This administration accused the Republican candidate Romney of outsourcing jobs while he was restructuring companies. What this administration does not want you to understand (political muddying of the water and how they like to do that) is that by allowing illegal aliens to enter the U.S. they are in effect outsourcing but some folks call it insourcing since these illegals are taking jobs for reduced wages from American citizens who would be paid a higher wage. Too much of the money being made by illegals is being transferred out of the U.S. in lieu of being recirculated within the U.S. thus creating more economic problems for the U.S. What all past administrations do not publicize is that our Balance of Payments Deficit has been negative for many, many years. We have been buying more that we have been selling to other countries resulting in a deficit. Does this deficit matter? You bet, as it is one more contribution to the demise of our economy. Some people state that we need to allow foreigners into the country and I believe that is legitimate as long as they come in legally and abide by the law. Other folks state that it does not matter since we need more younger people to support the growing older population and that is why the Administration and all previous administrations allowed illegals to cross the border without a challenge. If that is the case we Americans have only ourselves to blame as collectively the U.S. has had well over 50 million abortions since Roe versus Wade. We are self destructing. Americans need to realize that the Bible and the 10 Commandments were given to us by God as a very realistic and practical blueprint for living. If we continue to snub our nose at the Creator and His laws we will suffer even more as time goes on. He knows what is best for us that is why He has provided the Bible, Christian Tradition, Churches, priests, ministers and Rabbis, etc for us so that we will have life and have it more abundantly and ultimately save our souls. Sincere prayer to our Creator equals enlightenment! Why do we need enlightenment from our Creator? Can you really depend on the media and the biased educational system to provide enlightenment. In reality, most of them provide brainwashing for their hidden agendae and most of us swallow it, hook, line and sinker. Only the Creator will provide us with the truth because He is truth, itself. Something to think about and it would not hurt to pray sincerely to our Creator for enlightenment! What have you got to you lose?
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