The Boundaries of Hypocrisy

There appears to be no boundaries to hypocrisy nowadays.  The budget "cuts" were not cuts of any kind, but merely a small reduction in the amount of SPENDING.  It is a step forward, but a very small one, and in some ways a step backwards, by not addressing the real problem of spending.  With a current 1.65 TRILLION budget deficit facing us, and less than .05% reduction in spending, we're on a real down-slide.  It's not a roller-coaster anymore.  It's a tobaggan on an ice-covered slope with a really big tree at the bottom that you hit head-first.  (Been there for that one.)  Understanding Boehner's position in relation to reality, is difficult.  Needing to take some action, or any action, was probably  his thinking, but if he'd been listening at all, he'd have insisted on not just the 100 billion originally talked about, but the additional 105 billion that Michelle Bachman insisted on that dealt with ObamaCare.  Let the government shut down...let the usurper on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue veto a bill and defund our troops...MAKE THE TRAITORS OWN THEIR OWN TREASONOUS POLICIES.

This is where we've gotten to...a complete abdication by anyone with any ability, or power, to take the necessary actions needed to correct a fatal decent into tyranny and misery.

I guess it helps when you don't have to pay for your own gas, or pump it, either.

We have a saying down here in the South---"Shut 'er down, Leon...she's pumpin' mud!!!"

This administration is pumping a whole lot more than that, and it's about the same texture, only smells worse.

It's way past time to start righting the "ship of state."  First thing to do, is throw the captain overboard for running it aground on purpose. 



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  • The Debt Ceiling and next years Budget are bigger potatoes.  In this latest budget battle we made the Democrats look wacko as they go around saying Republicans want to kill women.  Great politics and yes politics is involved like it or not.  We need the public on our side so we can win Chuck The Schmuck Schumer's 3 branches of Government. (Hosue, Senate, Presidency and that is what Schumer said the 3 branches of Government are)  We can accomplish this in 2012 and would have in 2010 if all 100 Senate seats and the Presidency was up. Keep the 2010 game plan.  Be patient  we crawled the other day but it was forward and on the Debt Ceiling and 2012 Budget we must walk forward and then after 2012 victory we run forward.  Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
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