst of alignments.  Coincidentally, many of us think Obama is the worst president America has ever had.  It all fits. He doesn’t know whether he is afoot or horseback.  Let’s talk about the weak-willed people of the Piscean nature who elected him.”


We are leaving the Age of Pisces, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, telling us that the age  we are leaving can’t tell right from wrong.  That’s because it goes on external factors, not on the inner-self.


Jesus, who was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, who said, “in earth as it is in heaven” . . . “But seek ye first the kingdom of God” . . . there is a distinction.  In a footnote in my Scofield Reference Bible, “The errors of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and the Herodians, representatives of the outward show, the kingdom of God ‘comes not with outward show’ (Lk.17:20), but is chiefly ‘that which is inward and spiritual’ (Rom. 14:17), the kingdom of heaven is organic."


When interviewed, the survivors of the 9-11 event say they feel that they were spared for a purpose.  They have less trouble in accepting themselves as they are. They are more aware.  They have stronger spiritual values.  The 9-11 event represents the awakening from the long American sleep. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, a time when people will accept others as equals, when we will be independent. We are at the dawn of an age of brotherhood and fraternity.



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