We read here,"’If you're the ruling party, this is not the sort of thing you want to have happening two weeks before an election,’ said Andrew Biggs, a former deputy commissioner at the Social Security Administration and now a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.” He was speaking to the no cost of living increases for those on Social Security, for the second year.
The Nevada Senate race is interesting. Everyone knows that Senator Harry Reid is responsible for runaway government spending, and that government entitlements are the number one reason. Opponent Sharon Angle calls for privatizing Social Security. The election could go either way. Angle would have been a cinch to win had she been less specific about the way to cut spending. Angle is the Tea Party pick, not the Republican Party pick. In any event, whether or not Reid wins, the Republicans are going to regain control. But beware! Remember George Bush and "compassionate conservatives."
We are looking at a repeat performance. In the 1994 election, the Republicans won control. What happens after the 2010 election, when the Republicans get serious about balancing the budget at the expense of government entitlements? If I know Republicans, in the face of the Democrats’ blistering personal attacks, say what you want, but Republicans wimp out every time. They fear losing the election. Where does that leave the Tea Party? Remember the Alamo.
The Tea Party got its name from the Boston Tea Party—rebels against the King’s tax. In 1933, Roosevelt told the American people government had a duty to keep us from starving. He gave us the New Deal—the King’s tax. The Supreme Court turned the New Deal down, stating that it did not pass constitutional muster.
Keeping the American people from starving involves property. Whose property? Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointee to the Supreme Court, said property is only the means, claiming the Court had made the mistake of making the means the end. Brandeis’ statement was in direct opposition of the principles and values established in America’s Constitution. Remember that America’s Supreme Court passed judgment on white people owning black people—blacks as no different than cows and mules. Over and over, it has been proven that the Supreme Court’s integrity is no better than politicians’ integrity. Roosevelt’s New Deal did not pass the test of reason fundamental to the law. Democrats used strong arm tactics to force New Deal law on America. The Court capitulated.
Roosevelt sold the American people on a lawless walk down a garden path, to the current dead end. It is government’s duty to provide an environment of equal opportunity. Therefore, it is up to the Tea Party to turn America around and head us back to the beginning of Roosevelt’s, and now Obama’s lawless, unconstitutional walk. After the election, the Tea Party’s work continues. First and foremost, every worker has the right to exist on the fruits of his own labor, which means that any and every law resembling Roosevelt’s New Deal must be totally phased out—no compromises. The Higher Law, background of American constitutional law, cannot be compromised without dire results.