The "Almost Immoral" Rich

4063262911?profile=originalVice President Joe Biden thinks it is “almost immoral” that the rich are not going to be taxed more than they are now on their incomes. What makes Biden come up with this kind of remark? The fact is that the lowest fifty percent pay only three percent of the income tax and the so-called rich pay 70 percent. Why is it almost immoral that they are not required to pay more?  Biden is indifferent on how the poor spend our money. Who or what is behind Biden’s remark? Let’s explore.


Biden and his colleagues are on a spending spree, bankrupting the nation, morally, spiritually, and fiscally. The money he takes from the rich and gives to the poor means that people are not going to be hired. It’s a double edge sword. What has Biden got to show after two years of being in charge?  Unemployment is higher and the national debt is at an all-time high.


Biden’s fraud lost big in the midterm election. And now Biden stands before us lying like a dog. It deserves comment when the Vice President makes such remarks—and Obama, too, whose arrogance is highly questionable.  We’ve never had a pair like these in high office.  What went wrong?


Since Obama and Biden, America has become significantly less secure, and now it looks like Obama will be successful in weakening our security in favor of Russia, who has never been our friend. Everything this pair does has a weakening effect on the nation. There has got to be a reason.  


All but the hardcore left have turned thumbs down to Biden and Obama.  One-world socialist billionaire George Soros and his shabby shadow government is what went wrong.  Soros, who has brought four governments down so far, knows what it takes: Joe Biden, a Soros pick, the control freak who loves to lord it over others, Biden’s type is in most of the key positions in the United States.  Yep, we’ve  got the conquering Philistines, the sea people of the Canaanites, Attila, the Hun, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and more lately Chavez. Once again, following the course of history, the fickle finger of fate is about to take America down.  


 Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, a Harvard man, prides himself with knowing God.  He tells us he had 12 years of Catholic schooling.  Bill lauds George Soros for the good he does.  O’Reilly is sitting on the fence.  Jesus said you can’t serve two masters. True, Soros gives millions to charities, and for an ulterior purpose.  Every dime Soros gives is to help his own cause.  I don’t give Bill much credit. If being a Harvard man isn’t enough, 12 years of Catholic schooling is quite enough to say brother Bill doesn’t know whether he is afoot or horseback.  


Soros, who sees himself blessed with superior awareness, knows nothing about the workings of the universe.  Obsessed with power, Soros knows the weaknesses of man here on earth, which he exploits. Obama and Biden are Soros pawns. Brother Bill admits he’s confused about their motives.  When you listen to Biden and Obama, you are hearing Soros stultiloquence (Latin for viscously, ungodly inspired pleading. It used to be subject to fine.)


I’ve never set foot in a law school. I know the law; those who have gone to law school don’t. I think that may be one of O’Reilly’s big problems. Seems to me that O’Reilly went to Harvard law school.  Obama is a Harvard lawyer, a Marxist who has a problem with the Constitution.  All of those Obama folks charitable Soros has had a hand in empowering are revolutionaries who have put on neckties and now hold respected positions. They remain with the same goals.  


Up jumped the devil. Soros didn’t count on the Tea Party. For the sake of our liberties, it is essential that the Tea Party be aware.


If you want to know how something works you take it apart and examine the parts. Soros and company have it all worked out for us.  They have envisioned a desirable end. Their end justifies the means they use, whatever it takes.  The end justifying the means does not work.  It turns into mayhem.  Hundreds of millions die to no avail.


The ancient Egyptian priests were very adept at taking the universe apart.  Pythagoras, who studied under Egyptian priests, known as the father of mathematics, used geometry, which he learned in Egypt, as his means of saying if this is so that is so.     


America doesn’t know what Jesus meant when he said in earth as it is in heaven. By the way, America was born under the sign of Aquarius and I’m Aquarius rising.  


What comes around goes around, excepting the Tea Party, which falls under Werner Heisenberg’s mathematical formula called the uncertainty principle, the forerunner of quantum mechanics.  Coincidentally, Heisenberg published the uncertainty principle in September 1925, the month and year of my birth.


Speaking of in earth like it is in heaven, that which Jesus said, there is progressive order in the universe. We are given increasing purpose. It runs through and links the ages.  When I was born, Saturn was trine Pluto. This means that I would have an understanding of the subtle workings of the universe. We are moving now from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, an age when brotherhood and fraternity will prevail.  We are leaving an age when people have been impressionable and weak willed. Clearly Soros and company are moving against the tide, yet the liberal press, like birds on a telephone wire chirping, “Obama is the Comeback Kid,” it is hard to believe how much in denial the liberal press is.  In “Custer’s last stand,” Custer won.  Yep, we’ve gone bonkers.



As to the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, there are immutable laws that govern the movements of the universe, but there are happenings the cutting edge of science has determined that are left to the selection of the mind. Behind this selection is the will.  The will is connected with a common control center we refer to as God, actually the supreme consciousness of the universe.  God is not an entity. It gives us the idea that God can be this or that, for earthbound authority’s benefit. We are blessed with conscious awareness. It is not limited to this or that. In the before reality world, we are observers with quantum minds that interact. We make our reality.   



I was born with Aquarius on the rise, which means that as I grew older I would become more Aquarian in nature, but not necessarily.  I possess choice and there are conflicting influences in my astrological makeup.  Uranus, which astrologers call my ruling planet, had traversed to a position opposing itself when I was born when I was in my forties.  To astrologers, it meant pressure to change.  It happened in my forties. My business enterprise went on the rocks and my wife divorced me, forcing me to change.


I made a clean break with the past. On Good Friday, 1975, I headed for Florida. My plan was to buy a live-aboard sailboat and sail the South Atlantic.  I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life. I had not planned it, but quite by the movements of the planets I became Aquarius in nature, and more lately have discovered that Jesus and Aquarius have a lot in common. It is interesting that the first day of my new life was Easter Sunday, 1975.     


Shortly after my departure, by chance, I met an astrologer.  For the fun of it, I had him create my astrological chart.  I was not impressed, at least at the time. Although it didn’t fit me at the time, I grew into my astrological predictions.


After spending two years at sea, during which time miracles occurred, I departed my sea life captain of my ship. The miracles continued.  In 2001, retired and nothing better to do with my time, I decided to write my memoirs. One morning, first thing, I wrote down my thoughts. I’ve being doing that ever since.  The events of my life connect. 


Before my departure, if anything could go wrong it did. After my departure, when everything could have easily gone wrong, everything went right. Today all of my dreams have come true.  I don’t think it was the luck of the draw.


I draw a comparison in what took place in my life and what is taking place in America.  There came the time when I was forced to change.  I looked within for my answers. They turned out to be right. Hearing Joe Biden tell America he thought it “almost immoral” that the rich are not going to be taxed more caused me to wonder how he could make such a statement.  Biden was talking to the socialists, communists, and anarchists, the easily impressed and weak willed Americans who encouraged to hate America. This easily understandable scenario what Soros uses to bring governments down.  


The choice is yours.  It takes determination to keep your freedom.







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  • We have established on thing here...If it is almost immoral to be rich, then I am very likely the most moral man in America......
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